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Posts posted by TheBurningRed

  1. Because of how much he’s dropped off in form and average wise since he won the BDO Youth Championship in 2019. Just before that he had that fantastic match with Phil Taylor and was just doing amazing things on the oche against big names and the youth circuit. Struggles to win games now, shit averages, only won 7 titles in the past four years since winning the Youth Worlds but nothing of significance. Crap on the Development tour as well. 

    I think there was too much hype too early on so maybe pressure got to him. He might’ve lost interest and the hunger he had as he’s getting older. That happens.

    He does have a terrible attitude though which you’d hope he’d grow out of if he does stick around. 

  2. Yeah the occasion might do. When/if he comes up against a proper big name. Gilding is a major winner and no push over, but you’d think if he was up against someone like MVG the nerves will be there. He’s won 18 titles this year already though. Like I said on day one, he’s everything Leighton Bennett was destined to be. Littler and Beau Greaves are the future. 

  3. Fucking hell. Luke Littler, what a player. Making his debut in the world championships at 16 years old and wins 3-0 with a 106 average. Conceded two legs. No nerves. Looked like he belonged. It’s sickening the talent he has and has had for the past few years now. I’m only slightly jealous. An actual dark horse. I don’t think he’ll win it like Rob Cross did first time, but I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s playing again tomorrow night against Andrew Gilding which should be a great match. 

  4. A new Lewis has just dropped (and I hope he does get damaged)

    Maybe men shouldn’t have started opening up if this is the end result. Why would you shout like this at someone as well, despite the sentiment. 

  5. The real Christmas starts tonight. The world championships. I’ve managed to get my work schedule sorted around watching almost the whole thing. Luke Humphries is the overwhelming favourite after winning three majors in the last four tournaments. I think he will go all the way. He does well at the worlds. He’s got to three quarter finals before but this year he’s a whole different animal.

    Others around him on the order of merit can’t be ruled out. But despite winning a few things this year, Smith, MVG and Wright aren’t in the greatest of form. I know that can all change. MVG and Wright always turn up for this. I don’t think Smith retains. He’s been very poor for most of the year. Price will be a favourite despite the fact he hasn’t won a major in two years. 

    Personally want anyone from Aspinall, Chizzy, Bunting, Gilding, Rock, Gary Anderson or Searle to win. Big ask but Aspinall and Gilding are major winners this year. 

    One to watch is Luke Littler. An incredible talent at 16 years old (Although looks like he’s pushing 30). Might be too early for him yet, but he is the future of darts and will definitely surpass what others thought  Leighton Bennett would do. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Chili said:

    His target audience appears to be people who find his content so weird they have to keep checking it, so boom he's got their attention. There is also the effort gone in to actually editing them. Thus I'm left with several options. He's some type of outsider humourist or he's completely out of his tree but nobody will actually do anything.

    He’s claimed he’s an actor and showing off his serious acting skills as well as making people aware of certain dangers like the drowning. Plus he says he’s picked scenes from movies but they aren’t from any I’ve ever seen. But a lot of it is just fucking nuts. His eyes always look so sore. 


    7 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    My favourite bit in that video was him "receiving" the WhatsApp message telling him, except the message was on the right of the screen meaning he had sent it himself. 

    Presumably to one of his nonplussed mates.

    That was great. His poor mates probably picked the phone up and wondering why their dad is shagging their mad friend. 

    He produces a lot of saliva and its quite vile. I’d say the worst thing about the videos. 

  7. His wife left him for his dad the other day. The same dad who died in bed not long ago. I think she had died previously. There has to be a video soon where social services come and take his kids away as he keeps killing them off. 

  8. 36 minutes ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

    Gets to defend the WWE Championship vs Jericho at a Mania? Complains he's not in the main event which went to Rock vs Cena.

    Tbf he actually said the year after he wanted to be in the match with them after he lost the title to The Rock at the Rumble. He said he would’ve been fine if it was an elimination match and he went out in a couple of minutes if it meant being in the main event. Instead he got that great match with The Undertaker. I’m sure he understood why that first match between Rock and Cena was the main event and wouldn’t have been too upset by it (maybe).

  9. I can’t find the original tweet where those t shirts above were posted, but the replies and quotes were full of the worst of the AEW shirts. For a promotion that’s been referred to as a t shirt company in the past, you’d think they’d have better. Some of the worst merch ever produced. Possibly worse than TNA and they had a t shirt that looked like it had spunk all over it. 

  10. 1 hour ago, FelatioLips said:

    Speaking of Frodo and Sam, I'm not one to "ship" characters usually but Frodo and Sam have an unusually sexual chemistry throughout the whole thing that I was actually surprised when Sam gets married at the end.

    Sam is way more into Frodo in the book from what I remember. His wife is clearly a beard. 

    “My friends, you bow to no one” always gets me. My favourite moment from such a great film with some of the best scenes in the trilogy.  

  11. Her boyfriend posted she was dead two months ago. Which led to a welfare call and confirmation she was alive. Then he died last month. Now she’s gone for real. It all seems very sad. Think they’ve got three kids between them as well. 

    My mate works at a garden centre and saw her there last year. Obviously she stands out a lot and his colleagues were making comments and without thinking he said “That’s one of the Cock Destroyers”. They all looked at him differently while he tried to explain that she’s a famous porn star that’s become a meme but he hasn’t watched her stuff (he has).

    Her and Sticky Vicky will be putting on a show tonight. Captain Toms going to be getting a gobble and ping pong balls in his face. Alistair Darling just watching (I think he’s dead as well?)

  12. 5 hours ago, Dai said:

    Christmas In Scotland, on the other hand, is your standard TV Christmas movie. You could play Scotland cliche bingo and have a full house. Kilts? Bagpipes? Scotch? Check. The two main characters are a brother and sister, who are estranged, and go to Scotland to see their mother. Theres a very odd, incestuous vibe throughout, as all of the classic Christmas movie cliche scenes (ie, plenty of heart to hearts in various locations), are between a brother and sister, and not a couple who have lost the spark in their relationship/have taken each other for granted. The guy spends no time with his wife, and he just does everything with his sister, all the while talking about how they need to rekindle their relationship. Odd!

    We watched this. Our version was called A Merry Scottish Christmas. Agree on the incestuous vibe. The first scene at the airport where they meet, we instantly thought they were a couple before the wife showed up. My girlfriend said “have they fallen because they were fucking?” A theme that carried on during the movie.

    For more cliches, one guy was called Hamish and the other was called Mac. Everything was tartan. The main guy claimed someone listened to the bagpipes on his phone for the whole thirteen hour flight. Mix it up a bit and say he was listening to The Proclaimers and I don’t know, Texas. 

    At one point the sister saw a guy and asked if they had met before and gave an odd look to him. We thought this might lead to something. But no, it was just a pointless throwaway line. Nothing interesting came from it at all. Absolutely dreadful film. @SuperBacon go watch it. Join us. 

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