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Posts posted by Chili

  1. 50 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    I expect it will be Dalton in a mask, but I'm holding out hope for "Smooth Sailing" Ashley Remington.


    I want this, not even a mask. Just him pretending to be a completely different person. It's so utterly stupid Dalton Castle would make gangbusters out of it.

  2. He's very much been having a year off hasn't he. It's mad he hasn't taken a break as Jericho in AEW from 2019-early 2021 had some skill moments. Especially for his self aware comedy. Bubbly, funny vignettes, release the hounds etc. He's been cack for a bit and even the ex JAS members have through sheer will of refusal to be buried, shook away the Dementor @Supremo would say.

  3. 1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Sure many have seen it already but it deserves to be seen by everyone multiple times.



    Well I do declare! 🤭

  4. I'm gigging in Birmingham and a mate had a dropout so for a rare instance I watched a WWE show. Not watching meant ai really didn't know who a lot of people are. 

    Women's Rumble was alright and had some good bits but some of it was fucking diabolical. Jade Cargill just looks so physically striking. I really like Bianca Belair. No Charlotte, apparently she's injured. Nia Jax is still absolutely terrifying to watch because I'm just waiting for her to completely muller someone out of clumsiness. I thought Chelsea (remember her doing a jilted bride gimmick in TNA) was really funny. Natalya is nan age in wrestling TV years, just been there forever. I like Bayley.

    KO/Logan was alright but I detest fuck finishes, probably because I won't watch the payoff. Never watched Logan Paul before, a proper cunt but good grief he's a brilliant one in wrestling too. What a punchable man.

    LA Knight feels like and looks a bit like if Rob Conway managed to get over back in the day. Meat and Potatoes worker and fuck all stood out in that match except that Steroid Testing has clearly signed an NDA.

    Blokes Rumble happened. I like Cody, hope he wins. I was around a lot of unhappy people when Punk didn't win. Saw three lads in Punk shirts just sat arms crossed at the end in the pub looking very unamused. They looked like they scored nil points at Eurovision and had to sit through it all.

    That ring announcer is FUCKING AWFUL. Ring announcers should not be doing that Mariah Carey 'ooouoouuouooouu' bollocks. The Fink didn't piss about.

    It was just ok.


  5. 8 minutes ago, waters44 said:

    Other promotions are doing joint PPVs, I don’t think getting chucked out the Royal Rumble after exchanging chops with the Miz is going to have people flocking for the remote. You’ll get a massive pop and it brings a bit of magic back to the Rumble.

    Like I said it’s not gonna happen but thinking that it could somehow destroy a chunk of your fan base is mad 

    Thinking they'd agree to it is more mad, thinking exchanging chops with the Miz would be worth the deal and getting chucked out is mad. WWE only work with anyone not a threat or in direct business against. TNA used to be treated that way until everyone fucked it before it's mini renaissance and they didn't mind Mickie James popping in. If deals are made it's never in-ring, see when WWE sent Christian to Slammiversary. Also what do you do in return, A WWE guy is the joker in a Casino Battle Royale. It's real life business not Fire Pro.

  6. Jesse Jane was the lead lass in Pirates who I thought looked a bit like Christy Hemme in that IIRC. I don't know her life beyond that at all but 43 is very young. Don't adult actors and 80's wrestlers kind of have those parallel ages where they go young? 


  7. 47 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    Hangman and Swerve might be the first time I’ve wanted “fight forever” to come true. These two should want to destroy each other for eternity. Their little backstage moment was just brimming with brilliant hatred for each other.

    The backstage bit was the best bit on the show beyond the Toni Storm segment. I know Swerve is getting big pops but I love that Magnum Page still has the fans too, it'd be shit if they did some double turn, only way it'd work is if Hangman T.A. went all Bret '97 because after Swerve starting it, justification is difficult. Brilliant feud, I love how much they detest each other. Hangers best feud since Kenny and Swerve's best work in AEW.

    "New year, new me, dumbass!"

  8. 8 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    You say that, but everything from his return building to the eventual meeting with Rock at Mania XVII was absolute peak pro wrestling in highlight form, with Armageddon and the six-way Cell smack in the middle. The escalating entrances for that match (and the older I get the more I enjoy entrances compared to matches) still give me goosebumps today. Then you get to WrestleMania itself and the stars align - in the words of Stone Cold "take Debra out of the equation, she's a non-factor" and you're left with the two hottest babyfaces in forever finally meeting for the belt when each can argued to be at their peak, when the business is at a peak, at a Mania. End chapter. It's never been bigger, it never will be again. There was some collateral damage, maybe HHH or Angle might have had a case to be in the Mania main event after their 2000 (each would, obviously, still get their main events in subsequent years), but I don't think anyone that Austin trampled on during his rampage suffered any lasting damage.

    Or that it was any worse than his first prime. He beat up Mick himself plenty over the "Pick Me Steve" weeks, Stunned our fave Ken Shamrock during the same time when most goodies were banding together against the Harts (made Kenny look silly there too) and dropped JR, King and virtually everyone else we loved. I think he looked a bigger twat then, when I think deeper about it. There's probably only Sable he could have attacked and not got cheered for at the time. Which I really didn't care for, as to me he was "Bret's enemy" all the way through to Montreal so I didn't think anyone should be cheering him regardless. Dirty stinking hyena.

    Sorry I meant Austin from September 2000 - Oct/Nov 2000. Absolutely unbearable annoyance to the show looking back even if he's still white hot.

  9. With a few minor snags WWF 2000 is pretty much the best year of the company until September when Steph takes over from Chris Kreski (Pritchard always denies he did shit, but it's bollocks innit) and Steve Austin had his absolute worst period of omnipresent stunnering. It would have been amazing if just a load of the faces and heels he beat up just mashed in the fucker one time. I know you got ran over, we're on it mate, but you're acting the cunt. Foley should have smacked him one.

  10. With Earthquake I guess you could cover his sumo career which might have something there, the incident with Koji Kitao is absolutely going in there and maybe possibly his illness in later life. I agree it isn't DSOTR kinda stuff but also I fucking love Earthquake so him just getting a small doc treatment is alright by me.

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