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Posts posted by Tsurutagun

  1. 57 minutes ago, JNLister said:

    The median age viewer this week was 62. Which explains the whole "man who talks about being inclusive and woke is a heel" deal.

    My biggest take from this is that people over the age of 60 are watching the WWE developmental show.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Project Nim said:


    Is Lio Rush’s new gimmick that he is an accountant??

    He's one of those guys who buys stocks apparently. Basically he's Cameron Grimes but he got his money without it being a fluke. 

    Gut feeling tells me he buys out Private Party's contract and it ends up bring Rush vs Hardy down the line. 

  3. If Miro doesn't mention that he had sex with his wife in the car then why did we have the stipulation. 

    8 hours ago, CavemanLynn said:

    but a guy with a lackadaisical gimmick should not be doing anything resembling a run-in. Hardy could've buzzed that 'fan''s hair clean off by the time Orange got there to 'make the save.'

    But he was so motivated when he saw one of his fans being treated the way he was that he got to the ring quicker than usual. It shows how much he cares about his fans making him a great babyface

  4. 1 hour ago, dopper said:

    But there are no tags!

    Shouldn’t tag matches have tags?!


    Canadian Stampede 1997 as another example. It was a multi man tag match, so in terms of classic tag matches I’d have that on the “Greatest Tag Matche’s” shortlist ahead of any TLC or Cage match.


    I’m not narrow-minded enough to totally discount the other point of view, but the “tag” part is the important part for what I look for in matches involving opposing teams. 

    The match is a no dq match taking place in a steel cage that can rip your skin to shreds and both teams absolutely despise each other but lets make sure one member of each team should stand in the corner at all times and that teammates should slap hands because that guy will be illegal otherwise 🙄

  5. 10 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    My Princess Diana tweet went fucking mad in the last half hour. I have no idea why. I've only just started a new account after getting banned for some unknown reason, so fuck knows why this is doing so well. Its recycled shite in fairness.


    Did he blame Shawn Michaels for both things happening? 

  6. 1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

    In fact, if I was to trim the roster, I’d ditch very few of them. Brian Cage, QT Marshall, Luther, Alan Angels, Yuka Sakazaki and Emi Sakura all feel very disposable,

    QT and Emi's worth are as coaches. They are there to make the likes of Solo, Cargill and Anna Jay into really good wrestlers. 

    Luther loses every week on Dark. The only reason he has a profile on the website is because of his friend. 

    Alan Angels is a very decent pro wrestler 

    Yuka was on excursion. She has no correlation to the other names on the list 

  7. Read someone on twitter say that they could do the Bianca was preparing for Sasha and not Becky angle in this but Bianca lost after getting hit by one move and it wasn't a "Murder Death Kill" move like the F5 or RKO. She looked really weak and without being too overdramatic she has a hill to climb especially with it being obvious the 4 Horsewomen are protected. 

  8. There are times in the past 15 years when it has sucked to be a wrestling fan but last night wrestling made me so happy

    If anyone asks me why I like wrestling so much I will show them them Punks entrance. 15,000 people showing a man how much they love him and one man showing that love back. 

    Also, that shot on the ramp with the fans behind him is the greatest camera shot in wrestling history. It's already my screensaver on my phone 

    Also, those on twitter taking the piss out of the crying fan can do one. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Nick James said:

    So this has happened. What a strange choice of sponsorship (Both NXT UK and the Football Club).

    Fancy putting Eddie Dennis next to a footballer who A) Looks completely disinterested and B) Towers over him. The other pictures as hilarious.




    So to qualify to play for Enfield Town now do you have to grow a beard and have done something sexually inappropriate? 

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