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Posts posted by RoryFice

  1. I was browsing through the History of WWE site and noticed that at a MSG show on 1/17/94 there was a Royal Rumble match, won by Owen Hart. Apart from one on Smackdown a few years back, have there been any other non-PPV Royal Rumble matches at all?


    EDIT: Answering my own question a bit, i've found an 18 man royal rumble match listed on 18/05/94 with Undertaker winning.

    They do 'em once in a while now with midcards/lower midcards, especially on Raw.

    EDIT: Oops, an old question :blush:


    If anyone wants to see the MSG Rumble match its been posted on Dailymotion. I dont have the link but just search for NYC Rumble and you'll find all 4 parts of it.

  2. How big of a draw was Hulk Hogan pre-WWF/1984 in the AWA and New Japan (post Rocky III). I'm just reading a old article in Power Slam from 2002 where it says "contrary to popular belief, Hulk Hogan was the biggest attraction in wrestling long before he hooked up with the World Wrestling Federation." Is this true? And where does Hulk Hogan come on a scale of popularity between him and other notable foreigners who compete in Japan (like The Steiner Brothers, The Road Warriors, Stan Hansen, Andre etc.)


    I'm not sure about the AWA - though I know that losing Hogan was generally considered one of the major blows that helped put the company down for the count - but in New Japan, yes, he was right up there with the likes of Hansen and Brody. I'd think he's probably a bit ahead of the Steiners and the Road Warriors, if only because they're tag teams and so don't have the individual star power of a Hogan. Andre's a slightly harder one to judge, as Andre was never a guy who hung around very long, having competitive matches with everyone. He was a main event guy his whole time there though and faced Inoki in the finals of the first IWGP title tournament. Unless I'm very much mistaken, he won that (although he wasn't really meant to), so he was a major player.


    Certainly, even in the States, he was marked out for stardom from very early on. He was pushed in Florida when he started, went straight into main events in Memphis (but then who didn't?) and was one of the first guys in New York to really get a lot of heat on Andre in the build-up to the Shea Stadium show. However, contrary to Hogan's book, he wasn't a main eventer at that point, being I think third or fourth from top underneath Bruno/Zybszko and Samoans/Backlund/Pedro.


    An answer creates a question - what do you mean by 'wasn't really meant to'?



    I always thought the finish of that match was that Inoki had apparently "swallowed his tongue" and thus couldnt continue, thus giving the win to Hogan, meaning that Hogan was actually the planned winner of the match.

  3. In Royal Rumble 1998 was someone actually supposed to come out at number 22 or was the number left blank just to build up the Austin entrance and win?


    It was just to build up Austins entrance and win. Throughout the show various groups including the Godwinns & Los Boriquas had been hunting for Austin as he had been attacking lots of wrestlers in the build up. During the Rumble Jerry Lawler had claimed on commentary that he had heard from a reliable source that someone had attacked Austin, and it might have been Ken Shamrock. Number 22 was apparently meant to have been Skull of the DOA, who had been attacked by Los Boriquas previously as they mistook him for Austin.

  4. I dont really remember any major build-up to Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart, As far as i can remember, there were no real angles at all. They conducted a few interviews apiece on Superstars but that about it. I think they were pushing the fact that Hart was making a lot of recognised title defences since winning the belt. Also, Michaels was involved in a feud with Marty Jannetty IIRC

    I believe they were actually pushing a Bulldog - HBK Intercontinental Title match, at the time. Bret Hart was supposed to face The Mountie, but the Bulldog ran away with the Warrior, and it was changed to Bret Hart - HBK. Can't remember what The Mountie ended up doing. Things got changed around pretty quick IIRC.


    I remember reading the WWF Magazine at the time, way back in 1992.


    From what I remember from WWF magazine the original card included HBK vs Bret for the world title and Bulldog vs the mountie for the IC title. The IC title match was scrapped when the belt changed and I'm fairly sure the mountie vanished around that time before returning in mid 93 as one of the quebeccers.


    Cawthon's History of WWE site has it down that Jacques Rougeau quit on October 26th 1992 after a 30-second loss to Bret Hart and the Bulldog vs Michaels title change was taped the day after. I cant really see The Mountie being in the title match at the PPV, but the same website has Rick Martel subbing for Rougeau in house show main events vs Bret Hart in mid-November.

  5. I dont really remember any major build-up to Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart, As far as i can remember, there were no real angles at all. They conducted a few interviews apiece on Superstars but that about it. I think they were pushing the fact that Hart was making a lot of recognised title defences since winning the belt. Also, Michaels was involved in a feud with Marty Jannetty IIRC

  6. I was browsing through the History of WWE site and noticed that at a MSG show on 1/17/94 there was a Royal Rumble match, won by Owen Hart. Apart from one on Smackdown a few years back, have there been any other non-PPV Royal Rumble matches at all?EDIT: Answering my own question a bit, i've found an 18 man royal rumble match listed on 18/05/94 with Undertaker winning.

