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Up Chuck

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Posts posted by Up Chuck

  1. Probably just a friend helping out a friend. Lee and Murray go quite a way back IIRC. Stew cites his mainstream popularity (and the subsequent loss of the irony of his act) as an example of what he doesn't want his work to become in 'How I Escaped My Certain Fate'.

  2. Last I heard (can't remember where), the BNP were in all sorts of financial trouble and would be done within a few months. That doesn't necessarily contradict what you've heard, I suppose - could be one last hurrah, or a new approach now that they haven't got money to spend on stunningly low-rent party political broadcasts with random Asian members of the public doing the most obvious reading-off-a-card ever captured on film.

  3. <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    I think it's about time. They've kind of run their course. I'll miss Rory, I think Darvill's become an excellent supporting actor and a really good foil for Smith and Gillan. It could've become a tiresome dynamic, but it's actually been rather fun. I like the Tardis being a bit more full.


    I don't imagine for a second that there's a chance of this happening, but if they want to go for another Doctor+female+male setup, Meera Syal and John Barrowman aren't doing much else these days, are they? I'd love them to be brave enough to have a Tardis free of female eye candy.


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