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Lorne Malvo

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Posts posted by Lorne Malvo

  1. 4 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    The reason for The Firm existing doesn't really even make sense. If you need a crew of hired goons to help you out you can just hire the Andrade Family Office. It's been firmly established in AEW previously that you can do that. MJF himself has done it before!

    Not even AEW knows if the AFO still exist or not. The story seems to change from 'they're disbanded' to 'nope, they're back together but there's tension!' from week to week,

  2. Stokely Hathaway in general has been really shit since he came to AEW. The Cargill/Mark Sterling pairing was much more fun and his business card gimmick was stale as soon as it started.

    He's one of those guys who is so obviously playing a character, there's nothing real or organic about his act at all. Like he just read a book on how to be a sly manager and is following it beat for beat.

  3. 6 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Cheers FITE TV for spoiling the results of the Semi Finals by putting next weeks show ahead of this weeks 👍🏻

    This just lead to me cancelling my AEW Plus subscription. They've done it a couple of times now. It's piss poor. 

    Back to torrents for me!

  4. His career in both WWE and AEW never really hit the heights it should've, really. His early NXT run was fantastic but they didn't really know what to do with him on the main roster, and in AEW he disappeared into that boring-arse rambling Bray Wyatt nonsense that hardly ever meshes well with pro wrestling. It's a shame as if that early NXT run was any indication, he could've been a massive asset for either company.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Medium Cod and chips is at least £9 down here. I don’t even live in London

    I live in the West Midlands though where anything north of £3.50 is considered a rip-off.

  6. They should probably just stop with the media scrums after PPVs at this point, or just have Khan do them by himself. They always seem to distract from the PPV or lead to some daft backstage drama of some kind.

    I think it's interesting timing, all of this backstage drama happening at the exact same time WWE has become the emperor's new nose. AEW has historically been seen as the babyface company (which is a ridiculous notion anyway) compared to WWE but the tide seems to be changing on that front.

  7. This thread has inspired me to buy a PS Classic as I hear it's pretty easy to use as an emulator. Has anyone got any experience with this?

    I think after 25 long years its time I finally beat Mickey's Wild Adventure.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    I’d love to know how much Netflix spend on P&A as it can’t be much. The amount of things I have to go actively looking for even though I’ve had it for going on 10 years straight, why don’t they know what I like yet?

    They are useless when it comes to this. 

    You know how they have that screensaver that pops up and rotates through movies/shows they want you to watch? They're constantly showing me stuff I've just watched. I finished Stranger Things last night, popped downstairs to get a cuppa and when I came back up they were recommending I watch Stranger Things. 


    I reckon we all just jack in streaming services and pirate everything, but then you wouldn't steal a car etc etc.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    Sure is a good work when that entire segment has me less interested in multiple main eventers than the week prior.

    It's done the opposite for me. Hangman finally has something to sink his teeth into after months of doing nothing, and Moxley/Punk taking shots at each other is way more of an interesting build-up than the 'I respect you but still gonna beat you' build-up I assumed they would go for.

  10. 41 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    If Punk really does have personal issues with people in AEW, it's a weird coincidence that they're the three most beloved babyfaces on the roster and two of them had already started suggesting Punk is secretly a 'politicking piece of shit' heel who convinced the fans he's a good guy.

    Yeah. I don't wanna be all 'youre being worked lads', but it reminds me of a few years back when everyone would moan about Brock Lesnar being a lazy mercenary who doesn't care about wrestling backstage, when the character he was playing was a lazy mercenary who doesn't care about wrestling.

    Punk being a dickhead whose only in AEW for his own gain and Hangman and Eddie Kingston being the only people to call him out on it is a storyline they've been low-ley doing all year and this is just the start of it bubbling up. The commentators even alluded to Punk being pissed off that the Summer of Punk never got going and instead it's been the Summer of Mox, which is why Punk is so salty towards him.

    You're being worked lads.

  11. Sometimes partners want genuine advice, other times they just want an excuse to vent and blow off steam and just have somethere there to listen to it. The trick is knowing when them asking for the former is really the latter.

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