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Posts posted by Tsurutagun

  1. 58 minutes ago, RancidPunx said:

    Here is a question:


    How different would the wrestling industry be if Dave Meltzer didn't exist ?   

    Not at all different. 

    It would have been Wade Keller or someone else in the slot Meltzer is in. 

    There is an argument to say Keller was at a point in time better at the newsletter thing than Dave. His reporting on the steroid trial was arguably better than Dave's and the same could definitely be said for Wade's reporting on the end of WCW. Wade saw the end coming which was pretty obvious while Dave was blind to it. 

    Dave Meltzer just became more relevant. Why? Good question. People care about his star ratings than they do Wade's. People care more about the Observer Awards than they do the PWI awards now. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Christ wasn’t all that in the ring. But he got the crucifix over, I’ll say that for him.

    Better wrestler than his dad though judging by Backlash 2006

    That heel turn from Judas though all those years ago



  3. Drake will probably claim free speech violations and cancel culture the moment he's fired. 

    The other problem is there are quite a few people who agree with Drake's delusions.

    Read on twitter that Bobby Fish and Finn Balor donated to a fundraiser that Drake set up with the usual Qanon trademarks. The small talk that goes on backstage at NXT shows must be horrid

  4. 30 minutes ago, Nick James said:

    Not struck on Moxleys 'Wild Thing' music, if that's going to be a regular thing, or is it his NJPW theme? I liked his AEW theme, was one of the more recognizable ones.

    I'm guessing it was a tribute to Atushi Onita with it being a defence of a Japanese title even if it really doesn't make much sense. I would have popped had it been the FMW remix of Wild Thing tbh. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Supremo said:

    They released this video on YouTube where Kyle seemingly takes credit for dressing like a twat.

    Clearly, the let-the-guys-be-themselves and the turn-your-personality-up-to-eleven approach shouldn’t apply to everyone. If you’re a geek who dresses like an Inbetweener then maybe don’t be anything like yourself at all.

    Kyle O'Reilly going for the Steve Buscemi in 30 Rock cosplay I see

  6. 22 hours ago, Edgehead said:

    He has just done an interview with Meltzer that is fascinating.

    He was outside the wrestling bubble but had plenty of links to the business so he has a fun story to tell I agree. His name dropping of Darren Matthews killed me, purely because it's a shoot name.

    You get the impression he had Vince's card marked from the bodybuilding phase of Vince's business dealings and took great satisfaction in fucking with him any chance he got.

    Your book and your name is mentioned plenty of times too by him.

    After listening to the interview, I want to know more about the Hart brother on the fourth floor they were hiding. 

  7. 35 minutes ago, poetofthedeed said:

    The whole not allowing extras to wear masks thing was a bit cunty. 

    I seem to remember that WWE had the PC extras wear masks but still a bunch had the masks off because getting their faces on television was obviously more important than the health of their colleagues. 

  8. FOX: So guys, we have a NASCAR race coming up on FOX which every car has a throwback scheme. So maybe, you lot can do a throwback show. 

    Kevin Dunn: Awesome idea, we can have Hulk there and..... 

    FOX: About that, Tucker Carlson has it in his contract that he has to be the most racist guy on the FOX channels at any one time so no Hogan. Maybe you guys can do the fist thing you had in 2003?

    Kevin Dunn: (Laughs) Oh, you're serious? 

    FOX: The fans love that 

    Kevin Dunn: You mean the WWE Universe 

    FOX: Whatever. People love that 

    Kevin Dunn: Yeah, that's not happening. Unless I have make it a CGI one

    FOX: OK then 


  9. 12 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

    That's what Kross wears? So weird. I enjoy his work but I don't really know what he's meant to be. A well dressed psycho?

    I think he's going for the "helping members of the public attempt trick shots" look. 

  10. 12 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

    Nope. The ending of the final season was Antonio using the magic gauntlet to give the ancient evil Gods he serves physical form. Aerostar, Dragon Azteca Jnr and King Cuerno travel back in time to bring Dario back to life to help them fight against his father. 

    Jim Cornette would have a stroke reading that post

  11. Salina's next step will be interesting. AEW already have too many managers and factions and she might get lost amongst all the people there.

    NXT would be an interesting destination but I fear she'll end up in the same purgatory that Malcom Bivens is in right now. 

    NWA or Impact perhaps?

  12. 5 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Marvellous trolling here. You can taste the tears in the replies. 


    This would be funnier if she was one of the top female heels in NXT but she's not so it comes across as really weird


    4 hours ago, RedRooster said:

    didn't enjoy it much, but framing it as a "QT is rubbish" narrative isn't completely accurate. It's not about his in ring ability, it's about what he has to offer in comparison to the push he's getting, particularly when there are far more talented wrestlers on that roster who aren't featured on TV regularly in favour of Marshall - people like Pac, Penta, Fenix, Nyla Rose, Shida (they're frigging Women's Champion) and Jungle Boy to name a few. 

