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Posts posted by RoryFice

  1. Anyone else seen those Bitstrip cartoons that have been appearing on Facebook lately? Think you can make a cartoon version of yourself and add yourself and your friends to different comic strips. Been seeing a few of those this weekend and have to say I haven't found any of them funny or entertaining. Or maybe that's just me being miserable. Seems to have caught on very quickly and I don't actually see what's so good about it.



    Funnily enough, I've only seen female friends use them LCJ. And indeed, none have been funny. Says it all really.


    In the past day two of my female friends have posted about 20 of these between them. Prime candidates for deletion.

  2. My cousin sent me a text to ask a wrestling question last week. Here's the gist of it:


    Can you think of a wrestler from the eighties/nineties with long, possibly curly blonde hair who runs his fingers through his hair on his intro / entrance? We can't remember his name but think our (female) boss looks like him.


    What wrestler's name do you think she is struggling to remember? The answer is below.


    My suggestions:


    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    Mr Perfect, Shawn Michaels, Tom Prichard



    Who it has apparently turned out to be:


    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    Randy Savage




  3. It has got the point now where I'm actually reading things like this, just to see how ridiculous they are:


    Be Alert & Cautious / Must read!! A man came over and offered his services as a painter to a female who was putting gas in her car and left his card. She said no, but accepted his card out of kindness and got in the car. The man then got into a car driven by another gentleman. As the lady left the service station, she saw the men following her out of the station at the same time. Almost immediately, she started to feel dizzy and could not catch her breath. She tried to open the window and realized that the odor was on her hand; the same hand which accepted the card from the gentleman at the gas station. She then noticed the men were immediately behind her and she felt she needed to do something at that moment. She drove into the first driveway and began to honk her horn repeatedly to ask for help. The men drove away but the lady still felt pretty bad for several minutes after she could finally catch her breath. Apparently, there was a substance on the card that could have seriously injured her. This drug is called 'BURUNDANGA' and it is used by people who wish to incapacitate a victim in order to steal from or take advantage of them like REPEATED GANG RAPE. This drug is four times more dangerous than the date rape drug and is transferable on simple cards. So take heed and make sure you don't accept cards at any given time alone or from someone on the streets. This applies to those making house calls and slipping you a card when they offer their services . PLEASE SEND THIS E-MAIL ALERT TO EVERY FEMALE YOU KNOW
  4. I'm shocked to say that most people on my facebook post funny & interesting stuff. Unfortunately that means that the morons stand out a lot more, like this guy:


    Fuck off e-on you robbing bastards and to top off there robbing shit ive done in my hand :(


    Getting pissed the fuck off with every cunt giving Monty chocolate its his main fucking word causes tantrums and is bad for his mouth. It better stop fucking now!!!


    FUCKING RAGING!!!!! Lawer appointment it is tomorrow morning.might seem easy going and let things go but i know my fucking rights!


    I must look up easy-going in the dictionary to clarify what it means. Oh, and of course, the all-time classic:


    Bored is an understatement.
  5. I think it was Baron Von Rashke

    I think that was his only appearence in WWF


    He made at least one TV appearance, managing them in a squash match. He was definitely gone before Survivor Series


    Is Val Venis still signed to WWE?


    I imagine he's a stick on to have a match over the next few weeks if he is.


    I don't think Venis has been signed with WWE for a few years now, unless he was signed again in some capacity after his short TNA run.

  6. Cheers Tommy & Ian. I knew there was more than one occasion and that it happened at least once at MSG, but I thought it was Survivor Series 1996 rather than Summerslam 1998. Just watched Austin vs Hart from 1996 so knew I'd got mixed up from another show!

  7. Apart from there being no ads in this month's Powerslam, I also don't recall seeing an article from Stately Wayne Manor/Ernie Satelli, is that a first?


    I thought that as well. I flicked through my brother's copy of PS at the weekend and didn't see his normal column. I'm sure he was still listed a contributing writer though.

  8. I think that was the worst Prizefighter i've ever seen.


    The officials were completely useless. How did that knockdown by McBride on Skelton not count as far as the ref was concerned? He was all over the place trying to get back up.


    Yeah, Prizefighter was really lacklustre last night. The previous few tournaments were far superior to it.

  9. The French did it for a while. I know they were on a shedload of 1997 PPVS. I remember Ray Rougeau, but who were the others?


    Jean Brassard was the only other French announcer that I can recall. From my basic understanding of French and looking at his general demeanour he seemed to be the more excitable of the two commentators. I remember him referring to WM13 as "l'extraordinaire de WWF".

  10. Was just watching the Hart and Soul dvd and just seen the Harts v Shawn Michaels and the Knights match. Who were the men under the Knight masks? Anyone particularly famous?

    I cant remember which is which but a quick internet search will probably tell you. The three were Barry Horowitz, Greg Valentine and Jeff Gaylord.
  11. Did anyone else watch the Super-Bantamweight Prizefighters on Sky this weekend? I just watched it with my mate and thought it was really good and a bit better than the cruiserweight one in April.


    I wont spoil it for anyone that hasnt yet seen it, but I'd advise that you watch one of the repeat showings if any are left. There's a couple of all-out wars to be seen.

  12. Anyone else going to be watching Herbie Hide tear it up on Prizefighters tomorrow night?


    Prizefighter returns later this month with former WBO heavyweight champion Herbie Hide among the contenders in the second cruiserweights competition.


    Prizefighter Cruiserweights II takes place on Friday, April 30 at the York Hall in Bethnal Green, east London.


    Eddie Hearn, Matchroom Sport

  13. You're not Willie Twiston-Davies are you?


    Fair do's on getting Pigeon Island at 40/1 considering what it's SP was in the end


    I was going batshit crazy at the end of the race, but I wasnt running about like Willie Twiston-Davies was earlier. I just jumped up and down like a loony and then danced like Akeem. I was in my living room rather than the bookies, so I managed to get away with it.

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