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Up Chuck

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Posts posted by Up Chuck

  1. Spot on Chilli, I've been saying that about the Khali match for years (I'll resist the obvious joke there). Cena's in-ring work in big matches has ben absolutely stellar for years. Look at Money in the Bank last year, for just one example. I like Punk, always have, but has anyone had such a great, dramatic match with him since then? Or before, even? You could say, considering the audiences they were aimed at and the respective aims of the matches in question, that the trilogy with Samoa Joe in ROH is up there, but maybe not even that and certainly not much else. And it certainly wasn't anything approaching a carry job from Punk. That was a blinding match and it was 50-50 effort, with each guy helping the other be fantastic.


    Cena's great and has been for ages. The only bugbear anyone could possibly have is the repetitive comeback, in which case I'd like to take this opportunity to say SHAWN FUCKING MICHAELS.

  2. McGann's flip-flopped, saying he'd love to get involved but also that he feels the show's way above his station these days. Either way, if there's a multi-Doctor episode, this won't be it. It'll be the start of series 8, near the anniversary, if at all. I reckon we're more likely to get some revelations about the Doctor's origins than we are to get a multi-Doctor episode, especially as Smith's Doctor didn't recognise Prisoner Zero's impersonation of him just after he regenerated (suggesting he hadn't seen himself looking like that before).

  3. It's the right call to shift it. Moffat's been going on for ages about wanting it to be on when it's dark outside. Also means they can have a regular-season episode around the date of the 50th anniversary next year.

  4. Is Kevin Nash vs Jeff Jarrett the only singles match combination to contest the WWF, WCW and NWA/TNA heavyweight titles?


    I can't think of any other that could've. Did Booker ever have any WWE title shots? That would surely be the only other way it could've happened. Steiner only had World Heavyweight shots, I'm sure.

  5. My other half's folks' cats are always bringing bloody frogs in. She's getting quite good at catching them. The cats are onto it, though - we found one dried up behind a desk the other week, and just the bottom half of one with its guts hanging out after that.

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