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Posts posted by Tsurutagun

  1. Case of trying too hard in this case. 

    The brilliance of MJF's origin story promo this time last year was that he was the wronged party and it brought attention to real world scenarios of anti-semitiscm. Last night felt like a plot point stolen from a television show that has a rich kid character in it. 

  2. A bunch of Jay White fans were moaning on twitter crying about why could Okada not be this fiery against Switchblade. I mean it's hard for someone to have fire when your opponent is going "oooh, matron" for 20 minutes. 

    Also we can all agree that the Moneyclip was the worst idea a wrestler has had since Shibata went "yeah, I'll headbutt this guy right now" 

  3. 6 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    I know you nerds don’t follow real sport but remember how WWE did a custom belt as a gift to the Super Bowl winners? Well Big Daddy Shaddy and his idiot sons Jacksonville Jaguars did one of the all time playoff comeback wins at the weekend. Like when Fulham win, Sniff remembered his twitter password and tweeted his congratulations. 

    If the Fins lose to the Bills, which they probably will, I might have to cheer on the Jags just in case WWE do the belt thing again. Can you imagine if they did and the Jags Madusa’d the belt on AEW TV? If it pushes Vince towards death that bit quicker, I’m all for it!

    Not gonna lie, reading this back it feels you've been doing 3 grams worth of the sniff yourself

  4. On 1/14/2023 at 6:48 AM, death rides a horse said:

    Notice how the big WWE stories were broken by actual journalists, not people who write dirt sheet gossip

    Probably because it's Nick Khan leaking them 

  5. 42 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    My only criticism? One of them (couldn't work out who) has very Lex Luger "Oooowww! Aaaaah! Ooooooh!" noises when on offence or defence and that annoyed me a bit. 

    You're probably right but I didn't notice it mainly because I watched Josh Bailey vs Speedball Bailey the other night and Bailey would have any seller bar Luger sound like a silent movie 


    I'd make Ospreay the next person to kick out of the One Winged Angel. It's obvious Gedo is doing the "has his heart breaking loss before his big win" story with Will and Ospreay kicking out of the OWA would make him a star

    Jay White breaking from Bullet Club in 2023 could finally make Jay interesting. 

    As happy as I am that Takagi is probably out of the "Vince Russo Division" the fact he's the next challenger shows how stagnant the main event scene is. Get Shota up there with the big boys. He has IT


  6. Good to see mention of his stuff with Amazing Red. Has he done that more often he could have been one of the great babyface managers. The formula was easy. High flyer who isn't great at talking with a charismatic talker. 

    His heel commentary was fun. Don calling Mick Foley vs the Rocky Balboa cutout is one of the best heel commentaries you'll hear

    Part of me whats to watch the tribute TNA put up on Slammiversary again but its been a meh Christmas so it might break me 😢

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