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Posts posted by RoryFice

  1. Two people I don't even remember as being wrestling fans (back in the day) messaged me to ask if I'd seen that Brian Christopher had died. Probably an indicator of just how over Too Cool were at their peak.

    His brief WWE return had completely escaped my memory until I read Lance Storm's tweet. Lance would indeed appear to be a bellend.

  2. 8 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    Jesse Ventura as guest host was one of my favourite episodes of RAW in years - I was gutted they never went anywhere with his suggestion that there was a conspiracy in WWE to keep John Cena on top; I must have fantasy booked about two years' worth of TV off the back of that!

    In 2009 Jesse said there was a conspiracy to keep Cena as champion; in subsequent years you got R-Truth going full conspiracy theorist, CM Punk doing "shoot" promos about worthy talent being held back, Daniel Bryan's angle against the Authority, and Bray Wyatt talking about "the machine" and so on. Imagine if they had kept Jesse in their good books as a semi-regular guest, and managed to tie all of that together, would have been brilliant. Or a convoluted mess.

    Ventura was the best guest host of Raw by a country mile.



    Can anyone recommend some decent Elimination Chamber matches? I've barely seen any and want to watch the best ones

    Survivor Series 2002 and New Year's Revolution 2005 are my favorites, both are epic in their own right.

    New Year's Revolution 2006 is a personal favourite, although it's perhaps one of those matches that was much better watching it at the time.

  4. Until Chyna passed away last year it would have been the very next ppv after Owen died, which was King of The Ring 1999.


    But Chyna faced Road Dogg in a match on that show,

    Big Boss Man went on a streak of ppv appearances for the rest of 1999 as did Davey Boy

    Then Benoit & Guerrero arrived and appeared on every ppv for a while, as did Crash Holly in 2000.

    Test went on a good streak in 2001.


    So the correct answer is now technically WrestleMania X-8.


    Unless you count the pre-show match which was shown live on Sunday Night Heat (which included Mr Perfect & Test).

    If you do, the answer then becomes Armageddon in December 2003.

    In Wrestlemania X8 you also need to ignore Crash Holly getting involved in 24/7 hard-core match shenanigans, but it's a pleasingly death free ppv.

  5. Rick's excellent Rumble stats thread has got me thinking - what is the oldest PPV in which everyone who wrestled on the card is still alive?

    Can't remember it off the top of my head, but I looked into this a year or so ago and I think for the WWF it's one from 1997/98 (that Owen Hart wasn't on). Will check.


    EDIT: Talking bollocks as usual. Considering only wrestlers competing in a match, and not counting dark matches, I think it was King of the Ring 1999. As Chyna is now dead, I think Rebellion 2001 wins the "prize".



    I'm watching a bunch of stuff on the network from between 1999 and around 2003/4 and jesus, The Rock was happy to show arse wasn't he? Has there ever been a top star so willing to do business?

    Surely there has never been a babyface on the level of The Rock that lost as much as he did. In 99 alone he lost to the likes of Billy Gunn, Big Bossman and fucking Al Snow. It never seemed to affect him either, he stayed just as over even though he didn't win all the time.


    There's no chance Austin was doing any of that, his return in 2000 was ironically the beginning of the end. He was handing out 5 or 6 stunners a show every week for months.

    The Rock always seemed to get his win back in rapid order though if he lost to a midcarder.

  7. Lot of Testicles in this thread.


    I never minded Test, his Big Boot was cracking and he was a great character to play as on the first SmackDown game. I had convinced myself they were going to do something significant with him when they gave him the Immunity For A Year thing at Survivor Series 01, but they just quietly dropped it after a little while. It's a shame, because especially with the roster depth halving in the brand split, you could have done some good things with a guy who could do absolutely anything he wanted because he COULDN'T be fired.

    Indeed, this was such a waste at the time and more should have been done with the stipulation. Ideally not with Test winning it to start with of course but it could have helped build someone into a top guy.


    A May 2000 summary of WCW contracts. Some mad wages here.



    Some of those are mental.


    What the fuck? Rick Steiner on $750,000 in 2000 as well. The same as they were paying Scotty who was the vastly superior of the two by that point. I'm guessing that's because they must've signed a multi-year contract when they came back in as a team in 1996, right?

    Both Steiners signed contract extensions in late 1998, when they were feuding with each other.



    Just checked on Cawthorn's site. Warrior pinned Undertaker a few times, most of them were DQ finishes though.

    I couldn't see anything on there that said he'd pinned him, I don't know if I just missed it. Some would say DQ, some just said Ultimate Warrior beat Undertaker or Ultimate Warrior vs Undertaker. It seems like they'd have done the same finish every night, although Warrior did beat him in bodybag and coffin matches so a pin isn't out of the question.


    It seems mad to me that they'd have Taker beaten by Tito when Tito didn't even really exist anymore. Although El Matador was still him, wasn't it? It wasn't like Saba Simba and Repo Man.

    Saba Simba was acknowledged as being Tony Atlas, at least he was on the debut of the gimmick. Roddy Piper's commentary on it is a hoot.

  10. I do like that DiBiase bought Slick's boys number. So that means DiBiase either drew 22 or 23 originally. That's a good number surely? He had such little confidence in himself he decided to buy a few numbers up from him?

    Those two segments with DiBiase and Slick are just brilliant. Especially how OTT Slick is when Sean Mooney confronts him with the evidence.

  11. Yeah basically. I was in no way claiming it be a fresh idea. I just don't see the point of having two secondary titles exactly the same. Only time there is more value to either of them depends on who is holding it. They don't really have any hierarchy, there's no goals.


    There should be system of achievement which we have to watch wrestlers go through as they grow.


    NXT Jobber

    NXT wrestler (meaning they now have stories and such.)

    Crowd approval

    NXT Champion

    WWE Television Title

    Crowd approval

    Wrestlemania match

    WWE Intercontinental/US Title (depending which one they keep.

    WWE Maineventer

    WWE Champion

    Wrestlemania headliner



    It's a pretty simple system and should be common sense, but WWE have no grasp of it.

    (This is also why NXT matches on Raw or at Wrestlemania are stupid.)

    It's a pretty awful system. Have everyone start as a loser then slowly work their way up the card?


    Could it be that they're worried about trying to draw in Glasgow with ICW likely to have an event at about the same time?

    Drawing in Glasgow would surely be made easier with them having Galloway as one of the top guys in the company. I find it perplexing they aren't coming to one of the star attractions home town (well 30 miles away)

    True, but if the "star attraction" is also part of the ICW show, which is likely, then that advantage is negated.

  13. Just seen this posted. I assume the last line has been added by the individual poster.


    Mark Zuckerberg has announced that he is giving away $45 billion of Facebook stock. What you may not have heard is that he plans to give 10% of it away to people like YOU and ME! All you have to do is copy and paste this message into a post IMMEDIATELY and tag 5-10 of your friends. At midnight PST, Facebook will search through the day's posts and award 1000 people with $4.5 million EACH as a way of saying thank you for making Facebook such a powerful vehicle for connection and philanthropy.

    Worth trying Christmas is the time for hope ️xx

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