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Up Chuck

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Posts posted by Up Chuck

  1. I really wish they hadn't shown us the

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    wide shot of the millions of Daleks. I got chills that I would have preferred to get watching the episode.


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    I cannot fucking wait. Ep 1 looks stunning, 2 and 3 look like dumb fun and whatever episode it's from, that shot of

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    the baby Weeping Angel blowing out the candle


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    made me shake my fists with delight like they do in Wallace and Gromit. Autumn = as soon as fucking possible in September, please.

  2. Was just coming on to post a thread about that and thought I'd check in here first. It's pretty much consistent with his usual logic - hitting hard and doing things that really hurt = better wrestling, therefore doing some cartoon heel storyline for real = better heel heat.

  3. Jericho's bits on Japan are pretty good. Nothing revelationary, but you get a good sense of the culture shock and how the structure of the companies worked. However, he does persistently use the word "Japanglish" instead of the more widely-accepted "Engrish", which irritated me loads and nobody else at all, probably.


    His stuff about Mexico is pretty good, too. And Germany. It's probably my favourite WWE autobiography. I really liked his second too, but the first only goes up to his WWE debut so you end up with this amazing international cast of characters and a huge variety of settings. Plus, you have the added hilarity of him ever-so-slightly misremembering WCW promos that are easily available on the internet (again, that's probably just me).

  4. Why not watch TNA? It is top quality TV, even someone who somehow thinks Edge is one of the best ever might enjoy it, even though there's no-one on it I'd hand off and score a try under the posts if he tried a tackle.


    Can you imagine Samoa Joe as a prop forward? He'd be forever trying to go on runs and do fancy backhand passes.

  5. Any idea when Dean Ambrose is getting called up?


    Last I heard was a few months back, when some people in WWE wanted to do it soon (probably in the traditional post-Mania debut spree), but Triple H made the call to hold it off until they had something really solid and worthwhile for him. It was a very interesting and reassuring call.


    I've got high hopes for Triple H in charge of this stuff, even if two of the notable signings he went to bat for turned out to be damp squibs (Sin Cara and Kharma, although the stuff with Kharma certainly wasn't his fault and the blame can be spread for Sin Cara just not gelling with WWE).

  6. I enjoyed this quite a lot. I'll tell you what I thought was cool - the Ascension, as kitschy as they are, doing a tag squash where they just isolated one guy and destroyed him. Makes them look like incredible tag team wrestlers without having to completely wreck two other guys. One guy essentially got double-teamed and the other one couldn't even get in it - there's a tag team put across as dangerous and two singles wrestlers who aren't dead in the water from week one. Cleverly done.


    I enjoyed the main event, too. It's exactly the right environment for guys like Kidd and McGillicutty to be in. They're not big-league guys, but if they stick around on NXT, keeping fresh and improving, WWE can call them up if they hit a run of form.


    The set-up was great too. Lovely-looking little room. Oh, and JR and Regal on commentary! That's pretty much my favourite commentary pairing EVER.


    One of the few downsides, I thought, was the new theme tune. I love

    , and it's by one of my favourite bands in the world, but it's an odd choice.
  7. If I was him, and I wasn't wanted in Sweden, I'd hide in Sweden. He looks so Scandanavian and I heard the place associated with his name so often that for a good time I just assumed he was Swedish.


    In other news, I believe I've just set the record for lowest amount of intellectual substance in any post in this thread.


    EDIT: I'll redeem myself. I don't like Wikileaks for anything that it's done so far. I like it for what potential it has. I like that it could be a failsafe for if things ever turned nasty and totalitarian for countries that are more self-aware than, say, North Korea. It could be important one day, so that's why I'm glad it's there.


    And I do get less and less comfortable about Assange every time I hear about something he's done. He seems to be intent on confirming the bad feeling he's always given me.

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