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Posts posted by neil

  1. Quote

    In September, me and my oldest partner in adventure Welsh Greg will be embarking on our grandest adventure to date. Boston to Miami, by any means possible (aka "How not to travel America"). To take this trip to the next level, I'm calling upon the willing and able east coasters  among you to help us out with a few things (details below)

    This ain't gonna go well for ol' Geowizard and Greg I suspect.

  2. Yeah our cops would make you pour them away too. Even if you did the whole "dunno how them bottles got in that plastic bag on the floor officer" routine. Doesn't really seem like something they could force you to do but we always went along with it.

    One funny time was when we were all pissed up 15 year olds and walking around town and bumped into 5-6 of our teachers rolling out of a pub. It was very much them going "what are you lot doing?" and us going "well what are YOU lot doing?".

  3. 2 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Who remembers the adult bloke who would always hang around with kids and drive them around and buy their booze? Every town had one, our town had loads. It wasn’t an alpha thing either because they’d always be submissive to the head teen honcho but they weren’t bottom rung either. Political correctness gone mad and paedo hunters have pretty much killed off this breed of wretch. Basically Meggy from This is England.


    We didn't have a bloke like this, but there was this one bird who literally looked like Meggy in my town who always had the shit ripped out of her, but she could buy booze and so we ended up hanging out with her. Highlight of the night was turning around and seeing my mate getting off with her to everyones shock.

  4. Remember scrapping together enough money amongst your mates and sending in the one that had the most chin pubes to get some bevvies to get your wild Friday night of walking around the streets or trekking to some weird field? What were you buying mate?

    For me, your classic 90s lad it was one of:

    Fosters Ice - cheap, easy to drink, stronger than regular Fosters and came in a delightfully thin glass bottle that meant you could smash them in a very satisfactory way

    K Cider - don't remember this being all that cheap, but well strong. The inverse of Fosters Ice in that these bottles were thick as fuck, almost unbreakable, but made for a good weapon

    Diamond White - similar the above

    Carlsberg Elephant Beer - this packed a fucking punch, tasted awful

    White Lightning - the classic, a rare choice though mainly because of how rancid it is

    I avoided the other normal choices like Hooch and MD 20/20. A mate of mine used to get this disgusting strong wine, maybe a spirit, that I can't remember the name of now, think it started with an L.

  5. 3 hours ago, wordsfromlee said:

    She asked us what we were watching and said "oh, I love this film!", opened the can, sat down and made her self at home with us. That's when me and my one mate had a moment of clarity and realised it was Saturday night and we were sitting on a sofa with a naked, budget stripper, watching movies and drinking cans of Carlsberg together. We looked at our watches and noticed that if we leave now we can still make it for last orders somewhere

    Wait...so did you bring the stripper with you coz she sounded alright.

  6. Many UK stag-do's just sound like doing the nastiness shit imaginable and then weirdly going "I love you mate, I'm made up for your wedding with Stace...sorry about the broken leg, face tattoo and police record for indecency. Bit of a giggle tho weren't it?"

  7. 52 minutes ago, Factotum said:

    I find Dave Grohl annoying. The Foo Fighters are OK I suppose (not to me, but I can sort of see the appeal) but Dave's 'aw shucks' routine really grates on me. He's so Rock and Roll he loves Obama.

    Also the whole thing around him now 'Oh everyone loves Dave Grohl' is doubly irritating (though not his fault)

    This is an unpopular opinion? I thought most felt this way. I hate how he tells a "funny" story as a segue to a song.

    "Hey guys so listen up...so there I was the other day right, just in a fucking tesco yeah? And I'm walking around and I see some grapes and they look fucking great. So I put them in my basket but I was hungry so I ate a couple no big deal right? Just a couple fucking grapes and they were GOOOOOD <crowd cheers> YOU GUYS FUCKING ROCK! So I grab a couple other things and I'm at the self-checkout, I mean self-checkouts fucking BLOW right guys? <someone in crowd yells something sycophantic> This guy gets it! I put in the code for regular apples but these were ORGANIC. The worker comes over to me and says 'You did ring them in as organic right?' and I'm fucking sweating because of the grape eating thing right? So I turn around and say I GOT ANOTHER CONFESSION TO MAKE..."

    <crowd goes wild>

  8. Loved watching Warne absolutely wreck the tory England cricket team, especially Mike Gatting. His bowling style was just insane with a wrist-action that in times like this Thunderplex wishes he could be into use.

  9. On 3/1/2022 at 6:20 PM, Chest Rockwell said:

    Have a word with yourself! You've been out there far too long clearly. American pancakes are inferior in every way.

    They're better than Dutch pancakes though at least, I'll give them that.

    I will say that I enjoy a savory crepe. But your standard UK pancake day crepe...nah...give me the fat stack of fluffy yankee cakes drenched in maple syrup.

  10. On 2/24/2022 at 6:42 PM, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Today I learned people think microwaving cheese to spread on toast is a perfectly normal thing to do. 

    Not that I'm on the side of the cheese microwavers, but you and your "gravy" ain't one to talk.

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