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Posts posted by Chili

  1. Just now, stewdogg said:

    Please elaborate further

    That he was an old racist and everything he said was just kinda laughed off a thing and not actually looked and maybe something done about it. Fuck him, he made no effort to learn and looked down upon the working classes with absolute contempt. Horrible man if my opinion which means nothing really in the grand scheme.

  2. Wasn't the Hall of Fame basically WCW were doing it for Slamboree in May but Andre carked it and Vince was like 'Oh thank christ, I can fuck them here too now' and announced his. Not that it would damage WCW, but I'm sure that was even why it was created. 

    Always hated the 'Koko's in there' argument for shit people though, on the grounds that Koko B. Ware wasn't shit and did exactly HIS job. 

    If they find it an emotional experience getting accepted to the WWE HOF then good for them if they put the hours in and if they're long retired get treated pretty sweet for the weekend etc. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    The Acclaimed are a great little undercard act with a huge amount of potential and upside to be a great mid to upper card act and I'll hear nothing else about it. 

    It's a good thing Luchasaurus has such a fantastic look and gimmick, because he's a hilariously bad wrestler. He's surrounded by loads of young guys who seem to be getting better every week and I think he's actually getting worse. Still love him though, but only because of how dumb, goofy and fun his gimmick is. 

    I'm happy with Luchasaurus ceiling. He'll be the big guy to always have Jungle Boy's back when he ventures on his singles trail. Ironically his character really doesn't need to evolve much beyond what he is. I'd say he's the Chuck Taylor of the three man unit as he's the least interesting to me but has his reason to not be just sacked off.

  4. The Acclaimed give off New Age Outlaws vibes and I mean that really positively. They will not be the best team, but the charisma is off the charts. I don't mind Bowens not bringing much as Caster isn't much stuff in the ring much either, but it really clicks. Caster is funny as fuck. It's something in the delivery, cocky taunts said like a sarcastic prick, coming from a pussy heel. Good act, they'll add something else soon that really helps them but I don't know what it is yet. Keep them away from the bigger stables too.

    It was a weird show wasn't it. I liked everything but pretty much just that. 

    *The Jurassic Express/Bear Country match was brilliant for how close it nearly fell off the rails. Kept expecting someone to accidentally kill Jungle Boy or themselves on some of those spots.

    *The QT stuff is fine, Player/Manager is a good fit for him. Like a prick high school coach.

    *They're throwing that Hangman on top of the rankings line around a lot, so something is a foot there.

    *Best Friends/Death Triangle getting started after a year delay, I'll have that thanks.

    *ARE THE YOUNG BUCKS HEELS NOW???? Even doing that I'd probably question it. I love AEW and they're long drawn out stuff tbh, but the Bucks are massively incapable of it. I can watch they're matches till sundown but what are they. I sometimes think the Bucks are like that Mitchell and Webb Nazi sketch. If they've turned heel, thank christ. They'll be good at that. Nick Jackson always reminds me of Bill Hicks 'card trick to a dog' line and Matt Jackson with his hilarious 'I'm upset look at my heavy breathing' acting is REALLY cack. Mainly because he seems to try and he's better being this natural rather arrogant shit.

    Before the pandemic there was a brilliant brawl where Hangman came in to save the day and then went up to Matt Jackson and just flipped him the bird and fucked off out the ring. It was really satisfying, so the Bucks as actual heels, not doing some weird cold war spy turn to lull in Kenny, then I'm on board.

  5. That Kane video was something lovely wasn't it. His debut is still a brilliant piece of business from everyone involved. Always loved Cornette's description of him being Michael Myers like, and in his debut it's so good. The crowds slow realisation around the same time as Vince does the line and there were off.

  6. 8 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    I watched some of The Rock and Cena promos to kick off their feud last night. It's another sign of our age given rumours of Rock/Reigns this year that his previous comeback is now just over TEN years ago. Cena still smoked him. It's undeniable. Still can't quite believe they let Cena point out his teleprompter or having his lines written on his arm either. Lots funny about it in hindsight. Rock promising he'd never leave again. Cena being the company babyface only to leave himself.

    One for the "did that really happen" thread but I completely forget the anonymous general manager thing ever happened. I'm normally reminded watching that Rock comeback promo.

    They mentioned a "King Sheamus" too. No memory of him being "King".

    Oh King Sheamus fucking died. They kinda tried to go a bit celtic or something with it, because his crown looked like a kid made a deer's antlers in an arts class, if my memory serves.

    Raw: John Morrison interrupts Sheamus' coronation ceremony - YouTube

    Here's himself. There we go.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Your Fight Site said:

    Having watched this period of WCW recently, I really can’t understand how badly Sting vs. Hogan was. I’m a huge Sting fan so it could be taken as sour grapes, but the booking of those few months was awful.

    Sting and Hogan had three title matches and each one has a screwy finish. Like, you take one of your most popular wrestlers out of action for 18 months and then he can’t win a single match decisively? With that build and commitment, Sting should have came back, thrown Hogan around, and then dropped him on the back of his bald bonce for the 1–2–3.

