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Posts posted by Chili

  1. The moment he stands up for himself against DiBiase at Royal Rumble 1991 will always be absolutely fantastic, and for a very limited worker his facial expressions in that segment are bob on. I always really liked the Summerslam '91 match too. Unfortunately he has the handicap of being a supplementary character to a bigger act so he was always going to struggle once that angle ended.

    Also kinda enjoyed him and the gofer/warm body hanger on for the nWo and his little AEW cameos brought a smile out of me. 

    RIP Soul Train Jones / Virgil / Vincent / Shane / Curly Bill.

    Don't try and sunset flip YAKAZUMA mate.

  2. If you feel it's immoral to watch wrestling because of some of the types involved, and don't eat certain bread because of a CEO or because a musician is difficult then you have to be hard-line about everything surely. No exceptions. Some drugs are illegal, so you'd have to be against anyone or any art influenced by that surely too. Absolutely any company that's ethically difficult in the past would be a no go? That's practically nearly everything. For what? I don't think anyone would be impressed and it just affects the one person. You'd be denying yourself of everything bar Daniel O'Donnell records. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Sorry to go back to something hours ago but I was working.

    My post was in good faith by trying to raise your awareness of how you behave and how your posts are perceived sometimes. There's very much an "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" mentality a lot of the time, and this can lead you into arguments that go round and round and round. I've been in them! And I get it, I completely understand why you are how you are and why you see things in certain ways, which is why I think sometimes you need someone to point things out to you or explain why people react the way they do.

    So I hope you can take that on board rather than your natural reaction which is to just fling it back and blame the other person. Not trying to start an argument or anything but we've had other cases where actually sometimes just people need a little guidance, they've listened and actually become better posters because of it. It's obvious that you're a decent bloke and a decent poster and there's stuff there that's a worthy contribution. I just understand why people can get a little frustrated with the approach.

    I'd just rather be level headed with you than keep falling into the trap of pointless endless arguments and frustration which is easy to do.

    I'm more excited for you guys sexual tension that Ruby Soho and Cool Hand Ang.

  4. 24 minutes ago, gmoney said:

    I'm struggling to see how your partner living in France has a bearing on that anecdote? Hope your sternum recovers quickly though. 

    I'm in France, sorry typed it all arse backwards.

  5. Just now, Devon Malcolm said:

    Not another Mondeo, was it?

    (get better soon!)

    Oh that's a lovely reference. 

    Wait for it, my partner lives in France, I was cutting a tree and I've accidentally bruised my sternum pushing the sheers against a hard branch. It's hurts like hell.

    Then a Mondeo laughed.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    I hope you feel better soon and at least you have an excuse for lurking. The rest of us should be getting on with all sorts of stuff yet here we are idling our time away. 

    Yeah yeah, you got a job, WORKERS RIGHTS etc 

  7. I just think he was playing into that very strange discourse people have about the gall for two promotions to exist and probably says more about their lack of anything else in their lives. I think we're all a bit more sane than that but we're all still a bag of odd morals. Example Rooster mentioned AEW has an army of sex pests yet I'll still dip into the product because I need some form of wrestling in my life, but I've not gave WWE a chance since the sportswashing in Saudi and the fact that Vince McMahon turned out to be worse than anyone else bar maybe the murderer he covered for. Delightfully complex messes the lot of us.

    Sorry, I've hurt myself yesterday and literally have nowt better to do than lurk here today 🫣

  8. 7 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Sorry, what has happened? 


    Ice Cube's thick as fuck son is one of them needs vignettes for everyone and who are these Mexican/Japanese lads eh types. A twitter tribal wrestling fan essentially. He'd have fucking loathed WCW. No I'm not an AEW ultra either, it's a knackering circular discourse.

  9. 1 minute ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    The roster has been bloated like Bloaty McBloatface since day one and continues to be. I don't see the outcry that Saint Tone has signed yet more people he doesn't know how to book effectively. Besides Punk AEW signed 26 other wrestlers in 2021, yet its Punk's fault that the roster was becoming bloated. Start up a thread calling Fuego Del Sol a cunt and you might have a point. Do you and the other AEW fans share an equal ambivalence to the 29 wrestlers Tony signed in 2022 or the 19 in 2023? I know I was beside myself with excitement when Stu Grayson became All Elite. 

