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Up Chuck

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Posts posted by Up Chuck

  1. They haven't used either in an official capacity. I just wrote XXX without thinking.


    That's what everyone is saying, but I just think it would be odd to start promoting WM30 just as promotion for WM29 is about to kick off.


    They normally announce the venue for next year's about this time, don't they? Then have the video package for it at Wrestlemania. Plus, if the rumours of New Orleans are true, they might even be doing the video package tonight.

  2. Jesus christ, Casualty is awful. My mum's watched it religiously for years and my sister's grown into that tradition too (hence me moaning about it here instead of Twitter or Facebook). They're constantly correctly guessing how each storyline is going to play out in the episode, then claiming it's because they're amazing at predicting it because they've watched it for so long, completely ignoring how bleeding obvious the writing is. The first ten minutes of every episode is a ceaseless bombardment of Chekhov's Guns. "Ooh, I bet this'll happen and this person'll turn out to be that." Yes, of course you do, because THEY JUST TOLD YOU IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS THAT THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN.


    On top of that, everything in the script is incredibly ham-fisted. Tonight, in 2013, we actually had a bratty goth teenager dropping a tissue on the floor and refusing to pick it up because "I'm not a cleaner". Then some old guy came over and smack talked her about respecting the hospital. It's so bad. It's not even like something a child would write. It's like something an adult would write with the intention of setting the world to rights, only to be fucked off by every agent they sent it to. Except they weren't. They got signed up. And it got broadcast on BBC One on a Saturday night. Fuck Casualty. Fuck it so much.

  3. Fuck's sake, I'd rather Styles/Daniels again than RVD/Lynn. Other than that, it looks worth a watch. It is cool that they're bringing back some old guys for it, even if it's nobody I particularly care about. Actually, that's good - they're selling it to me on the vibe of the thing rather than the specific guys involved. Having the indy guys as an X-Division B roster is kind of a cool idea, too.


    So how much do we think this is intended to cash in a bit on any buzz that may still be around from the WWE cruiserweight show that never was?

  4. Pillman was in to custom jewellery (like the Hollywood Blondes chain he gave Austin, that he still wears)


    Wasn't the story about the domestic incident with Debra that she'd broken the chain while they were arguing, and that sent Austin nuts?

  5. The new Coheed and Cambria album has left me pretty underwhelmed. Sentry the Defiant would be great if someone had remembered to produce the verses, and there was another one that I quite liked (Gravity's Union, I think), but they're a long way from their best. Ascension is definitely the superior of the two, which is kind of a let down for a double album with a staggered release.

  6. By this point, I'm convinced Ohno's just got a really awful metabolism. He's not an idiot, he's gotta know that he won't get far looking like that. I guess if he's really not trying, someone in charge at NXT is going to have noticed and he'll get bumped off if he doesn't turn it around. Until then, I really hope they put him in a singlet or something.

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