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Up Chuck

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Posts posted by Up Chuck

  1. Even better than that, if you click through to the article where Howard Jones explains why he left, he says "I wish myself the best in all my future endeavours". What a fucking man.


    I only got into Killswitch around when they released The End of Heartache, seen them a few times at Download and always enjoyed them. I'll be interested to hear the new stuff.

  2. I love that garlic flavoured philadelphia stuff they used to do, is that still available? Would give the dish a nice edge.


    Yep, that definitely still exists. Some supermarkets have an own-brand version too.

  3. Ahh dammit; I was hoping no paidos would spill that bit of info, so hopefully people would jump to conclusions and goad him and call him a pussy for a week for having cried off and not responded.


    If it helps to salvage the idea of him being a bit of a pussy, the Youtube videos have now been made private.

  4. I once saw a cat shitting in its owner's front garden, looking me dead in the eyes while it did it, without so much as a pause. Just kept squeezing it out. Any animal that can do that is one to fear.


    For you to know that though it would mean you stood and stared at a cat dead in the eyes as it took a shit, without so much as a pause.


    I was walking past, and wanted to see if it would break its stare. I feel like I was invading its privacy, and it just totally no-sold it. It chilled me to my core.

  5. Well, I dunno by your screenname here, but if you know any of the Leicester bunch (Alexander, Tripp Hazzard, etc.) you might know me through that.


    I am Tripp Hazzard. Who are you? I think we've both changed usernames.


    (note for anyone confused: my username was never Tripp Hazzard, that was my gimmick name in the 6 shitty matches I had)


    EDIT: Looked through the name change logs. Didn't recognise you from the picture.

  6. Fucking hell. No loose end left untied. That's what I love about it, it just has everyone desparate to figure it out. I bet Mofatt and Gatiss, being huge Conan Doyle fans, love that they've inspired some inquisitive spirit in their viewers. If only everyone liked it so much when Moffat does it in Doctor Who...


    *edited for predictive text gibberish GOD this is getting tiresome why didn't the 13 page review I read mention this*

  7. Sherlock

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Felt a touch mugged off by the ending. Either needed an explanation of how he performed it, or left as dead.


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    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    They told you how he did it throughout the episode (that's been a theme throughout) and they like leaving little puzzles for the nerds. I've got so far as "the body they buried was the body of the kidnapper from hansel and gretal, given the appropriate contusions that someone who works in a morgue would know, and the switch was made when Watson was knocked down by the cyclist, who is part of the homeless network". I'll enjoy trying to work the rest out, but it is a bit far fetched, even for this programme


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    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    I would imagine the corpse of "Sherlock" was indeed the kidnapper, and it might, somehow, have been him on the roof the whole time. And furthermore, it doesn't just call back to this episode - remember how we saw the corpse of "Irene Adler" in the first episode? We know she had contact with Moriarty, so he probably used the same guy to turn the kidnapper into fake Sherlock.


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    Anyway, I thought it was unbelievably good. Enjoyed it more than anything on TV in forever, and...


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    ...I can't bloody wait for series 3.


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