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Posts posted by Chili

  1. 21 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

    When are him and his Brother actually going to trial for their crimes?

    I'm afraid I have no idea as I really do try and avoid absolutely anything about him.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    Tony's going to make The Devil storyline AEW's Bloodline and drag it out for a few more years yet to show that he can do long term storytelling better than WWE. Mark my words. 

    I won't mark your words because they won't.

  3. 2 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    No replays.

    Yeah can you guys not it's just we're having a Christmas party and I wanna put the music back on, smoking area next time chaps 

  4. The Devil, The Hower Power, Black Scorpion, Brother Bruti does Tonya Harding, Aces and Eights, Retribution...

    None have worked because the mystery long form Scooby Doo angle never does. It only really works if there is something hyped but not physically seen (see nWo third man) or it's just a one night angle like when territories used to do a man in a mask or someone disguised (All Out 2022)

    It's because there are too many 'why isn't so and so stopping this, or the entire roster'. I can see why a booker would love a mystery angle, but it never really lands in execution because there are too many logic potholes in an acceptable wrestling way. I mean, actual zombies, or teleportation as legit, too daft but so daft it's just nonsense. A mystery man angle is too on the nose of actual logic for the viewer even if it's quasi nonsense in general.

    It'll be Adam Cole though, but fucking hell don't get injured jumping about again you prat. Not your fault, but it's been a few weeks too long. A short say one month angle of the Devil with a healthy Adam Cole ready for the reveal, might, might have landed. But I don't think they were going for a quick pay off 

  5. To be honest the only thing that didn't make complete sense was Adam Cole filling in for MJF at Full Gear, because was he gonna lay down for Jay White and give him the belt and why. Beyond that it's been a few red herrings thrown to lead you to the wrong suspects, but as Adam Cole it would make sense. It's still not exactly a memorable storyline regardless.

  6. 7 minutes ago, JLM said:

    Dynamite 20/12 

    Another CC banger from RUSH and Swerve. Wrestled at RUSH's pace and it hit the intensity I was looking for from RUSH vs Mox towards the end. Enjoyed this a lot. Swerve almost playing the Jay White role at times, staying in the fight and pouncing on any opportunities he got from RUSH's leg injury. I loved Swerve trying to throw on a quick cross arm breaker when RUSH was doing the tranquillo pose, and I loved RUSH being ready for it even more. Great spot, and I now consider it canon that this is why nobody ever stops RUSH doing that. It's part pose, part fighting stance. No doubt about the winner here but RUSH looked great as he always does and the leg injury gives him a nice out for him not getting out of his CC group. 

    No surprise that Mark Briscoe gave Jay Lethal his best CC match by leaps and bounds. They have particularly great chemistry together but I still give the credit to Briscoe. I keep wanting to say "Mark Briscoe has been a highlight of this tournament" but then so have Garcia and Kingston and Danielson and Claudio and... it's been a bloody good tournament. But man, Briscoe, what an immensely loveable rascal he is. He is so seamlessly able to switch between big arena babyface body language type stuff, to more personalised moments you typically see on indy shows, like borrowing an individual fan's hat for a bit. He is so authentically connected to the audience, like he is personally acknowledging every individual person cheering for him, rather than feeding off the energy of the AEW universe. Kevin Owens is a true master of this as well; you can see it comes more naturally to those who have worked their way up from 50 fans in the crowd to where they are now. As per Danny Garcia; Tony Khan, please do not fuck up what you have with Mark Briscoe, we all need to see him triumph. 

    Joe/MJF segment was somewhat saved by how good these two are on the mic, but it felt bad to hear Joe delivering quite clunky dialogue. He is such a great realistic talker, and for a promotion rightly lauded for letting wrestler's speak in their own voices it's a really bad look having him play the role of incompetent detective. He is making it work because he's Samoa Joe but I'd rather he didn't have to. 

    Toni Storm on commentary was a delight once again. Taz fanboying out over her, Human Duplex machine, the opera glasses to try and spot Riho, all gold. Taz telling Schiavone his whole life is black and white and Tony agreeing, which in turn broke Exalibur, was also fantastic. Much like in her last match, Riho looked fine, her opponent did not. 

    Christian delivering his promo through Tony Schiavone was genius. What a perfect choice.  I was chuckling at the lines before he said them, particularly "shut your mouths while Tony Schiavone conducts MY business". 

    MJF/Swerve encounter also had to navigate through the devil nonsense before it got to the good stuff. Still exciting to see these two interacting. Much like the Hangman/MJF backstage thing, it's good to keep all these threads alive and keep your top guys in the mix. Buzzing with excitement for when Swerve makes his final ascent. 

    Roddy and Komander was a fun match. Always enjoy Luchador vs Guy-trying-to-ground-the-luchador. Incredible finish with the great looking anti-air knee and then the crazy full rotation on Roddy's finisher. Appreciated Schiavone singing Komander's praises and taking the time to promote his tremendous perfomance at Final Battle. Three times I've singled out Uncle Tony for praise this episode. Taz and Excalibur are a pair of legends together, but with Schiavone/Renee/RJ rounding it out they have a real dream team of broadcasting talent for me, I love of all of them dearly. That's not even counting Daddy Magic, who should be the colour commentator for all sports, wrestling or otherwise. 

