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Up Chuck

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Posts posted by Up Chuck

  1. I'm in between on that. I liked the episodes, but there were some naff bits, like the angel moving. And while I liked the idea of the angels turning humans into angels to survive, I thought it was waaaaay too early in the game to introduce it. That's the kind of thing you trot out after the monsters' main threat runs its course, for me.


    And Daz, I've been mulling over that Pompeii idea in my head. After all, Rory spent 2000 years as a Roman. If they end up in the right era, might as well aim for the familiar.

  2. Question: did the tenth Doctor actually marry Elizabeth I? Because if so...


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    ...Amy's now the Doctor's mother-in-law twice.


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    Decent episode anyway. Started a lot better than it ended, but set up next week very nicely. I thought it was a really, really nice touch that...


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    ...the Brigadier's daughter had the same name as she did in that 1995 direct-to-video episode they made that didn't have the Doctor in it, and the actresses even looked plausibly alike. That's cool as fuck.


    [close spoiler]

  3. Update on mine: had a second meeting, bizarrely different tone to the first, playing it by ear now. Gotta go in tomorrow to sort of start finding my way around the company and the product, but from what I can tell it looked like the finalisation of my role got caught up in some internal politics. Very jarred and annoyed tonight.

  4. I'm pleased to report that I've been offered some freelance writing work by a recruitment agency who were managing another job I applied for. They basically headhunted me out of their own system, which is a teensy bit cheeky, but the other job had been filled and I'm not complaining. I wasn't planning to go freelance but my dad's brought me and my sister up doing exactly that so he's given me a bit of a crash course and helped me figure out what I should be billing them (they had no idea, or they were waiting for me to pitch a figure to them so they could negotiate). I've given them a very well-considered per-hour number and some example work, and I'm just waiting (extremely anxiously) for the email back to confirm it all. A lot of their work is American based so they work really weird hours. I could legitimately still get a response from them tonight. So yeah. Nervously watching my inbox.You wait all day for a bus and then one comes along, but it's a different shape to what you expected and you have to do a bit of the driving yourself. Or something.

  5. They're nice enough, yeah, but as Ian said, it's ridiculous that they've devoted attention and money to something like that when they've got so many other massive problems that will kill them off if they're not fixed.

  6. I think the deal will turn out to be that Booker's still finding his feet as a GM, and he's a bit tentative about standing up to Otunga given Otunga's demonstrated skill at sucking up to the top brass. At least, I hope that's how it turns out. They'll probably just have Booker un-ban it after Del Rio accidentally hits him while he's guest reffing a match between them. And Teddy Long will still be inadvertently written as being shit at his job until the end of time.

  7. Nah, sorry. It was a guy called Garrick Hagon, who'd previously been in a Jon Pertwee story from 1972.


    EDIT: He also played Biggs in Star Wars Episode IV.

  8. Well, they've knocked it out of the park twice in a row, for me. Great episode with some wonderful character progression for the Doctor, which looks like it's going to be cranked up to 11 next week before the big Pond finale the week after.. There totally is an arc here, it's just less explicit and twist-filled than last time.

  9. It's too much of a ballache with the travel, hotels, beer tokens and Club Heat afterwards to be honest. I begrudge having to go more than 5 miles these days.


    Fair enough. I'm pretty lucky to have it so close. Although it's even a pain in the arse getting back to Leicester if you don't have a lift. Which is fucking ridiculous - the two places' football teams have a local derby, for fuck's sake!

  10. Not sure if its been mentioned, but ROH have some new title belts in development. I'm unaware of specifics (If it'll be the same belts with new logos or new designs altogether), but its all over the Belt talk forums with sneek peeks and stuff.


    It was mentioned in Rule One's awesome belt thread that god killed by twats who don't even post here. It's idiotic when they're doing so badly. When did they get their recent set? Can't have been more than 2 years.

  11. And, surely they're going to come back to the Doctor killing someone out of malice. That's huge.


    I said exactly that when it happened. It's a massive tipping-point for Smith's Doctor. I was sat there waiting for some throwaway line about how he'd set the ship to teleport Solomon somewhere else after scaring him straight, but no, he just let him get nuked. Even if it's just something to show that he's gotten a bit loose with his morals without the Ponds around, it's very significant.

  12. Yep, tonight was a ton of inoffensive fun. Liked the Silurians twist as well. And if anyone objects to Mitchell and Webb as camp, bickering robots, I don't know what to say to them.

  13. Well, a centrist mess with Nick Clegg looking sullen in the background is better than a centre-right mess with Nick Clegg looking sullen in the background. I do worry, though, that too many people will find the idea of Ed Milliband as PM laughable. Labour need a change before then if they're gonna win. Milliband's the worst kind of Labour leader from an election perspective - too left for the centrists, too centre for the leftists, and too much of a charisma vaccuum to convince anyone otherwise.

  14. Aren't they doing the thing where all the Ace's and Eight's are appearing unmasked but no one know's it's them. I forgot the name of the fella who has already appeared but I'm sure he even had a match. I think Gallows is working and will appear on Impact this week.


    Wes Brisco. He's the only regularly-appearing A&8s guy whose identity I'm 100% certain of. Don't think he's had a match, but he's made a few backstage appearances.

  15. The only advice I can give you is, if you somehow have the means to, ask Alex Shane about the 9/11 stuff. He's an absolute fanatic on it. To the point where he shows videos about it to people when they come round his house, even if that's not the pretense under which they were invited.

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