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Keith Houchen

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Posts posted by Keith Houchen

  1. 36 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    I did a sitcom poll a few years ago but can't remember if I did a shitcom one with it. Which renders this comment completely pointless but I'm going to post it anyway because I wrote it out after all.


  2. Just because you don't vote tory, it doesn't make you left wing.  In fact, even if you vote Labour, it doesn't make you left wing.  It's the classic thing of narrowing the spectrum so what used to be centre is now on the edge.  Fuck that, centrist arseholes.

  3. In preparation for seeing Fallout next week, we watched 3 last night.  According to IMDB, the Benji role was initially written for Ricky Gervais but he had schedule conflicts.  Thank fuck for that.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Dead Mike said:

    The biggest issue is people pretending that someone who was obviously joking was being serious.

    The Dillinger one was legitimately said by Cee Lo Green as a defence though, so I can see why that could be thought of as not being meant as a joke because some people legitimately believe it.

  5. 1 hour ago, Louch said:

    Too many people with too much time on their hands trying to get people into trouble , than focus on The real issues we face today 

    How do you know they aren't?  This line always gets trotted out about more important things to focus on.  People aren't limited to 3 campaigns at a time you know.

    When past mistakes involve maintaining the status quo of oppression, like rape jokes do, I'd say it is an issue we face today.  It's different when a kid like SpuraRiot says something than when a grown man like that Guardians Of The Galaxy director does.

    However, you're totally right that WWE can hardly take the high ground given what they were producing at the time they tweeted their edge lord stuff.

  6. 2 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

    I'm a little uncomfortable with raking people over the coals for making dumb jokes on Twitter when Twitter was still just some small social media startup.

    By all means, if somebody has said something really crossing a line - even when the context of whatever time period it was said in is taken into account  - hold them accountable but the "it's not rape if you yell surprise" 'joke' is old as shit and not particularly offensive since it is clearly meant as a joke, not a set of instructions.

    It might not be a funny or original joke, but it's still a joke and I'm not brimming with enthusiasm for the idea that jokes that are clearly jokes, poor taste or no, should be policed years after the fact.

    You're just worried that if your stand up or journalism takes off, people might find your BNP supporting posts from all those years back, aren't you ;) 

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