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Posts posted by neil

  1. On 1/20/2022 at 5:39 PM, neil said:

    feeling confident about getting an offer from them (gonna jinx myself)

    I did not jinx myself, but I did end up turning them down because they used a recruiter who totally lied to get me in the door. Told me I was being considered as a senior manager when the hiring manager obviously had no clue of that, unfortunately for the recruiter their plan failed when I reached out to the hiring manager and asked to talk about how comes this offer isn't for the job I was told I was going to be offered.

    Really don't understand why recruiters do this shit, guess they hope that people just decide to go along with it.

  2. I agree David. The worst thing about CM Punk's UFC period was the UFC fans (shocker). The only issue I somewhat agreed with was him jumping ahead of other fighters and being on a main card, but at the same time he was a name and a draw. Ultimately I don't think it really reflected poorly on the UFC, if anything it showed that MMA isn't something you can just "jump into" and that it takes both skill and insane dedication to become a top tier fighter.

  3. A timely bump to this thread as I had a bump on my arsehole in the form of the chalfonts in the last week. Luckily not that often for me, but this time embarrassing as I think it occurred from a massive fart I did.

  4. Ain't that just Parmentier Potatoes?


    In other food news I recently did this roast chicken:

    Normally I do a roast chicken in a very hot oven with the results being great but always end up smoking my entire place up. This is low and slow and I have to admit was really good, not only juicy but the skin was surprisingly crisp.

  5. I'm currently in the awkward position of interviewing at one place, and feeling confident about getting an offer from them (gonna jinx myself), while having my current company move me into a new position (their choice not mine) and that teams leadership being all like "we're excited to have you join us". Kind of makes me feel like an arsehole, but while it would suck for them if I was to resign at this point thats not my problem at the end of the day.

  6. 45 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    2 so far this month....so do I have to stop for the year now?

    Nah keep going...for science

    15 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

    What about haddocks?

    Sounds like a scotch thing

  7. 58 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Was gonna just have ramen noodle soup tonight, but read the forum on the train home and well...


    Floppy dick Friday it is!

    How many saveloys you having a year? Anything over 2 per year is dangerous.

  8. 3 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

    I wasn't even slightly thinking about a chippy tea and then I read this FB waffle.


    Fish for tea tonight it is.

    First 4 paragraphs are on point...the rest is complete drivel and the kind of shit you'd see spun into a shitty t-shirt "THIS IS MY CHIPPY TEA-SHIRT"

  9. 26 minutes ago, Michael_3165 said:

    Personally I voted for him, but I think the England is rather centre right and won't ever abide a truly socialist government. Which is bizarre as the NHS was built on socialist principles. 

    I'd say it tends to be that shit habit of human nature where when you already have a thing that you benefit from then removing it is unacceptable but the thought of having some of your money being used to benefit someone else is also unacceptable. This is highly visible in the USA where if you look on paper you find most "socialism is evil" types are fully in favour of massive government funding from military to farmers. The right will say "but who is going to pay for this?" and the left will go "rich people init" rather than being direct and having people somehow wrap their head around "the greater good" and all that.

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