  7. My first offering to this new questions thread.What is your all time fav womens match?I think mine's Gail Kim vs. A. Kong from this years TNA Final Resolution(Jan)

    I cant think of any off the top of my head, but you are probably better creating a new topic on that question Emperorseb. I think this thread is meant to be for factual questions rather than opinion-based ones.
  8. Socuring through wikipedia, i have noticed that there was a Harley Race vs Haku match on the Royal Rumble 1989 PPV, a match that was cut for the Coliseum video release. Same goes for the Mountie vs Koko B Ware in RR 1991. Can anyone tell me why these were cut? (I'm assuming its time constraints) Also, are there any other examples of this occurring?EDIT: It's been a long time since i've watched the PPV, but i cant recall the Slaughter/Duggan/Tornado/Santana vs Col. Mustafa/Berzerker/Skinner/Hercules match from Survivor Series 1991 either

  9. I was watching Royal Rumble 1998 yesterday, and i have some questions after viewing it-When did the WWF do away with the French commentary team of Raymond Rougeau and Jacques Brassard?When did Tito Santana stop doing the Spanish commentary?When was Ahmed Johnson released from his WWF contract?Also, was it known on the intnernet beforehand that Haku would return at the Royal Rumble in 2001, or was it surprising?

  10. Also whilst im here, does the record for fastest match in the WWE still stand with the Rock pinning the Big Boss Man in 4 seconds at Survivor Series 98??

    I dont think there's an "official" record, but i seem to remember Tazz being beaten by someone, possibly Jerry Lawler, in 3 seconds, sometime in 2000.
  11. Doubt anyone will know this but its always baffled me, why was Ahmed Johnsons run as a heel member of the Nation so short lived?? The build up to his turn was good and well booked then a couple of weeks later with no logical explanation he was turned face again after the Nation attacked him.Anyone know why the quick switch??

    He was probably injured, so they worte him out of storylines. I don't remember seeing him again after that angle until he turned up in WCW, single and pregnant.
    Wasnt his short Nation run in late 1997? If so, then he was in Royal Rumble 1998, and in a 4vs4 at No Way Out a month later. That would mean that it cant be injury for turning him back to become a face again. Could it be that he was replaced by Mark Henry in the Nation?I always thought that he was injured round about the time of Wrestlemania 14, and was pretty much forgotten about very quickly.
  12. Just had Villareal at 8/13 to beat UD Las Palmas away in the Copa del rey at 8/13. Ended up winning 4-2, but it was a bit nervy.My tip for tonight is River Plate at home to Arsenal de Sarandi in the Copa Sudamericana at 4/7. Sarandi lost 4-0 away to Argentinos on Sunday and only have one away win in the league out of a possible 9. River have been a bit disappointing lately, but are unbeaten at home in the current league table, and should win tonight.

  13. Why is Jay Phoenix now called James Wallace? slightly confused by that

    I haven't really followed it, but I think it's been decided that the "real" James Wallace (ie the reputation he seems to have attained) is a far more hateable heel character than "Jay Phoenix".
    From what i heard, he decided to change his ring name to stand out more to American promotions. I think his idea was that "Wallace" is a common Scottish name, and it had the connection with William Wallace, and that somehow this would lead to more interest from abroad.
  14. No only the one I think, as I mentioned it was to promote the XFL and seen as the way that turned out there wasn't anymore. The only thing that may have happened is when they had the origional ECW ONS they might have called it Extreme Smackdown but I can't recall this, I just remembering them doing it on an episode of HeAT!

    There might not have been another one, but if there was, it definitely wasnt around the time of ECW ONS. I should have made it more obvious in my first post, but i think at least one episode in 2002-03 was "Xtreme"EDIT: I've done a quick internet search, and cant find any trace on another episode apart from the 1/2/01 one. Looks like i'm wrong. I must have remembered that the show was good, but forgotten all of the matches.
  15. In 2001 there was a WWF Smackdown show called Smackdown X Can anybody give me a date of this show?

    I dont really remember that show in particular, but can anyone confirm that there have been a few more smackdown "Xtreme" shows? I seem to remember seeing a few of these, and that one in particular was astonishingly good.
  16. I read recently that a few years back Kim Jong-Il used to hire popular American professional wrestlers to entertain him and his entorage, I was just wondering sinced he'd probably only hire the best who were these wrestlers?

    I've never heard that before, so the only people that i can think of off the top of my head are Ric Fliar and Road warrior Hawk who wrestled in North Korea in the early/mid 1990's
  17. 3 questions....(1)Is the Danny Davis who runs OVW the same Danny Davis who was the evil referee in the 80's? (What was the story there? I rememeber him joining the Hart Family).(2)Are the Briscoe's from R.O.H related to the origional Briscoe brothers (Gerald Briscoe amd Jack)(3)Does Gerald Brisoce still work for WWE?

    1) No, they are different people.2) I'm 99% that each set of brothers are not related.3) Wikipedia has Gerry Brisco down as a Producer for Raw, so i'd guess he is still with the company.
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