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Posts posted by RoryFice



    Does anyone have any idea which wrestler has the most appearances on a WWF/E PPV without gaining a victory?


    I was thinking Koko B Ware then recalled he was on the winning side in a Survivor Series match. Plus there are likely some more recent candidates once the 12 PPV per year era started.


    There seem to be a couple of websites detailing win/loss records but all I can find are Wrestlemania specific records or more recent PPV years only.


    Why I want to find out this useless fact is a mystery to me!


    I've asked Mookieghana if his stats could answer that easily. I guess it depends on whether you count people who were eliminated in a Survivor Series match but their team won.


    EDIT: Initial thoughts from Mookie: If you don't count UK shows, the answer is probably Jacqueline with 9 losses. If you do count UK shows, it's probably Adam Bomb on 7. In both cases, that's including Survivors Series as their teams always lost.



    Cheers John! Would it not be the other way round though? I can't recall Adam Bomb ever wrestling on a UK ppv.


    Wiki also tells me Jacqueline won a bikini contest over Sable via disqualification at Fully Loaded 1998 (how could I forget!). It's a PPV victory but not a wrestling match. How unnecessary complicated!


    Does anyone have any idea which wrestler has the most appearances on a WWF/E PPV without gaining a victory?


    I was thinking Koko B Ware then recalled he was on the winning side in a Survivor Series match. Plus there are likely some more recent candidates once the 12 PPV per year era started.


    There seem to be a couple of websites detailing win/loss records but all I can find are Wrestlemania specific records or more recent PPV years only.


    Why I want to find out this useless fact is a mystery to me!


    I've asked Mookieghana if his stats could answer that easily. I guess it depends on whether you count people who were eliminated in a Survivor Series match but their team won.


    EDIT: Initial thoughts from Mookie: If you don't count UK shows, the answer is probably Jacqueline with 9 losses. If you do count UK shows, it's probably Adam Bomb on 7. In both cases, that's including Survivors Series as their teams always lost.



    Cheers John! Would it not be the other way round though? I can't recall Adam Bomb ever wrestling on a UK ppv.

  3. I'm guessing you mean matches as opposed to just appearances because that would then surely be Howard Finkel or Liking Garcia or someone of that ilk




    Someone posted recently that Sheamus passed 200 televised victories, the most in WWE history. This then got me thinking about the Ultimate Warrior and his win/loss record.

    Was the Warrior ever pinned cleanly in his career. I can only think of three times that he was ever pinned (Rick Rude, Sgt Slaughter and Hollywood Hogan) but all of those were by underhanded tactics


    I don't think the Warrior was ever pinned cleanly once he joined the WWF and became Ultimate.

  4. Does anyone have any idea which wrestler has the most appearances on a WWF/E PPV without gaining a victory?


    I was thinking Koko B Ware then recalled he was on the winning side in a Survivor Series match. Plus there are likely some more recent candidates once the 12 PPV per year era started.


    There seem to be a couple of websites detailing win/loss records but all I can find are Wrestlemania specific records or more recent PPV years only.


    Why I want to find out this useless fact is a mystery to me!



    Wrestlemania 4 would be a good guess without doing any real thinking.


    From looking, this is correct. 16 matches at IV compared to 15 at Manias VI - VII and 14 at Mania V.



    I'm guessing Deadly Game holds the record for a non-Wrestlemania event. Again, due to the tournament format - 14 matches (plus three on Heat and a dark match).



    Have already proven my guess to be wrong as The Wrestling Classic had 15 matches.


    Wrestlemania 4 would be a good guess without doing any real thinking.


    From looking, this is correct. 16 matches at IV compared to 15 at Manias VI - VII and 14 at Mania V.



    I'm guessing Deadly Game holds the record for a non-Wrestlemania event. Again, due to the tournament format - 14 matches (plus three on Heat and a dark match).

