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Up Chuck

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Posts posted by Up Chuck

  1. They do look like you could give someone brain damage with them, though, which is always a plus for belts. Makes the belt shots ten times better. I always liked shots with the NWA title with the massive dome globe on the front.

  2. Does anyone know any conspiracy people in real life? I'd love to hear a few stories about chemtrail lads in the workplace, that sort of thing. Anyone know someone in the real, 3D world who's into this stuff?


    Oddly enough, I worked with a guy who was big into chemtrails, but was otherwise fairly normal. Smoked a fair bit of weed, mind. He still goes on about the chemtrail stuff on Facebook now and then. At first, I thought he was kind of being ironic about it so I used to point them out, but when it became obvious that he was completely serious I stopped it. Thankfully he never asked me to come to any protests about them or whatever.

  3. Didn't he quit to take care of a dead relative's kids or something? Or was that someone else? Or something I made up?


    Jesus, this post turned out fucking useless.


    EDIT: Wiki links to an article on wrestleview.com which says he lives in Michigan, works as a personal trainer and occasionally talks about returning to wrestling but never does anything about it.

  4. The one with DX was taken at the 1000th Raw, where he had to do next to nothing, so he probably didn't bother getting in much kind of shape. 6'10 is a billed height, so that's probably exaggerated by a couple of inches, and he might have lifts in his boots on top of that. I've stood next to Billy Gunn and he's much bigger than I'd realised, so with Taker hunched over, likely having knackered knees, and having worked a match that night that he didn't really need to prepare for, the minimal difference there doesn't surprise me much.

  5. That angle sounds absolutely fine to me on paper (and they would've loved it if it'd been CM Punk spitting on Samoa Joe's mum), but this just illustrates to me that ROH have backed themselves into a corner from which they can't escape. Everything they do is under a microscope, and anything less than perfection (and maybe not even that) won't be tolerated. They're done. All that's left to see is just how many nails the coffin will have.

  6. It's being released in March. The box set just has a blank CD with the artwork, and people who've ordered the box set get a free download of part 2 on the day it comes out. Both parts will be available as CDs and downloads through all the usual channels.


    And yeah, Year of the Black Rainbow was an odd one (the dreadful title didn't help). I've not given it many listens but there wasn't a lot that hooked me on it. Much like bits of No World for Tomorrow, there was a lot that was just kind of there. This one seems a bit more concept-heavy, and both parts only have 9 tracks so it seems like it'll be light on filler. I've got high hopes for it. Domino the Destitute is one of their best tracks in a while.


    EDIT: Had an email this morning to say the shipping's been delayed due to some quality issues, but I get to download the album a day early. Works for me. Just hope it gets here before I see them so I can use the early entry pass...

  7. Next Monday is a pretty big day on the new releases front as Converge, Coheed and Cambria and Between The Buried and Me are all dropping new ones.


    Got the deluxe edition on the way. Comes with loads of lovely stuff, like a coffee table book, a commemorative medallion, a DVD, bonus CDs, a blank CD to burn the second part (out in March) onto, with the full artwork printed on it already, and a pass for early entry to any gig they're headlining (Brum in November, for me). Might stick up some pictures when I get it. These boys know how to put in effort!

  8. Also, the Angels were never wiped from existence - I believe when Amy/the Doctor first met them it was in like 3000AD or something mad like that - a long time after the events of the Saturday episode.


    When Rory got sucked into the crack, he was edited out of his own history. The reason the Angels came back is because a) the Angels that got sucked into the crack weren't the only ones, and b) even if they had been, the Doctor rebooted the universe (hence, Rory comes back). But I guess you're right in the sense that it's probably completely different Angels (we don't know how long they live, after all).


    I'm not saying you're wrong, by the way, just speculating on further detail.

  9. Some of the show's plot points rely on small details, and as such it rightly attracts a greater amount of attention/pedantry.


    Anyway, to add to the above:


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    - He can't go back because there's too much time distortion around New York. He already messed with it a lot by planting the vase for River to establish a link that'd let him through, and if he tried it again, it would fuck shit up bigtime.


    - River explicitly mentioned that her Vortex Manipulator can get to places the Tardis can't - "Like a motorbike through traffic".


    - I seem to remember that it was mentioned that the Angels that got sucked into the crack were just a few of them. Even if not, Rory got sucked into a crack, and everything like that was fixed when the Doctor rebooted the universe, so presumably the Angels just popped back up wherever they were supposed to be as well.


    [close spoiler]

  10. He's massively outgrown the Doctor and British tele. I just hope he doesn't realise.


    Just in case people haven't seen it yet...


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    Illustrated again perfectly. I was choked up when Amy got zapped away, but the Doctor's reaction pushed a few of those tears over the edge. Smith's just incredible.


    My only complaint about that episode is that I would've liked a bit of closure on the whole Statue of Liberty-is-an-angel thing. Other than that I'm hard pushed to find anything wrong with it at all. Absolutely wonderful. And the angels are scary again! Fantastic.


    Finally, how much of a fucking tease was that Christmas preview? Show me more. MORE. Jesus. I love this show so much.


    [close spoiler]

  11. Agreed. I wasn't rude. I said it quite politely, for my own amusement, and they were none the wiser. In fact, I was a great deal more polite than they'd been on the phone yesterday.


    And they explicitly stated that the work was the problem. It matched with their constant inability to tell me what they actually wanted from me. All they'd do was give me buzzwords like "creativity" and "new angles", and seemed to think I'd be able to fix all the writing on their website just from that. I absolutely see your point, but that's definitely not what it was. I got along with everyone there really well the few times I'd been in, and their tone only changed when they'd looked at the writing I'd done.

  12. Final update on mine, hopefully: they've agreed to pay me half my fee for what I did yesterday. I've decided to settle at that just to get it over with. And because I wanted to get one over one them, I signed of the phone call with "I wish you the best in your future endeavours". Was quite pleased with myself there.

  13. Moffat's pretty much out-and-out said that...


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    ...someone's getting bumped off. I believe the quote was something like "Not everybody gets out alive... and I mean it this time!"


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  14. Another update! Things seemed to be clarified and going really well, I went in and did a day of writing for the website today, then they got an office grunt to call me at half 7 at night to tell me it wasn't as "creative" as they were hoping for and they didn't want me anymore.


    Particularly frustrating, as I pushed them really hard to tell me exactly what they wanted and they just waffled in generalisations. They clearly don't actually know what they want on their site, and were just hoping for me to come in and wave a magic wand. One day of first draft work wasn't the best thing they've ever seen, so that's that.


    Keep buggering on, I guess.

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