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Up Chuck

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Posts posted by Up Chuck

  1. I've fallen foul of both the lack of workplace experience and the presumption of future desertion due to possession of a degree. The degree thing's particularly annoying, because my degree is in Writing Contemporary Fiction, and as such, relies on me fucking off and writing a novel if I'm to ever make a living off it. So I can't get a job because presumably I could just go away and magically create one for myself.


    I can see, from the perspective of the business, why such an approach is taken, but it's not half annoying when I know how incredibly unlikely it is that a super-awesome job in my *field* will open up.


    Can you get some sort of writer-in-residence job? I was at a graduation in the week, and this girl had graduated with a similar degree, and was getting a job as writer-in-residence at a prison.


    This was one of the few aspects of professional writing that I feel wasn't properly explained to me on the degree. Probably the only aspect, actually, everything else was pleasingly exhaustive. In fact, that's probably why I forgot about it until just now. Great idea and one I'm definitely going to look into. Although I bet they'll want me to have experience.

  2. Bear in mind it's probably all bollocks


    Posted by outerbongolia




    Still, interesting read, thanks for that. I'll follow the links on there and report back with anything interesting I find, natch. The experimentation on army folk seems to be the biggest story to come out of the place and I imagine there's more on it floating around.


    UPDATE: Just had a look on Nexis, which is a search tool for pretty much all English-language press ever that I can use through my uni account, and it looks like there's tons and tons of articles about the experiments on soldiers. Definitely gonna have a poke through some of those later.

  3. I've been rewatching Sherlock, and I just watch the Hounds of Baskerville last night. For those who don't know, in this version, Baskerville is a military science research facility, and they make reference to it being like Porton Down. My interest piqued, I looked up Porton Down on Wiki and while it looks like there are a few interesting tidbits to follow up on (the nerve gas stuff and Roland Maddison's death, the guys being given LSD without consent, and on a more thread-relevant front, rumours about people from the place turning up after suspected UFO sightings), there's not as much really freaky stuff on there as I'd hoped. So I thought I'd ask here: anyone read anything interesting about the place? Any wacky animal experiments been revealed? I know I could just Google but I'm very new to this stuff and wouldn't know what to trust.

  4. I've fallen foul of both the lack of workplace experience and the presumption of future desertion due to possession of a degree. The degree thing's particularly annoying, because my degree is in Writing Contemporary Fiction, and as such, relies on me fucking off and writing a novel if I'm to ever make a living off it. So I can't get a job because presumably I could just go away and magically create one for myself.


    I can see, from the perspective of the business, why such an approach is taken, but it's not half annoying when I know how incredibly unlikely it is that a super-awesome job in my *field* will open up.

  5. This might have been answered already, but anyway: Elimination Chamber is still called No Way Out in Germany, so what are they going to call it next year? Or is No Way Out going to have a different name? Or are they just going to have two No Way Outs every year and end up with a situation more confusing than No Mercy 1999?

  6. Gladstone and Sev, have you read How I Escaped My Certain Fate? While a lot of it's transcripts (with shitloads of footnotes that add loads to it), the bits between explaining how he came upon the ideas for each show and put them together are an incredibly good read, and give tons and tons of fascinating insight into his views on comedy as an art form and its place in culture. I can't recommend it enough.

  7. There's pictures? Get 'em in here! Links to the stories too! C'mon, I'm like a kid banging on the door of the sweet shop here. Let me in!


    EDIT: According to Wiki, Leicestershire, where I live, was at some point in the top 10 counties for big cat sightings! Fucking hell. I'm gonna keep an eye out when I'm Geocaching. This is awesome.

  8. As someone who knows absolutely nothing, what exactly is the evidence of the big cats in the countryside? Sounds pretty interesting. That Orang Pendek stuff is fascinating too. I think this thread might end up being a bit of a gateway for me now that it's, y'know, readable again.

  9. Have the WWE ever publicly acknowledged TNA on-screen at any point? Is there any examples? There's got to be at least one.

    Last year, during the Cena/Punk angle, the Raw after MITB just before Triple H came down and told Vince he was nicking his job. Vince was about to follow through on his promise to fire Cena if he lost. Cena said something along the lines of "I love WWE, but this is what I do, and if I can't do it here, I'm gonna go and do it in someone else's company, BROTHER." That's about as direct as we're likely to get until they go bust and Vince buys the video library just for shits and giggles.Looking back, all the insider stuff worked so well in that angle, but it's baffling that WWE thought that it'd work for Punk to carry it on afterwards. Methinks the writers might've got a bit swept up in the online reaction to that first (incredible) promo.
  10. So how exactly is it that the Luxembourgian commission can sanction a fight in the UK? Also, does it mean West Ham could represent Luxembourg in the Champions League? (One of these questions is serious)

    It's a loophole in the European Free trade laws that allows the Luxembourg Boxing Federation, or any other Boxing Federation that is a member of the European Boxing Union for that matter, to licence boxers to fight anywhere within the European Union.

    Yeah, specifically it's the fact that both BBFC and the Luxemberg group are private (non-government) organisations that charge a fee for a service, so BBFC can't stop their foreign equivalents providing the same service in the UK.

    Very interesting. Also cheers to Lister for not calling me on nicking his joke off Twitter.
  11. So how exactly is it that the Luxembourgian commission can sanction a fight in the UK? Also, does it mean West Ham could represent Luxembourg in the Champions League? (One of these questions is serious)

  12. Has there ever been something as ridiculous as the stunt when he has a bomb on the underneath of his car, then procedes to flip the car into the air, knocks the bomb off with a dangling hook from a crane, lands the car and drives away.


    This has been doing the rounds for well over a year now, and I've probably posted it before, and it's obviously meant to be nowhere near as serious as Transporter 2 probably is, but yes.



    That's SFW unless your boss hates loud explosions or is particularly keen on the laws of physics.

  13. I only watch WWE sporadically these days, could anyone tell me how long Michael Cole has been cheering for Daniel Bryan, as when he first turned heel and I was watching he was still burying him.


    Started just before Wrestlemania and built gradually. It's been very subtle and well-done, perhaps even moreso than the turn itself.


    "No-one wants to hear you crunch, chew, or masticate in any way."




    I want to find out where he lives, follow him to the cinema, and throw popcorn at his head for the whole film. And explain to him why he's terrible at his job if he complains.

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