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Keith Houchen

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Posts posted by Keith Houchen

  1. 20 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    It seems to be getting shared unironically on Twitter, too, looking at that hashtag, which also seems to be associated with lots of "herbalist/nutritionist" bullshit.

    I hope you aren't questioning the sound scientific research of David Avacado Wolfe. 

  2. 41 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

    Best part is, how I feel isn’t unusual. When people see dogs being abused they’ll say the human doing it deserves all sorts. People get furious if a lion is shot by some rich bloke on holiday. Imagine the backlash if someone started a thread on how they like to drown kittens. If I apply the same logic to all animals apparently I’m putting myself on some pedestal. People get unsettled if they see a video of a dog being set on fire shared on Facebook, but because society has conditioned people to value the lives of animals differently I’m supposed to be okay walking through Tesco surrounded by corpses.

    I think the whole horsemeat in lasagne thing we had showed up a lot of how attitudes are based on habit and social norms.  Sure, there's the legitimate problem of not being told accurately what was in the product you bought, but some people were all "Eurgh, eating a horse" and hate Korean footballers buying yorkie terrier meat, but if they'd had it served up to them all their lives, they wouldn't have given a fuck.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Uncle Zeb said:

    Contestants on Pointless who say "It's not my strong point" when a subject comes up. Every. Single. Day.

    Also contestants who've been told they're safely through to the next round even if the next answer they give is wrong, who then proceed to say "Well I think I know one of the more obscure ones [which could add £250 to the jackpot], but I'm going to play it safe and go with..."

    Whoever has the best record goes first in the head to head though, can make all the difference.

  4. 8 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    This always comes up in pub quizzes, when there's a music or movie question.

    "Oh, I wouldn't know that, it's before my time".

    Obviously, yeah, it's not like they fucking recorded it or anything.

    I usually ask them who won the World Cup in 1966. "Oh but that's different"

  5. 1 minute ago, Carbomb said:

    People who replace their profile photos with pictures of their kids, especially an entire bloody sequence of them. Yes, you love your kids, but you are not them, and there was a person there before they were born.

    They are always the ones who repost the "DON'T ACCEPT A FRIEND REQUEST FROM PETE O'PHILE!!! THEY ARE TRYING TO GET PICTURES OF YOUR KIDS FOR THEIR FILTHY NONCERY!!!" things you see without any self awareness whatsoever.

  6. 20 minutes ago, Your Fight Site said:

    Brexit literally makes me want to run a mile from Britain.

    You'll only end up in the sea, you'd need to go further.

    But seriously, sorry to hear that.  You're clearly a talented chap and I'm sure your skills, expertise and experience will mean you'll be snapped up sooner rather than later.  Plus you've got the freelance to keep things ticking over.  All the best to you.

  7. 6 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    New one, particularly pertinent to myself, typing in the nosebleeds at Wembley right now - 40something or older blokes who shout very concise things at the football. Like, not exasperated involuntary expulsions (this is the only emotion I link to football right now) like "Out!" or "Come on!" or "DAVIES' BALL, FUCK SAKE" but like, considered actual instructions as though the players (manager, ref, assistants) can hear them. There is a bloke sat near me, literally as far from pitchside as Wembley gets ; his back is to the wall. And he's shouting "Can we get a proper referee, please?" and "Two nil's not a winning score, boys!" - nobody can hear you, you utter fuckwit! Who are these men that think their voice carries that far??? Is this for the entertainment of other fans? Am I supposed to nod in agreement as the lummox two rows back bellows "You've got to move it quicker, boys! Don't let them settle on the ball!" at the top of his voice? Mystifying.

    Count yourself lucky you aren't a boxing fan.  Loads of out of shape blokes throwing jabs and straights at an invisible opponent to coach the athlete in the ring.

  8. 2 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

    Not taking a side either way as to avoid being dragged into the debate, but what's the deal with trying to make Vegan food look or taste like "regular" food?

    What's the appeal to having meat-free food look like fish and chips or burgers? Is it to try and convince people to turn vegan by being as close to the real thing as possible, or is it just a fun gimmick?

    Because for the majority, becoming vegan isn't about taste, but ethics.  Anecdotal of course, but I know plenty of people who miss the taste of a bacon sarnie or a steak, but they wouldn't have one because of their ethical outlook.  By having a taste similar that is meat free, you are appealing to a big market.  And that's ultimately why we have meat free meat or fishless fingers, economics.

  9. They ended the season far better than they started it! Still the third worse record though, I think the next two years are rebuilds providing Jose Abreu stays put. We are a Red Sox house for the postseason, but I won't be borrowing a jersey from my other half, certainly not her Schilling one!  Think I'll wear my Sale White Sox shirt and weep.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

    Imagine having such a fragile grasp on your masculinity and humanity that you identify yourself as a 'carnivore'. I've seen it bounded around by those who take great offence to vegans/vegetarians and it always makes me chuckle.

    I started using "Carnibore" to describe such people.

    And let's be honest.  David is right, most people don't give a fuck about how the animal lived and died.  The only time it's an issue for some people is when the meat is halal, then suddenly they've become animal welfare advocates.

  11. 5 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

    Nah that was FH2. I bloody hope so anyway! I remember being a bit gutted as I already had the game.

    Ah, so it was.  It was a deals with gold, my mistake.  Think it was 15 or 20 quid well spent, and got Blizzard Island for one fiddy.

  12. 1 hour ago, UK Kat Von D said:

    The meat industry are the ones on the extreme side, they slaughter 15 billion sentient beings a year. That is extreme. They are on the extreme level, not the people who are trying to change attitudes.

    There was one of those "Breakfast TV debates" with a farmer and a vegan campaigner a few months back.  The farmer started by saying how they have school days where the kids see every aspect of his farming to show how cruelty free it is.  The campaigner repeatedly asked "Do you show them inside the slaughterhouse".

    Spoiler - no he didn't.

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