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Up Chuck

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Posts posted by Up Chuck

  1. Everything about that match was so dead. No run-ins, a clean win for HHH that killed any momentum Orton had left from that red-hot few weeks around the Rumble... was that brawl in Orton's fake house where they had cameras everywhere before WM or after?


    Orton/HHH should have gone on last because Orton had some potential to be really great at the time, but it also should've had a title change and, y'know, been any good.

  2. Could be a bunch of stuff. Has there been any big boxing in America lately? HIAC fell in the middle of a big gap in UFC shows too. I forget what NFL games have been on what weekends but that might play into it too. Also, there might have been issues of venue availability.

  3. I think we had more politicians nominated this time than on either of the previous occasions, from the ones who've made the list right down to those who got a single 1-point vote.


    Not surprising. Since the expenses stuff they seem to have become a lot more publicly noticeable, and thus, everyone's noticing that they're almost universally awful people. I do kind of regret loading mine so full of them (however justified it might be), because it meant I left out awful pricks like Jeremy Kyle, but it looks like everybody had that covered.


    This is panning out nicely, anyway. I'm very confident that either my number 1 or 2 will crack the top 5, and that both should make the top 10.


    EDIT: Just realised that, in fact, I didn't put Michael Gove on my list, and that I've confused him with Jeremy Hunt. I need to get my rightwing fuckwits sorted.

  4. Gutted Michael Gove missed out, the guy is a cunt of the highest order, and he's fucking clueless.


    Unite with me brother. HG, were we the only two to vote for him?



    Nobody seems to remember the News of the World story about Jeremy Kyle where he, when he was 35, became infatuated with a 16-year-old girl, which included the brilliant request to her when she was sat in his car of "massage my balls." Once you've heard that, his pious act on TV takes on another tone entirely.


    I hadn't heard this before, but it doesn't surprise me. His rightwing moral-high-ground act always seemed to be a veneer to something even more malicious, I just wasn't sure what.


    And Air Raid, that's a superb writeup of EL James. Probably the best of the whole list so far.

  5. I don't think I voted for him, but my main bone of contention with him is that he's so fucking ineffectual. He could be winning the nation's hearts at a time like this, but he's just sitting back, waiting for the ConDems to fuck up and pouncing on it. If he doesn't start making a big point about what he'd do differently, he could risk losing it and giving us another 5 years of Cameron (or, god forbid, Gove or Johnson). Not that I'd be voting Labour anyway.

  6. Heh, bad luck. We do get to see the words to the songs on Descension way before everyone else, which is kind of cool. I didn't get my name in the book either and I assumed that meant my VIP laminate wouldn't be signed, so I was delighted to find that it was. Speaking of, are you seeing them in Brum by any chance?

  7. Jesus. Had only vaguely heard of the band but twenty fucking eight is nothing at all. RIP, thoughts are with his nearest and dearest.


    Seems a bit trite now, but I came in here to post this so I might as well: my Coheed & Cambria boxset has arrived. It's absolutely sodding beautiful, of course. Here's a few pics (I've got about 3 times as many as this but I don't want to kill people's browsers):






  8. James Laurinaitis played for the St Louis Rams at the NFL game at Wembley yesterday, 20 years on from his dad (Road Warrior Animal) working SummerSlam 92.

    Made a few important tackles too, from what I could tell (still learning the sport and was up in the nosebleed seats). The Patriots also had Chandler Jones, older brother of UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Jon. Neither my dad nor uncle were tremendously interested in the WWE vs UFC subtext.
  9. International orders haven't been shipped yet.


    To be fair, the transmissions have been regular and been open about why they're late. They said it came back a bit dodgy so demanded different bits and bobs.


    My UPS tracking says "Shipped - no tracking available". Where've you seen that they haven't shipped?


    And yeah, they have, but even with that delay factored in it's very, very late now. People in America are still getting theirs. But I guess this might just be me acting out because I haven't got mine and probably won't for ages and I'm being a sad little child.

  10. For anyone interested, I still haven't received my Coheed & Cambria boxset. I knew there was going to be a delay, but even factoring that in, I really should have it by now. It's not the band's fault, or UPS's, but Modlife won't be getting much business from me again. They were grossly underprepared for something like this.

  11. The guy who's replacing him once described homeless people as "what you step over when you come out of the opera". The tories are on a proper old-school kick lately. They'll be busting out those "If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Labour" posters again soon.

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