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Posts posted by Tsurutagun

  1. The Charlotte deal was testimony to how awful Ronda has been this year. Had it been anyone else losing the strap like that the meltdown on twitter would be something else but it's Ronda so who cares (understandably so) Looks like they are moving away from Ronda vs Becky at WM which while again shows how shit Ronda has been what do you do with Becky now. Becky Cs Ronda is still the most interesting match 

    The Roman/Kevin deal was a receipt for Survivor Series right? If so, anyone else does that and there would be consequences, I would bet nothing happens to Roman 

  2. I wonder if this is the beginning of  the end of AEW/AAA partnership. 

    The NXT twitter has posted a video of Dragon announcing the move whilst wearing the tag belt. 

    AAA are wishing him well, Tay and Sammy have been stripped of the mixed tag belts after Tay was booked by AEW for last night despite the pair being advertised for the show last night. 

    Add the AEW/New Japan stuff and CMLL being still friendly with Njpw and Konnan being critcial of AEW on Keeping it 100 (according to twitter) and I wonder if things are over between AEW and AAA

  3. 1 hour ago, RedRooster said:
    5 hours ago, Nick James said:


    I actually thought this was their best one yet! “Stealing money like it’s Kurt Angle’s wife’ is just a tremendous line.

    And pointing out that ROH when Jay Lethal was champion was shit is a good way for us all to leave 2022 

  4. Cody wins the Rumble faces Roman Reigns and a Sami chant breaks out during the match. 

    Roman doesn't lose the titles during the year

    Sean Ross Sapp reveals that MJF has been under contract all along and everyone gets mad that they got "worked" forgetting that it's wrestling 

    Omega vs Ospreay gets 8 stars from Dave Meltzer 

    Darby Allin turns heel. 

    We go 48 hrs on here without a Tony Sniff joke

    Grayson Waller and Austin Theory beat Zayn and Owens for the tag belts. 

    FTR stay in AEW but only because TK guarantees Dax the Owen. 


  5. Acclaimed vs FTR was great

    They built Starks up great. 

    The Regal thing was evidence that TK had an idea but couldn't find a decent conclusion to it. 

    Never going to say no to a Briscoes vs FTR match but it felt complete panic mode by Tony to make Final Battle borderine interesting and them running out of ways to announce the FTR/Briscoes matches considering WBD don't want Mark and Jay is quite funny. 

    Reading the thread about Tony and his personal life shit and how he should delegate. I think even Tony's biggest detractors will admit that he is a workaholic and he maybe felt that working through the whole ordeal was his escape. Also, Tony seems like the guy who thinks, it's my and my family's money im spending so I'm the one that's accountable for it so it's my decision making and mine alone. 

  6. 40 minutes ago, pol_pot_rick said:

    Sami really really needs to accidentally win the Rumble.

    Why would he enter it in the first place

    The two War Games matches were mid if you take the storyline stuff with Sami and The Bloodline. Maybe I shouldn't have watched the 1991 and 1992 War Games matches in the afternoon beforehand but after watching Sting and co brawl like hell in front of a rabid fan base with JR screaming like a lunatic I felt so wired like I'd spent the night partying with Tony Khan. This iteration of War Games felt like an afternoon of drinking tea with your grandparents. I couldn't have cared less about the babyface comebacks in the womens match and the crowd didn't either. 

    The women worked hard but when they needed weapons to making things borderline interesting and jumping off the top to get pops, it shows how not over the majority of the women's roster are.

    As for the men's match. Seeing the faces have the man advantage made me want to yell "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU DO WAR GAMES" yes they injured Pete Dunne to give the heels the numbers advantage but having Roman come in to clean up just made the faces weak in the end. 

    I'm going to watch the 1987 War Games match so I can watch a proper War Games match. 

  7. 3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

    That can't be hard. Priestly is the absolute dirt worst.

    Hayter is fucking great though. I saw her for the first time at a PROGRESS show, she had a good match but the audience spent the whole time taking the piss out if her ring gear. It was a frustrating experience. 

    Are you telling me that the fans at a PROGRESS show are the worst. 

    I'm shocked and surprised #sarcasm

  8. Wrestlers on the other end of sunset flips waving their arms about. 

    Baby faces distracting the ref by arguing causing heels to cheat (usually in tag matches) 

    Tags in no dq tag matches

    Wrestlers in talking segments that let each other finish their sentences (very polite but if you don't like the guy punch him it's wrestling) 




  9. I don't think the Mox promo was helped by a) a shit crowd b) the promo coming across like Michael Pena in the Ant-Man movies recapping everything and c) Mox not being great at trying not to be gullible and thinking he won't be swerved by Regal and Hathaway

  10. What posesses people to post the crap that horrible excuse of a speciman posted. 

    Even taking to account the fact he didn't die of anything to do with overdosing as written above. If someone dies because of an addiction, it doesn't make them a less valued person. I'm guessing Demmo that you have no-one round who has had addiction problems because you live in a perfect bubble 🙄

    I know you won't respond to this because trolls are cowards who don't engage in actual conversations and I probably shouldn't engage with you but I'm in a bad mood and calling you a cunt will probably make me feel better.


  11. 7 hours ago, RedRooster said:

    Were you not a fan of the Acclaimed segment? Even on a stronger episode, that would have stolen the show for me. 

    It wasn't as good as National Scissoring Day. On of the underrated bits about that was seeing the growth of Anthony and Max as people on that segment with Max talking about living up to his dad's achievements. 

    Last night was about giving Daddy Ass presents and the obligatory line about the DX reunion. Also I was hoping Chuck Palombo would turn up to scissor Billy. 

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