    4 hours ago, Tsurutagun said:

    Tbf that's a "they have too many people on the roster" problem. I think QT is massively underrated. He was great in the street fight against Butcher and Blade and whenever he wrestles on Dark those matches are very easy watches. I would say he's this generations Larry Zbyzsko but that'll probably get everyone bent out of shape. 

  13. Apparently people wanted Jericho to fall on rock hard cement and cripple himself judging by the twitter and forum discourse this morning. 

    The match itself was great until the "match beyond". Had they shaved 5 to 10 mins off the match it would have awesome. Tbf it's not an AEW problem but a modern wrestling problem. You can do epic without going more than half an hour. Watch Bret vs Austin at Wrestlemania 13 for proof on that. Also the timing of the final ad break was rubbish. It could have been worse though had the Kenny and Orange segment not gone an hour. 

    Britt is awesome

    Can we stop the "QT is rubbish" narrative. That was a fucking fantastic match with Cody and QT. Also, Anthony Agogo is awesome. 

    I really want someone to punch the Young Bucks very hard, which is why they are the best heels in wrestling right now

    I enjoyed the show but one thing is nagging me. What is going on with Double or Nothing. It feels like what should be the card won't be the card. They've been teasing Omega/Kingston for 2 months but we're getting Omega/Cassidy which will be fun but doesn't feel like a PPV match right now. Bucks/SCU on a weeks build that should be the PPV match. I'm guessing it'll be:

    Omega vs Cassidy

    Bucks vs Mox/Kingston

    Cage vs Cage (hopefully in a Steel Cage with interference by Adam Page) 

    Shida vs Baker

    Cody vs Agogo

    Sting/Archer vs Ethan Page/Scorpio Sky

    Something with the Inner Circle and Pinnacle 

    It'll be good but it feels like it could be better. The women's title match is the only must see right now. 

    It also feels like Miro killing Darby is coming too early too. 




  14. 11 hours ago, Callum1993 said:

    Typical of WWE to debut Mansoor last night when he’s apparently been on a 49 match winning streak since debuting for them at one of the Saudi shows and have him lose by DQ in his first match on Raw. Not saying he was going to be the next Goldberg or anything but does seem pointless to build him up that much on all the B shows then immediately have him lose to further a storyline with Carrillo! 

    Bruce Prichard: Remember that guy from Saudi Arabia we have that won the Battle Royal at Crown Jewel or whatever it was called. Well, he's won 49 in a row

    Vince: Goddammit, I'm not letting those Saudi's tell me what to do. He's losing on RAW. Also, make sure it's via DQ because that's you get heat pal. 

  15. I did WCW had the Fusient deal gone through. 

    Booked a Flair vs Rhodes father and son feud which produced a **** 3/4 match between Ric and Dusty according to The Wrestling Spectator. Then Ric and Dusty made amends and went on a tag title run. 

    Game is a lot of fun but you need to remember to change the default option from 2 weeks in between PPVs to 4 so you can some proper momentum for the company you're booking. 

  16. 1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

    Someone over at the DVDR forum is friends with Kip in real life and texted him after that segment to ask him about and Kip replied "I'm going to be taking a lot of bumps for the next few months". Being mauled by Miro every week won't be fun for him, but it'll definitely be fun for us to watch.

    He's going to get paid, he might get over after all this and he's married to Penelope Ford. 

    He'll be fine

  17. 19 hours ago, RedRooster said:

    I fully expected AEW to sign Andrade, but the fact they haven't is telling for me. I suppose you could argue that they don't really need him, and that's why I don't think Andrade to Impact is completely out of the question. AEW isn't short on great wrestlers, which is what Andrade has to offer. He's not a strong promo due to the language barrier, and while they could mitigate that by alligning him with a manager, I could see why Tony Khan might view him as more of what they already have - a great, smaller in ring wrestler. Joe, on the other hand, offers something quite unique. 

    If I were Tony Khan, I'd happily ditch some of their dead weight to make room for someone of Andrade's stature. That doesn't seem to be Khan's style, though. 

    I've been thinking since his release that Andrade is going to ROH. The possibility in my mind was that he could also turn up on the Cinco de Mayo episode of AEW. 

  18. 4 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

    They could have also just left the door open as a visual clue.

    Regardless though Eddie and Mox more than made up for the rest of the segment. 

    I would have had Nakazawa stuck in the window trying to get out. Mox and Kingston could have beaten him up and we see how the rest got out 

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