  7. When was the last time that circumstances beyond WWE's control forced them to completely alter their plans for a full Raw show? I'm thinking the airspace disruption a few years ago following the volcanic eruptions in Iceland. Unfortunately that resulted in one of the worst Raw shows in living memory.


    However, that was with a skeleton crew, I'd be very surprised if WWE didn't have everyone on hand early in Hartford given this weather was forecast a few days ago.


    I remember Triple H once saying that somebody he was facing was like a turd that never went away, no matter how many times he flushed the toilet. That's TNA. We've been saying they'll be out of business within six months since day one. They'll be going for the GMTV slot next year.


    In case you were interested the wrestler in question was Owen "the nugget" Hart. 


    On a side note, comparing TNA Wrestling to Owen Hart is blasphemy! Poor Owen. :(


    He also said it about Mick Foley too, who I'm pretty certain took the huff about it.

  9. Someone's scanned up the itinerary they gave to the wrestlers and crew when they came over for Summerslam 92.




    I'm assuming the L.Henning is Larry, was he an agent with WWF at the time?


    Just read Jim Duggan's book and he mentioned taking his dad over there so don't know if the company let a few of them bring guests. J Hart I would also assume to be Julie which I seem to remember being mentioned in Bret's book.



    Jimmy Hart surely?!?

  10. What is the Great Khali up to these days? He should be pushed like the absolute monster he is. Don't know why, but I'd love a Rock vs Khali match.


    He's still about, but has been a comedy character for ages. His knees appear to have been shot for a while too.


    I have no idea if you're being serious about wanting a Khali monster push but he is a prime candidate for most worthless in-ring wrestler in WWE history, in terms of longevity. Hasn't done anything remotely notable that I can recall in years. Surely the only reason he's still around is for the Indian market.

  11. I've seen a few women share photos of 'missing' kids with comments like "so sad please share xx". Now there's nothing wrong with using social media to help find missing people but when a quick google search reveals said children were re-united with their family a few years ago then I can't help but think these folk are a bit simple.

  12. if anyone plans on watching the David Price fight on Boxnation tomorrow, he's due in the ring just after 6pm.


    Just seen that Airich failed a medical and has been replaced by Istvan Ruzsinszky. Price is 1/100 in the betting, can't see it being a long fight.

  13. That's not 5.25 as in ratings points is it?!? Like raw usually gets a 3.0 or below and got a 5.25 this week?


    Last weeks did 4.39 million overall, which was apparently between 3.1 to 3.3 (Observer), so I don't think the ratings are that MASSIVE, but it's a significant increase on last week and the best number in months and months.

  14. I just don't see what others see in Big E Langston


    His matches suck even though they are kept short and its not like his mic skills are top notch (yet)


    Happy to have him change my mind though


    I don't rate Big E at present either, but he's only been in WWE for a few years and AFAIK didn't wrestle at all before signing with them. Others with similar experience like Bray Wyatt & Roman Reigns don't have the complete package either and it can be argued that they have the advantage of having wrestling in their blood.


    I also have to agree with Arch, he's got a great physique but doesn't look all that tough.

  15. I suspect that will disappear soon. Screengrab and upload to Failbook, or whatever the current equivalent is.


    With regards to the Mikaeel story, I've got plenty appearing.




    How fucking awful is that? Is there someone somewhere rushing to make these as fast as they can, so they can make the claim to have the first dead-child-meme on Facebook?


    This is worse, much worse.



  16. I overdid the food & bevvy in the last 6 months of last year and it's showing.


    Repeated knee injuries weren't helping matters either but I went to the physio in late December and I'm gradually beginning to feel some improvement. Played 5-a-sides tonight for the first time in ages which was quite the experience, hopefully it will become a regular thing as I'm much more motivated to be active in company rather than alone.

  17. There's surely no way that Mark Henry and the Big Show are on 10 year contracts, or Khali on a 5 year. Perhaps the contract lengths were their original deals but not now.


    Conversely, there's no way that Sheamus' original downside was $1 million or Mysterio's $985,000. I'd wager some of the figures on that list are miles from reality.

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