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Posts posted by Chili

  1. 5 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Fuck you, this is far too sensitive a subject for you to be baiting me like this! I won’t do it dammit.

    Glad you kept your slam short and sweet which is an incredible on your part. You can fuck off in return, jest or not.

  2. 2 minutes ago, David said:

    The thing is, women and trans people are the very ones who should be vocal about it. The matter concerns them, and the truth is, there's a lot of validity to both sides of the argument I think. It's certainly not as black and white as one side being right and the other being wrong.

    The men I'm talking about, in my experience anyway, are the ones who are generally whipping shit up and causing friction. Be it transphobic twats or misogynistic neckbeard types. 

    I was just giving a different take, thank you for putting me back in my place.

  3. 16 minutes ago, David said:

    Nope, it's mostly men who are the most vocal for some weird reason. On both sides.

    Always seen it as more trans people on the trans side vocalising their rights and the TERF side being your Rowling's and haunted twitter number users, and obvs Linehan the defender of all women. But, but it might be differing circles giving that I work with a lot of trans comedians (a lot of them you might be surprised) who are rightly vocal given they well have to deal with a prick on the reg.

    Pronouns as @DavidB6937 pointed, I absolutely struggled with it too as it was new and would feel quite bad if I kept fucking up. More because I imagined they have enough of it.

    Personally I see it an evolutionary language trait change eventually. Where we'll just have it as a normal instead of a reactionary thing and in my prior job, a bunch of boomers going 'well back in my day you... Insert whatever isn't ok now' as a reach around.

  4. I have another. Tenryu in AJPW 1990. Leaves a spot as No. 2/1a to Jumbo Tsuruta and leads money mark group SWS which eventually dies in 1992. He launches WAR which does ok but is always no. 4 or 5 in Japanese promotions. Gets welcomed back to AJPW in 2000 after Baba carked it, EVERYONE bar two roster members left AJPW and Mrs. Baba was on her arse, but the sun had sailed for Tenryu by then . Good as he still was.

  5. 2 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    Mike Awesome went from the ECW Champion and coolest, craziest motherfucker in wrestling to That 70s Guy and the Fat Chick Thriller in WCW then a nothing run in WWF.

    Though from a financial perspective he probably got paid significantly more to be a dickhead in WCW than a killer in ECW and ECW wouldn't have been able to afford to pay him if he had stayed a few months longer so I guess it probably was for the better for him.

    Always figured if Awesome wasn't out the door for that WCW contract he'd be out the door by end of May 2000 with the pay issues. I almost think anyone leaving ECW bar Shane Douglas is exempt because leaving ECW in 2000 was easy on a wrestlers bills if they weren't in the tri-state area or too young, dumb, hungry, needing the exposure or on wages decent enough to placate a bad phase.

  6. Would it be right to nominate The Brain Busters. Left NWA had a decent year and won the WWF tag gold but felt underpaid to what they earned in Crockett and then left and get even less money because Tully got popped for coke and fucked them both over a bit.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    Wasn't he sacked?


    Miro/Rusev was shitcanned I think in the first round of lockdown cuts in 2020. So not grass being greener, but needed grass. But I guess now feels the grass was greener at the place that sacked him. Miro since about early 2022 has been a weird cat booking and attitude wise.

  8. Fucking hate Dirty Dancing. Story is weird AF (different time I guess, like the jam jars). My mum absolutely loved it, probably down to Swayze (a good man in an awful film). A film that makes really tremendous songs it uses, actively loathed.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:


    Trans rights has been a serious issue for about 5 years now Chilli, or roughly 1 tenth of my lifespan so far. I have been polite to people for 10 tenths of my life (A delightful baby) and I will always try to put everyone at ease and call them whatever they wish to be called, and treat them how they wish to be treated.  Sometimes I will get that wrong and I will try to learn from my mistakes, if I'm given the chance. Apart from that kindly see the end of my original post quoted above. 

    I wasn't slagging you off just vibed you did know more through a Harry Potter reference. Anyway you said you make the effort which is brilliant so no problem there. 

    Sorry myself if it looked like lashing out, it's an awful day on the depression front where one minute I'm thinking death the next I'm planning beans on toast as a treat. Depression is fucking incredible.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    I try and stay out of the terf wars. I think it's got something to do with Harry Potter but I don't want to investigate further. 

