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Up Chuck

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Posts posted by Up Chuck

  1. Yeah, Daleks don't get scared, but they do tend towards self-preservation and are a bit touchy about anyone ascribing inferior traits to them.


    As for them hearing Oswin's voice instead of a Dalek's, fair point. I imagine if you asked Moffat about it, he'd say something like "That's how clever she is". Obviously there's a shitload more to come from this character, so it might get explained in the end.


    And I'd have to agree with Daz that this felt more like a pre-Moffat episode than anything else in Smith's run so far. Ditto the point about the core cast - it might be a while before the Tardis feels so wonderfully full like it did in, say, The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon. Come to think of it, it almost seems like there's been a bit of pressure on Moffat to take it back in a more Davies-era direction - next week definitely looks to be of the same ilk. I'll still enjoy it, but I'm beginning to think series 6 will have been the peak for me.


    Side note: I'm just catching the end of Forest of the Dead on Watch right now. River's goodbye speech is giving me chills. Those episodes are amazing to rewatch now we've got some of the blanks filled in.

  2. They mentioned Daleks having a psychic network, they mentioned her being a genius, and the asylum had a PA system. She's hacked into *everything* from inside there, it's just that she thought she was tapping away on a keyboard, whereas she was actually just operating with the Dalek psychic network.

  3. It's cool that people who didn't enjoy the last series seem to be liking this, generally. I loved the last series, but the show won't hurt itself by winning back some viewers who didn't.

  4. That was the big thing for me. Was convinced it wasn't her til the credits rolled. Amazing that they managed to keep that under wraps and I can't wait to see where it goes!


    The Daleks were a bit of a let-down, yes, but I still enjoyed it. It didn't blow me away like the last two openers did but the companion stuff is enough to keep me very, very interested.

  5. Fuck me, I never realised the ropes at 24 were orange. I always thought they were red. Might just be the light making them look orange in some photos. I'm gonna have to watch some of it tomorrow and have a look.


    Every Wrestlemania has custom ring posts these days. And didn't they have the ropes yellow/black/yellow on NXT for a bit?


    Also, for completeness' sake: All-white was used for the 2000s version of Saturday Night's Main Event, which was the first time I recall seeing all-white ropes in WWE. Smackdown during some of the Stephanie McMahon era had all-black, as did ECW when it first came back (including the two One Night Stands).

  6. To the dickhead self-important belt fans that think they own information and can stop Rule One doing this awesome thread: when I was training with Robbie Brookside, he told me that to him and most other wrestlers, belts don't mean shit, to the point where every time he had a belt that wasn't in use anymore, he'd give them away to kids on his street to play with. I hope this information makes you precious twats cry, because you've ruined one of the best things on this forum in ages for no reason other than to show off how seriously you take something that wrestlers themselves don't give a fuck about. Piss off.

  7. Jesus. If I were running ROH, the last thing I'd be doing right now is pissing away money on new belts.


    EDIT: Just re-read Rule's post. Is the story that they ordered new belts (for whatever fucking reason, the money-hating idiots) and haven't paid up?

  8. Yeah, he's an obvious choice for filling up the Tardis a bit more. I've liked having it more full, especially in The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon. It's more fun and a less worn-out dynamic than Doctor-with-female-companion.

  9. Yup, Moffat mentioned that in an interview IIRC. Barrowman was filming that awful US Torchwood series at the time and couldn't do it. Shame, I think it would've been a fun episode for him to pop up in (logical, too) without being too overbearing like he can be.

  10. Nah, they weren't. The actors have been spotted in costume filming for an upcoming episode, though (possibly not the same characters, they've both played other characters of the same species before). Side note - I thought the Sontaran nurse was one of the highlights of the episode. "I can produce magnificent quanities of lactic fluid!" is up there with my favourite lines in anything.

  11. because twat or not, he's still f'n awesome.


    I guess that's the thing. You like him, so you're happy to hear stuff like that, whereas I'm ambivalent about him, so I thought made him sound like a tit. So each to their own. I'm all for a bit of fired-up banter - I've enjoyed Dillinger Escape Plan and Slipknot sets with plenty of that - but I just thought it made him sound like a wanker and would be a bit of a shitty thing for someone who'd just got into the band to hear (even though they probably wouldn't be bothered - if it were me, I'd just frown and shake my head).


    Anyway. I think we can let that lie now.

  12. It's a dickish thing to say that could make people who had no reason to not be there feel unwelcome. I don't think he actually wanted to march them out of the building, but there's absolutely no point saying stuff like that. Why bother excluding anyone? I don't think it's a massive deal (nor did I indicate that - I was responding to your assertion that the statement was objectively true), I just think it's a bit silly and unnecessary.

  13. Oh god yeah, I think that's one of Smith's strongest points. He just feels so old, not even in a human way. I find him genuinely believable as a 1000-year-old person.


    RE River Song - I see your point, Herne's Son, and I want to tell you something, but I won't. Keep watching :)

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