    I think an person you've mentioned a few times there would have a maybe some sort of hand in all that goes to shit and them looking pretttty okay out of it.

  8. Always felt a disclaimer would be beneficial with shit like WWF's old content and others, because, well there is so much.

    I used to love reading about how much TSN in Canada chopped up shit on Raw back when. I hope it's like that, with the 90's bowl cut kid fan edited into every removed chair shot.

  9. @RedRooster I think the women's division rightly and no so rightly took a lot of flack last year.

    Good to see it's getting more, well a division isn't it. Still think Shida is fine as the ace, unfortunately when they were early in setting that up all her challenges either got stuffed by the pando or got injured or took time off for stuff (Nyla). Now though, phew, Statlander, Riho, Serena Deeb (proper Bret Hart vibes off her) and the third tier Dark/Elevation female crew have helped it all prop back up. Which is good, because around the end of the year it got to the point of internet weirdo's timing how long the the women got, Women's wrestling stanning can get proper off-piste.

    Jade Cargill is a top promo for her level set I'd say. Full of her own shit and with a shit eating grin, pre-tapes for now boys till she's ready. They've also really sold me on Red Velvet, she's basically the little train that could. She won't against Cargill, but done right Jade Cargill could eventually be Velvet's white whale if they wanted to invest in her finally overcoming the giant.

    Tay Conti though. Brilliant look and style. The nicest eyes in the world, looks like a model, but can judo throw Nyla Rose like a piece of piss. She's like something from Tekken or whatevs.

    If we're going for a women's stable too, I'd probably have what we have now with Vickie and Nyla, but adding Jade and the La Sicaria (sic) team (think this all got held off as Big Swole got pretty sick for a bit). Britt and Jade is an off mix as they are two lead 'head girl' attitude types. They're a feud eventually, like Jade can sly Britt and then you can have the two heels but 'Britt is OUR bastard' semi face feud with her. I see more in that as eventual crossing than anything established.

    More Abadon wrestling like a zombie too, I love that. Wrestling as your character I love.


  10. I love you views on a lot of the topics in AEW but the QT is proper 'when will they get to the fireworks factory'.

    QT turning heel elevates Lee Johnson, Aaron Solow, Nick Comorato, Anthony Ogogo (who they can really do something with given him), it gives Cody lighter work because he has a kid and his shoulder needs a rest. It gives Dustin Rhodes another shot at some good matches given his Dark Order 7 seven side story got shitcanned. Dustin and Nick Comorato smashing into each other should be great. Also Marshall Law is a nifty little name too. If he's player/manager and the other three get the spotlight, I'm cool with that. 

    It also finally fucking explains the Nighmare Family (which we were all like 'what are you?') a bit more. Not a trio, stable or gang, it's a training dojo. I really don't think it's nepotism or some form as the angle to me looks like it's going to elevate nearly half a dozen new acts that can go off in various matches. Hating QT isn't contrarian, I think your opinion of him is, but it's a disagreement on a wrestling forum. 

    Women's division is grand at the moment for AEW and what they have too. Britt Baker in a gang. Nope, always want her as the solo act with the flunky. I also think the character of Britt Baker is incapable of a stable due to being in the show, a really toxic personality. Love that she's gone, Yeah you won, didn't count though. That'll piss off Thunder Rosa, and good, shes the biz.

    Hangman ranked No#1 by the way. That wasn't addressed was it?

  11. Told you as shit and bland as QT Marshall, he'd have his 'ahhh lads' moment and that was it. The slow turn, seeing his boys that could be corrupted over the other 'class nerds' who gravitated towards Cody, Dustin etc. Great piledriver I think he'll be fine as player/manager getting more for Nick Comorato, Aaron Solow & Anthony Ogogo. Only complaint you could make is it's QT. But that's just contrarion for the sake of it. 

    Pretty brilliant episode of TV that, anything that didn't work was either short or mad enough it worked. Main Event was just an absolute blast from everyone involved. Best Friends as an act I love, all of them are great. 

  12. I saw the Thunderdome, pissed myself laughing and gave up. The rumble was so hard to follow as I was so distracted by how fucking Black Mirror it all felt.

    Has no-one done Purple Aki or Father Dick Byrne flicking the V's on it yet or does WWE have someone with a clue running the Thunderdome lark.

  13. Borga/Earthquake maybe got a week of match graphics. 

    Really don't think matches that quick apply for this. If your offended by a card that also has a 15 second squash its hardly shit. 

    Beverleys/Bushwhackers have to take it though. Its like Heenan/Monsoon are pissing about but almost slower. Like Heenan is literally hashing out a joke writing session with Monsoon and occasionally saying 'Can I find out number Flair has pleaseeee?' to make us think they're trying. 

    Gorilla also knew exactly what that sign said during the Beverleys entrance. You know the one. 

  14. That E&C/Pac and Dogg match is great. Probably the best straight tag match Road Dogg ever got. 

    The correct answer for Backlash 2000 is the APA/Bossman & Buchanan match. Absolutely average an on that PPV is massively stood out.

    What a PPV though. 

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