    Always worry a little when I hear JR is going to be on commentary these days, but was pleasantly surprised hgere. Questioning whether Moxley would be less desperate to win because he's already qualified and then re-assessing that call as the match went on. "Jay White has the speed advantage but Moxely has a way of slowing things down, methodically and PAINFULLY". Proper Jim Ross type calls. I think this is how you have to deploy him now if you're going to. An important match with very obvious stakes and narrative to it, so he understands the assignment and will stay engaged with it.

    Loved this match. I haven't seen much praise for Jay White during this thing as there have been so many other great stories, but I am such a huge fan of his approach to these matches. Going for a similar strategy to the one against RUSH here. Letting Mox get all fired up and brawly, taking things to the outside to buy some time after weathering the initial storm, then scheming his way back into it. The double chair shenanigan and then transitioning to the leg work was brilliant, surviving the Paradigm Shift and then having the counter for the Death Rider was fucking beautiful. Mox was great of course but that almost goes without saying, so I will continue preaching the good word of Jay White in these write ups. Genuinely quite gobsmacked by the finish but was really happy to see it. So funny watching him try to navigate past the ref to get his cheap shot in on Mox at the end too. What a snake haha. 

    The catch up train is rolling on. Was going to skip Rampage but I see it has Vikingo vs Black Taurus on it and I have become a Black Taurus fan after ROH Final Battle. God damn it. 

    Please keep reviewing!

  7. 54 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    Just need a quick ruling on something that my mum has brought up for some reason this morning, and considering thst she hates The Smiths beyond all measure it is surprising. 

    The conspiracy theory is this. The song Panic! is a song about Jimmy Savile if you look at the lyrics, and that Morrisey was trying to slyly point Savile's actions out whilst still getting his records played. 

    This is cobblers right? 


    Yep, in fact the original tale that it was based on Steve Wright announcing the Chernobyl disaster on the radio and playing Wham! after is equally mythical. 

  8. Just watched the Bottom Christmas episode. Everything you need in that. Someone being hanged, shots of gravy, one potato, WHO LIKES STUFFING?! A abandoned baby, spray snow, Sue Carpenter in perspective and a virgin lopping his finger off with a cleaver.


  9. 25 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    Chris Jericho's gift to wrestling fans is relitigating Brawl Out.


    Danielson has a busy enough week and now he's gotta chow down with Chris in a HR meeting because he and his maga wife went in on the lash.

  10. This might be really pushing it, but James May. The third wheel of Clarkson era Top Gear. His spin off shows about toys and stuff, or where he went near the edge of space. Away from the other two and unlike them, he comes across as educated but with an aloof silly charm that doesn't make him unlikable. He also looks like a tatty sheep dog that probably smokes a pipe.

  11. 27 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

    Speaking of boss men and Japan. Here’s Vince with Giant Baba and Jushin Liger. Presumably these were from around the time of that big joint AJPW/NJPW/WWF show at the Tokyo Dome in 1990. 



    If you mooch on YouTube you can find a fancam of the Liger match (twas never televised) and you can actually make out the moment this happens. Vince is working the gorilla position which is essentially a baseball dugout.

  12. 36 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    Spiros is a truly interesting if forgotten name in wrestling, I think he even ended his career over here in the UK with Joint Promotions.

    The wonderful Wrestle Me covered his mad forgotten career and the time he caused a riot in Leicester DeMontford Hall. Lovely.

  13. @Gay as FOOK absolutely love Stuart Adamson. Little story about him. His death was an absolute shame and I've always felt awful about how it went for him. But I LOVE Big Country. Every single comedy gig I've done, after I'm done, I thank the audience then say 'Stay Alive' and leave. Never not finished a gig with it and for some reason that I can't explain or express here, it matters. I think Stuart Adamson is a great hidden gem of a songwriter. Where's @Nostalgia Nonce he knows!!!

    Freddie Mercury obviously, just a voice I love if he's full throating (Kenneth gif) or camping his way through Killer Queen. Lovely stuff.

    Phil Lynott had a brilliant rock voice. I love how he can sing like he's the coolest cat on the block but sometimes a heartbreaking vocal when he had it in his cannon (Still in Love with You being a fantastic example).

    Obviously Kirsty Maccoll too. Unabashed die hard fan of her voice. A one woman backing group in a single voice. Also sang some of the best 'men are bastards' songs but with an actual dimension and nuance. Think loads of people were influenced by her without realising it.

    Really enjoyed posting this.

  14. Tony Blackburn. One of the funniest autobiographies ever for all the reasons of a staggering lack of self awareness, but that just makes me like him even more. His lovely sad drugged up eyes during the Tessa Wyatt years. I just really like him.

  15. 4 hours ago, Supremo said:

    For fuck’s sake, Dalton. There’s already way too much wrestling to watch each week! Don’t make have to start watching ROH on Thursdays too!


    That's hilarious. I refuse to search out ROH for it though. Poor Dalton with his coffee looking like someone after making it through another AEW Live Aid length PPV.

  16. I think the criticism is a tad unfair as it's not Black Scorpion bad (honestly look it up, nowhere near as shit) butttttt, yeah, I've never been a fan of the mystery angle, but a shit angle is explained with enough logic, you can carry it off into what you want. Although for me it only works then when it's either MJF, Cole or to a minor extent Swerve as a Shakespearian element of chaos is the reveal. You don't get that with Hanger, Joe, Britt, Jack Perry, Ospreay, Guevera etc

  17. Matt Le Blanc. I've not seen a full episode of Friends, nothing of his Top Gear stint, or practically any of his work. Just a scattering of interview appearances and I just really find him pleasant and a delightful fella, with a proper lovely smile.


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