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Posts posted by Chili

  1. 26 minutes ago, hallicks said:

    Sounds extremely fishy. Was heating/energy bills part of the rent? Is there anything in the contract about charging for extra energy usage? 

    Here's the email tbh, not arsed what details you see.

    There has been a delay as we needed to double-check energy prices with the energy company and organise bills for your reference.


    We have decided not to charge anything to repaint the room and reinstate it.


    You moved into Room 1, INSERT ADDRESS on 01/07/2021 and the tenancy ended on 15/01/2024.


    We took meter readings on 23/08/2021 and then on 02/01/2024 and there was an overuse of £7341.72 during this period. There were a total of 863 days between meter readings. We also have not charged for July/August 2021 and January 2024. This is nearly more than two months of energy overuse that we will waive.


    The overuse divided between 7 people is £8.51 per day and a total of £1048.82 per person for the period of occupation.  


    After we deduct the deposit towards this bill. there is still £653.82 left owing. Can you please make the refund for energy overuse today into the following account:

  2. Naively was hoping for a bit of our deposit back from my old place. Instead for a house with 7 tenants they charge for extra energy heating usage. It's Manchester, it's cold. It's an old house with single pane of glass windows. Old as shit. Anyway they've charged us all per day for any over use then totalled that between the readings (Aug 2021-Jan 2023). Regardless of if we seemingly went over every day. Just charged for that gap of days. So my deposit was £395 and per person apparently we were over £1K overspending each. Which I think is completely bollocks but meh, I get no deposit back and apparently owe an energy company £650. I have about £7. I'm off to beg. What a fucking day it's started out like. My mother was guarantor so I'm hoping they don't go after her?

  3. Swerve/Hangman doing a double turn because even though Swerve is a sicko who doesn't really need them (Austin), the crowd are turning his way because they like his style, and Hangman (Bret) who logically is completely in the right getting slowly corrupted by not only he getting his shot, but more to the point he's now obsessed with stopping Swerve from having the gold. Sometimes life isn't fair Hanger. Swerve is a psychopath so it's always been just business. For Hanger its so personal it's now an obsession. It's a genuinely magic bit of storytelling that feels like it should be getting more love in this generally miserable few weeks of wrestling. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    It’s all that nonce Feinstein’s fault. He gave these fuckers a voice outside of the ring. We could only imagine how stupid and bigoted they were before shoot interviews which made it way more convenient to pretend they weren’t stupid and bigoted.

    Lol 18 wasn't telling Big Kev how to fuck over Madusa back in the day. Shoot Interviews just told us our heroes were a bit thick and swore more than we expected.

  5. 20 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

    Glenn Ponder from Glenn Ponder & Chalet/Debonair/Ferrari etc passed away a couple of days ago. I didn't realise he was the dad of stand up Alfie Brown.


    He had a genuinely great secret career in comedy. Terrible son mind.

  6. We all laughed when Shane booked himself to look the biz in a rumble before we found out his knees were crispbread at Mania. I think we might be relieved if it happens with Roman/The Roid.

  7. 46 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

    Maybe they'll do a kind of 10 year anniversary special of the Daniel Bryan storyline and say if Cody can beat Seth for the title on night one, he'll be put into the Rock/Reigns match on night two. Ends up walking away from Mania with two belts.

    At this rate you'll get a 10 year anniversary of trying to finish the story.

  8. I went with RJ. As @RedRoosteropined, Hey! Ew lives or dies by how RJ works the guest. Even the bad episodes are ok and the good ones where he's got someone who gets the format to a tee (Mariah May) or someone far too excited and just really enjoying themselves in Adam Copeland. He's also genuinely real world funny and he drops some of the best references I've heard in wrestling comedy. A proper gift is Hey! Ew.

  9. 50 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    I expect it will be Dalton in a mask, but I'm holding out hope for "Smooth Sailing" Ashley Remington.


    I want this, not even a mask. Just him pretending to be a completely different person. It's so utterly stupid Dalton Castle would make gangbusters out of it.

  10. He's very much been having a year off hasn't he. It's mad he hasn't taken a break as Jericho in AEW from 2019-early 2021 had some skill moments. Especially for his self aware comedy. Bubbly, funny vignettes, release the hounds etc. He's been cack for a bit and even the ex JAS members have through sheer will of refusal to be buried, shook away the Dementor @Supremo would say.

  11. 1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Sure many have seen it already but it deserves to be seen by everyone multiple times.



    Well I do declare! 🤭

  12. I'm gigging in Birmingham and a mate had a dropout so for a rare instance I watched a WWE show. Not watching meant ai really didn't know who a lot of people are. 

    Women's Rumble was alright and had some good bits but some of it was fucking diabolical. Jade Cargill just looks so physically striking. I really like Bianca Belair. No Charlotte, apparently she's injured. Nia Jax is still absolutely terrifying to watch because I'm just waiting for her to completely muller someone out of clumsiness. I thought Chelsea (remember her doing a jilted bride gimmick in TNA) was really funny. Natalya is nan age in wrestling TV years, just been there forever. I like Bayley.

    KO/Logan was alright but I detest fuck finishes, probably because I won't watch the payoff. Never watched Logan Paul before, a proper cunt but good grief he's a brilliant one in wrestling too. What a punchable man.

    LA Knight feels like and looks a bit like if Rob Conway managed to get over back in the day. Meat and Potatoes worker and fuck all stood out in that match except that Steroid Testing has clearly signed an NDA.

    Blokes Rumble happened. I like Cody, hope he wins. I was around a lot of unhappy people when Punk didn't win. Saw three lads in Punk shirts just sat arms crossed at the end in the pub looking very unamused. They looked like they scored nil points at Eurovision and had to sit through it all.

    That ring announcer is FUCKING AWFUL. Ring announcers should not be doing that Mariah Carey 'ooouoouuouooouu' bollocks. The Fink didn't piss about.

    It was just ok.


  13. 8 minutes ago, waters44 said:

    Other promotions are doing joint PPVs, I don’t think getting chucked out the Royal Rumble after exchanging chops with the Miz is going to have people flocking for the remote. You’ll get a massive pop and it brings a bit of magic back to the Rumble.

    Like I said it’s not gonna happen but thinking that it could somehow destroy a chunk of your fan base is mad 

    Thinking they'd agree to it is more mad, thinking exchanging chops with the Miz would be worth the deal and getting chucked out is mad. WWE only work with anyone not a threat or in direct business against. TNA used to be treated that way until everyone fucked it before it's mini renaissance and they didn't mind Mickie James popping in. If deals are made it's never in-ring, see when WWE sent Christian to Slammiversary. Also what do you do in return, A WWE guy is the joker in a Casino Battle Royale. It's real life business not Fire Pro.

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