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The Cum Doctor

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Posts posted by The Cum Doctor

  1. Stormy Weathers said he could argue that deathmatch wrestling could be held in art galleries.

    He's a tit looking for a reaction from the likes of you, so of course he'll say that. And he's succeeded admirably btw.I'm not sure who the biggest idiot is. Stormy Weathers, or the tit stupid enough to bite to his nonsense.
  2. If Justing Bieber pisses you off that much your priorities are out of whack and you are directing your attention in the wrong direction.

    Yup. And it's because of this...

    Bieber is still a strange anomaly to me, like a practical joke that the entire world is playing on me. I'm constantly told he's one of the most famous people in the world, there's merch everywhere and Twitter is basically a Justin Bieber forum that allows other discussion occasionally. Yet I'm pretty sure I'm yet to hear one of his songs, or see him in an interview or on TV at all in fact.

  3. As for ROH... yeah, stick a fork in it, it's done. They've been on the decline ever since Sapolsky left and now, at a time when they genuinely need him (as far as I'm aware there's never been a problem with his WWNLive iPPVs) they still won't bring him in because of the issue that exists between them. Say what you like about Gabe, and for the record I think EVOLVE is the dullest wrestling product ever conceived, but the company worked better underneath him because he knew exactly what it was - a third placed, somewhat niche, large indie fed which was never going to get any bigger without running into problems.


    Gabe was never the best booker, but I'd love it if he got the book back in ROH. At least he kept things consistantly watchable, not dull and sometimes absolutely brilliant. I don't think I've seen a properly top notch show from ROH for a long time. Pretty sure Adam Pearce put on a couple of belters, but that was definately where the decline started as far as quality of shows goes.

  4. I really enjoyed Tony Stark in both Iron Man and Avengers Assemble, even if in the latter he was as much of a bastard as ever. Iron Man 2 just failed to have him likeable at all. Infact, he was actually quite dull.


    The whole movie was the same. I didn't hate it much. Was just kinda "there". Thought the first Iron Man was a cracking movie.

  5. Has Dexter just fucked off from this thread then? You'd think he'd have something to say on this.

    Dexter puts his ROH reviews on a separate website/blog now, rather than UKFF.


    What's the blog? I don't mind his ROH reviews. It's the other shite he posts I don't like.

  6. I actually thought he was talking about The Truth lot rather than The Headbangers when he said that. At least, that's how it seems to be worded.


    I don't want to see Matt Hardy. The rest I'd happily watch. I reckon there's other WWE ex guys that would do wonders in ROH. Especially in their tag division. Could you imagine a team of Bob Holly and Billy Gunn? For me, those two guys are among the best tag team wrestlers ever. Put them bad boys together ( sure it's happened before ) and you're onto a winner. Can't be any worse than Haas and Benjamin at least.


    Could you imagine Holly/Gunn vs. The Headbangers for their tag belts? The fan reaction would be fantastic.

  7. Single: Chubawumba - Tubthumping

    Album: Stereophonics - Performance and Cocktails


    Could be a worse album to get. I despise that single now though. Which obviously means I can't find the album while the single is still intact. Fuck sake.

  8. It was much better than last year's effort, which I expected to be good, but wound up only having one match that I enjoyed. Didn't like the final much, but pretty much everything else entertained me on the show. The non-tourney match was a complete mess though, kept amusing by Slater constantly getting his neck fucked up.


    So yeah, enjoyed that.

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