    So you're not an AEW fan? I know Scorch is a big fan, but you don't seem to be and ergo you'll never find a mutual ground here really will ya. Yeah I know, discussion forum and everything like.

  10. Punk was really good at getting HIS fans to believe in him and that he was their mate. Bit of Brewdog Phil. It's a really unique connection he has with his fans, but it also seems to programme them that he really can't do wrong and that if he mouths off or throws the first punch or fucks over his mate then it's justified because they're not to his standards or simply because it's him. On the flip side he genuinely backs trans and women's rights openly not just because his character as a bit of an outsider (millionaire one at that) feels appropriate but because people think he's a bit flimsy that he's just making the statements to look good. Also we wrestling fans definitely digest people and their actions differently sometimes depending on that persons outlook, which Punk always felt a bit more 'real' about.

    So basically, I like him but he's a flighty fucker sometimes and has a bit of a complex about his worth, a generational clash he probably never expected to have given one time he was the younger generation that knew better. Doesn't need to say fuck all about Vince either and I'm sure when the time comes he will because he won't be able to help himself, but he's probably read what Cena said and thought 'nah, not that thick.' 

    It's Triple H & John Laurentis possibly going down where he'll really let loose one day. Not a chance he doesn't still fucking despise them.

  11. 42 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    Still think it's weird they ran with the Triple H=great technician narrative for so long. He's a pretty brilliant brawler but a fairly lousy technician. 95% of his offence is based around irish whips! 

    Yeah but he does that alternative version of the Indian Deathlock so he's fucking Karl Gotch innit.

  12. Jake & Martel work a match where two people 'can't see' as perfect as can be. Simple spots, some gaga from Martel and Roberts being super smart in how to get a crowd popping by POINTING vaguely at wherever Martel is. That's probably a great example of the 'psychology' Roberts is acclaimed for. I think it's snobbery. Now the James Storm/Chris Harris one though... Fucking hell!

  13. Hangman Page has had some belters and his best one has been brought up in the OP, but I loved his Ghost Riders entrance from last year's Revolution for the Texas Death Match with Moxley. There's something very up a gear about it. He's about to have the scrap of his life against a complete wildman and that shot of him in silhouette when the music really hits just gives a vibe that it's going to be different. Showdown at high noon, it's all about the kick the fuck off!

  14. 1 hour ago, no user name said:

    I remember a match years ago between the best friends and kip sabien and miro.  I think it was called an arcade match or something. I think I thought it sounded a bit dumb. But it was brilliant. Probably in my top ten favourite matches ever. I remember one of them getting  thrown onto lego instead of thumbtacks. (Which must of hurt) kris statlander returned. It was brilliant 

    The joy of this match was on here we were all like 'WTF is this' and then the match happened, Trent returned, whack a mole, the claw machine, Chuck Taylor driving Sabian though a coconut shy stand for the win and the ending image of Best Friends all celebrating pointing to Trent's mum SUEEEEEE as she waved back. 

    Super feel good silly wonderful fun that made pandemic AEW such a bloody welcome relief. Best Friends have had some of my favourite AEW feel good moments ever from this to post match of the Parking Lot Brawl with Santana & Ortiz. 

  15. If I make an edit it's because I'm on me phone and I type stupidly fast.

    I'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but I enjoy being on here a lot more than years ago when I was far more immature and took everything to heart because I was terminally online. Also when I've genuinely felt really unwell people have been proper nice and supportive. I only really post on a few on topic pages but I enjoy the discussion. It also feels less cliquey to me but maybe I've got my blinkers on or just ignorant to it all. I wasn't on the TWCF so I'm clueless there.

    I think it's a shame if people don't get on or are being shites. Didn't we lose or close the MH thread back when because of that?

    I think you're all grand and all have lovely bottoms.

  16. Chili's favourite background AEW storyline continues to deliver the goods. No idea what Saraya's bro can do, but CHRIST he's a scary looking fucker. Saraya has also been brilliant recently as this high school leader of the gang manipulating gobshite. More more more!!!



  17. 14 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Seen a few mutterings of the Iiconics making an appearance. I’d love that. Billie Kaye in particular would thrive in this new environment. Genuinely funny. Bring her back!

    The only sticking point is that the Iiconics are from Sydney, which is a 41 hour drive or a 191 hour cycle from where Elimination Chamber is located, so they’d probably get no reaction.

    Some fans might not know who they are either so we'd need some vignettes. They might as well be Japanese wrestlers.

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