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Posts posted by neil

  1. Any romantic scene where the people involved haven't been able to brush their teeth for days or its set in a historic period and they talk to each other in a loving embrace mere inches apart but yet don't seem phased by the obvious rancid stench of their breath.

    Same thing applies to oral sex in these things. I just don't believe anyone is having a nosh on weeks old unwashed willies and fannies.

  2. On 1/26/2022 at 3:30 PM, neil said:

    I did not jinx myself, but I did end up turning them down because they used a recruiter who totally lied to get me in the door. Told me I was being considered as a senior manager when the hiring manager obviously had no clue of that, unfortunately for the recruiter their plan failed when I reached out to the hiring manager and asked to talk about how comes this offer isn't for the job I was told I was going to be offered.

    Really don't understand why recruiters do this shit, guess they hope that people just decide to go along with it.

    One more twist in this...about a week after I turned this down they made 20% of their staff redundant. Weren't in the areas I work in so I doubt I would've been impacted, but not a good sign for the company overall and glad I moved on from this offer.

  3. Yeah definitely agree that unfortunately this is someone who probably isn't a good manager. One way of finding out for sure would be to gently push back on things like "meeting to discuss the previous meeting" and other inefficient practices. Potentially a bit of a risk doing so of course, but may make the new manager realise that they are going down a bad path...especially if its a common feeling and could lead to attrition.

    I generally find the new manager coming in and making bold changes is an awful move. I feel like you have to come in making no changes and just listening for a bit to get the lay of the land so you can then roll out meaningful change without pissing off a bunch of people.

  4. 52 minutes ago, Max Power said:

    So as a percentage that means that Trump has a 28.5% chance of winning whereas Biden has a 22.5% chance (in the eyes of the bookies of course).

    Yeah but add Bernie Sanders into the mix and then they have at most a 33 and 1/3 chance of winning, but Trump has a 66 and 2/3 chance because Biden KNOWS he can't beat Trump with Bernie in the mix. So if you take Biden's 33 and 1/3rd chance minus Trump's 28.5% chance and he has 4 and 3/4s chance of winning. So if you take Trump's 78.5% chance if its just Trump and Biden and add 66 and 2/3'rds percents then Trump has a 145 and 1/10ths chance of winning. The numbers don't lie and Trump will win at US PRESIDENT 2024.

  5. Is that prosciutto??

    Eggs and toast look alright. Although that toast does look like the classic mugging off where a single slice is cut in half to be "2 pieces toast".

  6. 1 hour ago, scratchdj said:

    There’s absolutely nothing about a fry up I don’t like and will have everything on offer. I find black pudding to be the item most places skip on

    The one exception I have is the grilled tomato (or even worse - tinned). Agree that black pudding used to be hard to find, but seemed to have a bit of a comeback and could be found at most places.

  7. I feel like generally all fandoms of anything all descend into toxic cesspits. Whether that is sports/film/music/politics its all a race towards "I love <x> more than you". I was just thinking of this as its SuperBowl weekend in the US which means social media will get filled full of morons destroying their TVs depending on what team loses and it made me think that you rarely see the actual athletes getting being that level of upset and that there is no way as a fan you could ever try and say "yeah well it means more to me than them" - you haven't spent years of your life endlessly training and working towards that goal, you're literally just sitting there watching so any act like smashing your TV set up clearly is just that...an act.

  8. On 2/6/2022 at 2:44 PM, wordsfromlee said:

    The Tinder Swindler (Netflix)

    While this was enjoyable and I feel sorry for the women involved, there was more red flags than a Trump rally. Although the third woman spoken to is an absolute badass.

    Yeah I watched that and thought that last lass played it brilliantly, she did not give a fuck. That said, despite all those warning signs that was a masterclass in scamming someone. I think the core thing was those women were attracted to his alleged wealth and status no doubt, but the real genius was that he'd parlay multiple women so he could do the initial showing of having that much money for real. If someone invited me and I got to go on a private jet, stay in a fancy hotel, expensive dinner etc etc then later on got asked "could you lend me some money" then yeah I could see how I'd be like "well he clearly has it to pay back so whats the risk". Another smart thing he did was to pull the "just a bit more" move as well where the women felt like unless they coughed up more money they wouldn't be able to get back what they originally gave him.

    All in all, I think its very easy to watch this kind of thing and laugh at the victims and say it was obvious, but I do think when you're in a situation like this its not as simple.

  9. Thank fuck some other people posted photos so we got a break from the "doing it wrong" police. Get t'fuck with those comments. Someone in the thread earlier mentioned "fried slice with butter"...I'm a fan of EATCLEAN but my god that is a bold move.

    Living in yankee land I won't have any recent photos unless I debase myself and go to an "irish bar" and get a "full irish", but back in my Essex days my favourite ever cafe was The Log Cabin in Romford (Abridge if you want to be posh). An absolute mad looking spot considering its in the Essex countryside - a real legit log cabin complete with fire place, bear furs, and various bits of americana on the wall. Check out this video:

    Now you're probably thinking "sounds like a gimmicky shit hole you bellend". But trust me this place knocked out just perfect fry-ups. Like most I have an opinion on what the dream fry-up is, but their set breakfast was perfection: 2 fried eggs, sausage, bacon, choice of tomato/beans (correct choice)/tinned spaghetti (baby's choice), toast and mug of tea. And it was fucking fantastic - I'm incredibly hungry just remembering this place. Even if the set breakfast didn't do it for you then just order "a la carte" as the french say, expansive menu with some fantastic options. I'd often go with the set breakfast, add bubble & squeak, mushrooms, and either another round of toast or fried slice. I'm not a chips with fry-up kind of person but theres were fantastic, right up there with the best of any chippie.

    While looking up this place I sadly saw they have closed down during covid and have been quiet since. Gutted to think they may be done for good.

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