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Lorne Malvo

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Posts posted by Lorne Malvo

  1. I used to be mad on physical media up until around 2 years back. My DVD collection was ridiculous. The ease and convenience of streaming services just killed my interest, to be honest. I don't remember the last DVD or CD I bought. 

    With games I'm probably about 50% digital and 50% physical now, and I only really buy physical for games I'm not sure about so I can get a few quid back if I want to trade in. 

    I've gone the opposite way with reading though. I was an early adopter of the Kindle but the last few years I've jacked that in and started buying actual books again. There's just something about holding a book that brings me joy that doesn't happen with a Kindle. Plus I like to see how many pages I am from the end instead of just being told 'you're 73% through this novel'.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    So regardless of what scarf you wear, they both were to an extent abusive, but to what extent is what no one can agree on because we won't ever know.

    This can't be true, if Depp was the victim of abuse surely he'd have gone to the police.

  3. 1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    But if you thought you had a broken nose, if you had been assaulted with a bottle as she had said, you would be going to hospital, you would be seeing a doctor.

    Oh fuck off with this, how many times do you need to be told?

  4. 1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Massive inferiority complex innit. The wrestlers are upset they aren’t seen as proper sports athletes and the fans know it’s fake but hate it when normal people point it out. So anything that might or might not be real is always met with “It’s a work” so the very clever fan can’t be fooled by the fake sport. Plus Little Tones inferiority complex adds to it. He knows he’s a disappointment to big dad Shad and he could have his train set confiscated at any moment. 

    When you order a PITCOS post from Wish.

  5. What I find interesting about the MJF worked-shoot stuff is that since its inception, AEW has been seen as the babyface company with the nice boss compared to that big bad WWE and it's evil overlords. Yet by having MJF on TV bringing up very legitimate grievances against the company, they're risking some of the fans turning on the company itself. Regardless of how good the storyline ends up being, it's something that may backfire on the company in the long-run if it leads to people thinking 'AEW treat their homegrown talent no better than WWE'. 

  6. There are quite a few sites which have Movies 2 Watch free of charge if you don't want to give Jeff Bezos or the mouse your money.

    Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers - Once you get past the 'oh look, its that character' stuff (which didn't do much for me anyway as most of my animation touchstones were late 90s rather than the period this was going for), it's a fairly bog-standard kids film. To be honest, I expected it to be more subversive and fun than it was coming from the director of Hot Rod (still one of the best comdies of the last 20 years by the way). It's okay, but it's nothing special. Which brings me to...

    Everything Everywhere All At Once - I really wanted to like this more than I did. There are some fantastic scenes and some beautiful moments (I loved the rock scene) but a lot of the time it just felt like being quirky for quirkys sake, and I don't think its anywhere near as mind-blowing or revolutionary as people are making out. Maybe I'm being harsh as I think I have a problem with the hype rather than the film itself, but I expected more going in. The last time I remember a film having this kind of buzz was Parasite and that is a classic, whereas I don't think this will be remember all too much in a few years time. I do think I'll enjoy it more on a rewatch though now my expectations have been tempered.

    The Contractor - Action/thriller from Amazon starring Chris Pine and Ben Foster. Unfortunately it squanders that cast. A few good moments but for the most part it's really boring and generic, much like their Without Remorse last year. Chris Pine looks more like the Team America puppet each passing day.

  7. 18 minutes ago, Ultimate Hitman said:


    But one thing I’m sure of is that the guy is a creep in real life, I’d be shocked if he hasn’t a load of very questionable skeletons in his closet. Whether we’ll ever hear of them is a different matter but I get serious danger vibes from him. I’d say he’s top tier involved in all sorts of weird & heinous shenanigans.

    What an incredibly odd thing to say.

  8. 1 hour ago, chokeout said:

    It's probably why he's been so successful with his short stories. 


    I've never read a Stephen King short story, even though I prefer the form over novels.

    For the King aficinados, which collection is best?

  9. I think he's great at writing characters and creating a sense of time and place but he's dreadful at pacing and writing plot. Salems Lot is a prime example of this. The first two thirds is this slow build where he brilliantly builds up the history of the town, all the various characters involved and all along there's this undercurrent of tension and horror. Then in the last third all that goes out the window as he tries to cram a shitload of plot in and nothing is given time to breathe or make an impact.

    It's been a while since I've read a King novel though so I may need to revisit him.

  10. 14 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    I just think it's qwhite interesting that Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair weren't called unprofessional on air when they had their tug of war (which Charlotte won) yet Naomi and Sasha Banks were.

    I bloody knew you'd find a way to blame Charlotte for this.

  11. 1 hour ago, Accident Prone said:

    Anyone who heats up fish for lunch in the work canteen.

    It's NOT a crime, but it should be. The fucking stench of last night's dinner wafting through the office should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law.

    Maybe one for the shithouse thread, but I have fish 3 times a week at work for the sole reason that my manager hates the smell.


    Sole wasn't a pun, don't ban me.

  12. 1 hour ago, Supremo said:


    I’m super intrigued by what they do on Wednesday with the ten lashes. Cody proved you can milk an insane amount of drama out of it, but fuck, imagine if Wardlow just takes all ten and doesn’t even flinch? Just stares  down Max the whole time? Occasionally raises an eyebrow?

    I definitely think this is how it's going to go. MJF getting increasingly irate with each whip as Wardlow just smirks his way through it.

  13. After around 15 years of playing the free Windows version of N, I decided they'd probably earned a bit of my money so purchased N++ on PS4. There's over 4000 stages! This is going to keep me busy for a long time.

    I got 8th on the global leaderboard on one of the very first episodes. Chuffed with that.

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