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Up Chuck

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Posts posted by Up Chuck

  1. That's great, isn't it? I wonder how many more unwitting car-booters there are with missing episodes gathering dust in their cupboards. In retrospect, it's mind-blowing that BBC were so blas

  2. (3) You run the risk of upsetting any strange people who LOVED, for example, Vito in a dress or Mike Adamle.


    Not to mention the people themselves, who for the most part were doing everything they were doing at WWE's behest. Vito, in particular, has every right to be upset about it in my book, it's a really mean-spirited dig at a guy who was just doing a gimmick like he was told to.


    EDIT: Also, it's pretty harsh on Adamle - it takes a lot of balls to accept that you're so shit at your job that they're making that your gimmick, then to run with it as best you can.

  3. Did a search for this and couldn't find anything - is it Mark Haskins in the Yeo Valley boyband advert that's been on lately? If not, he's got a fucking spot-on doppleganger.


    You mean

    - that's uncanny, but it can't be him, can it??


    It's gotta be. The only other time I've seen someone who looked like him was a photo of a young James Joyce (no joke, I'll try and dig out the photo).

  4. Y'know what they should do? Have David Tennant star in a film with basically no plot where he just runs from Daleks, gurns, and jabbers at nameless assistants for 90 minutes. Faux-nerd fangirls go mental for it, film makes millions that can be injected back into the TV show. Flawless plan.


    Heh, I'm not so sure the money would go back into the series anyway.


    Fair point, but they should do what I said anyway to kill off all potential curiosity I have in the film and eliminate the risk of me spending

  5. Y'know what they should do? Have David Tennant star in a film with basically no plot where he just runs from Daleks, gurns, and jabbers at nameless assistants for 90 minutes. Faux-nerd fangirls go mental for it, film makes millions that can be injected back into the TV show. Flawless plan.

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