    It's more about the author not the books, but meh, just trans rights issues innit. Make it about Harry Potter. Not like they matter is it.

  11. What's this nearly five years into AEW and everyone has lost their minds now. We last did the 'Kenny has that Lord Tensai stench' when AEW started in 2019 just before the team with Hangman Page, the heel turn, that title run as king of the dickheads. It's like those saying Punk contributed no one getting over in AEW. Madness, complete hokum and poppycock boys and girls.

  12. 18 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

    Jesus, never send Omega out there with a live mic again unless he's got Callis by his side. Terrible segment.

    Are they turning Swerve face do we think? Excalibur mentioned he's got the most fan support and him getting cheated here garners more sympathy for him. I wouldn't mind them revisiting Hangman/Swerve a few months down the line with the roles reversed.

    Actually, the best scenario for AEW right now could be building the show around a heel Elite. Have Omega turn on Jericho (playing on the 'you can't trust Jericho' thing mentioned here) and have Bucks/Hangman turn with him. Hangman hasn't done the heel thing yet in AEW, Bucks are at their best as dickhead heels and it means no more Omega babyface promos. 

    Fuck it, have Omega be the Devil while we're at it. 

    Hangman is probably the only babyface in AEW that I reckon can eventually do the Bret 97 style turn. If he ever turns, I think it needs to be a seismic shift.

  13. I don't know when, but I just completely fell out of love with Christmas at some point. I get asked what presents I want and I never know because I've never thought about it. I'd usually just buy it myself. Also last few Christmases it's just not been affordable so they're always fun familial conversations. The movies are mostly shit, the music is mostly just ok at best and definitely was not is, Christmas markets are just horrible overpriced cattle markets for men in bad jumpers and lasses dressed vaguely like they're in the Last Christmas video. Everyone looks like a miserable extra in the big scene of a Richard Curtis movie. 

    I think this is definitely an effect of time, age, living in house shares, being generally a bit of a loner and finding the pressure of Christmas and the month of December a bit too much. I don't hate Christmas, I just don't find any fun in it. Which I guess is kinda jaded and sad. Not intending to have kids either so probably not my thing anymore. I hope nobodies post is as meh about it as mine.

  14. 26 minutes ago, JLM said:

    My friend who lives near me invited me to join the local community Facebook group because she knew I would hate every motherfucker in there. She was not wrong.


    Gareth Keenan himself. I hate him so much. The pedantry, the phrase “every soldier knows”, fact that he’s put “Gail” instead of “gale” in his smart guy post. Above all else though, how shit would it look in the movie if we saw the sniper’s POV and they were not quite aiming at somebody? 

    This man absolutely goes to those sportsmen dinners where Peter Shilton just does a few anecdotes, says something is woke, does a racism and a circuit comic then dies on his bean after dinner and drinks.

  15. His target audience appears to be people who find his content so weird they have to keep checking it, so boom he's got their attention. There is also the effort gone in to actually editing them. Thus I'm left with several options. He's some type of outsider humourist or he's completely out of his tree but nobody will actually do anything.

  16. I'm gonna say it. I don't see or find any interest in Nigel McGuinness Vs Bryan Danielson in a match. I like Nigel, but he hasn't wrestled for how long? And what exactly is the appeal. Even to a mass of inside fans? They had some banger matches in ROH? but I don't think it's worth taking to Wembley or for Bryan's last match as a full timer (yeah, as if Bry). It doesn't interest me (and I'm speaking for me nobody else mind) but yeah... Absolutely zero interest. What would they want? Oh Bryan beat a bloke who was good but hasn't wrestled for as long as he did prior?

  17. On 12/6/2023 at 9:01 AM, FelatioLips said:

    I appreciate that Chili but you need a job. It doesn't have to be permanent, it just has to keep you going so you can look for one you want. If you have 11 years retail experience coming into the Christmas Temp period you can't afford to be above it.

    Hi everyone. I've been applying in the week, and got nothing. What I did get was thrombophlebitis this week. Which has made getting about even more of struggle. Everything is a struggle at the moment.

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