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Posts posted by Tsurutagun

  1. 2 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

    Fuck it, I'll be that guy. 

    I didn't enjoy his recent promo anywhere near as much as others. The delivery was good but unless he's turning face I feel like they are making this feud more complex than it needs to be.

    I don't want to feel sympathy for MJF, I want to see him get his face punched in before eventually getting a powerbomb symphony.

    What can I say. Most of the time I like my wrestling villains simple. 


    If you want stuff simple, good for you. 

    I'm 35 and I want layers in my wrestling storytelling. 

    Maybe I've watched way too much "proper television" in the last two years but I figured out what is going to get me to watch wrestling in 2021 is origin stories, actual motivation for people to not like each and relatable characters that whose struggles I can identify with. 

    But that's just me 

  2. That MJF promo was just wow. Saw some people on twitter yesterday (Public Enemies Podcast) say that Edge was the best promo in wrestling. Boy, did that age badly. 

    Max told that story about being bullied when on his school football team on one of the Undesirable to Undeniable segments with Cody in the early days of AEW Dark and it did make me wonder about the MJF character and whether they would ever go into depth about his childhood. 

    I'd imagine the MJF origin story would include him being one of us with him being on the message boards and possibly trading tapes until he got money and completely changed. 


  3. 2 hours ago, Supremo said:

    However, the most note worthy thing coming out of this show - by a considerable margin - is the shape Jericho has gotten himself into. He looks amazing. I don’t know if he’s off the booze, took some inspiration from Moxley or if he realised he needs to tighten up now contracts are coming due, but whatever the reason he looked phenomenal here. I don’t think he’s ever been in better shape since joining AEW. Took years off him. Good performance in the tag match, too. Fair play.

    I wonder if Jericho falling ill when on tour was a wake up call for him. 

    Forget in-ring shape, he didn't look well full stop before he went on the tour 

  4. That Keith Lee match was just beautiful. Excalibur laughing his head off when Lee was hitting his moves set the tone. 

    Kassidy deserves his props for his bumping. 

    Hardy's "erratic behaviour" popped me and  I guess leads to Jeff coming in which the fans guessed with the delete chants

  5. I remember the talksport show that led to this. 

    Saturday 8-10 straight after the football phone-in hosted by Tommy Boyd and Alex Shane. Revival was live on talksport in the day when the station could never get rights to anything (the 2002 World Cup was covered with "unofficial commentaries") wrestling was a rare time they did commentary alongside poker. 

    Tommy Boyd would get fired because some guy rang in on the night of the Queen Mothers death and said that the the royal family should be assassinated and Boyd didn't dump the call. 

    Shane would carry on as the main host with some called Lilsboy(?) as his co-host. 

    The show would be dumped. The reason? The show had too many under 18s listening and therefore didn't attract to advertisers, which is hilarious in hindsight. Its replacement? An easy listening music show. 


  6. Rollins-Reigns was enjoyable til the finish. People don't want DQ's in 2022. 

    Lashley-Lesnar was beefy guys being beefy guys. Again the finish was obvious the moment Heyman rejoined Lesnar a couple of weeks ago. 

    Felt sorry for Becky and Doudrop with the crowd being distracted by a fire. They never stood a chance

    While the work was very sloppy, I thought at least the Womens Rumble had some good storyline progression. The mens Rumble had neither. 

    The Sonya Deville targeting black people plot line was the wet dream of GB News. 

    Nikki Ash beating up Mighty Molly was fun. 

    Brie could have done a Cattle Muttalation for the bants

    Does this mean Lita gets a shot at the Knockouts Title?

    Corey Graves has the charm of a war crime.

    The Men's Rumble was so boring, I'm not going to dignify it with any attempt of comment. 





  7. 46 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Here he is at a recent comic con. MJF has already complained on twitter now Danhausen is All Elite. This video kicks off with them both, but there are more interactions with him and other wrestlers. 


    The video with Danhausen meeting The Pepsi Man is also very nice 

  8. 2 hours ago, Loki said:

    : oh yeah, Dynamite needs a heel colour commentator.   I want someone to put MJF's side of the argument, defend Adam Cole etc.  Taz is brilliant, not sure why he's not in the third seat regularly

    Heel commentators are so 90s. 


  9. 1 hour ago, Version1.0 said:

    WALTER's new name is Gunther Stark.

    WWE recently trademarked the name “Gunther Stark.” A quick Google search shows that there was a Gunther Stark who severed as a Nazi Germany military commander during World War II. 


    FFS WWE 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    If you look at the naming wrestlers after Nazi war criminals on the January 18 event on USA Network, it quickly becomes clear that these are very different businesses.


  10. 12 hours ago, AshC said:

    Thoughts on the HOF inductions?

    Daddy should be in really, I'm thinking.

    Surprised neither Slaughter or JYD are in.

    Okada was an obvious shoo-in

    Don't know enough about early 80s/early 90s Lucha to comment on Los Brazos

    Jim Crockett Jr was always happening after his death but Don Owen surprised me

    Mistico/Caristico being one vote off the threshold is hilarious. Twitter reaction would have brilliant had he got in

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