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Posts posted by TheBurningRed

  1. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but the whole deal with Ricky openly saying hes against it, Roy commenting about her being "silly" - it just screams out to me that this is leading to some ADR-Knights feud.


    It's what the people of Norwich want. It's the closest Zak will ever get to being a WWE star

  2. Tamina looks better now than when she first came along due to investing in make up. Bayley isn't the best looking but like Otto said, she makes up for it in cuteness. 

  3. Was a big Jericho fan back when he first came to WWE. Always thought he was a good wrestler. He had some great matches in 2001 and in 08/09 and his feud with Punk. But lately I've come to really dislike the guy. He's become annoying with his tweets and podcast, which is dreadful. His band is shit too. I hope he doesn't come back. Bored of the "cryptic" vignettes. His last return where he feuded with Bray Wyatt was a mess.


    As for his books, first one was really good. Second was passable. Third had some good stories but there was too many stories where he spoke about drinking/being drunk. I don't know if that was his attempt at sounding cool and rock n roll but it became tiresome after a while.


    He seems to be going through some weird midlife crisis the past few years. Tattoos out of nowhere, drinking loads, selfies of himself smoking. He never seems to be home. If he's not wrestling, he's in the studio or on tour. If he's not doing that he's making lame TV game shows and even lamer YouTube shows. I don't know if he dislikes his family or if he just wants to get drunk all the time and fuck around. I think it's time he went home and stayed quiet for a while


    So glad I found this topic for my first post. Social media has made me hate certain people in the wrestling business with Foley topping the list and Jericho being a close second. I was tempted to go to one of his shows and a meet and greet, and after reading all this I'm glad I decided not too. What a moany, whiny embarrassment he's become. What really annoys me is how personally offended he gets about all the hate that Cena gets. I was watching Dusty Rhodes HOF Speech recently and Dusty mentioned Cena and everyone booed. The camera showed John laughing because he doesn't care, but Mick was behind him visibly upset and moaning to who I assume is wife.I also watched Cheap Pops on the Network and he told some lame story that I can't remember but the punchline was something that his son said. The camera showed his son during crowd reactions and he said to his Mum "But I never said that"

    He tweeted Russo yesterday saying he was glad Russo enjoyed his son Deweys wrestling writings and how he wishes WWE would take a chance on a Foley in creative. Urgh



    Mate this may come as a shock to you . . . but comedians make stuff up.

    Yes, I'm very much aware of that. But it's a little bit embarrassing, that's all I was saying

  5. Everything about WWE commentary. Michael Cole referring to every face as fun. Can't heels have fun too, Michael? When one of the guys in the ring has recently beaten a top guy and Cole refers to it as "knocking him off" I wish Cole would fuck off and die


    Lawler making that ahh noise. His lame jokes. At the Battleground pre show he made a joke about Barrett having a big nose over and over and over. Even if it was funny, he killed it by saying it so much and got no reaction from Cole and JBL


    JBL has become the worst of the bunch though. Everything he says pisses me off

  6. So glad I found this topic for my first post. Social media has made me hate certain people in the wrestling business with Foley topping the list and Jericho being a close second. I was tempted to go to one of his shows and a meet and greet, and after reading all this I'm glad I decided not too. What a moany, whiny embarrassment he's become. What really annoys me is how personally offended he gets about all the hate that Cena gets. I was watching Dusty Rhodes HOF Speech recently and Dusty mentioned Cena and everyone booed. The camera showed John laughing because he doesn't care, but Mick was behind him visibly upset and moaning to who I assume is wife.


    I also watched Cheap Pops on the Network and he told some lame story that I can't remember but the punchline was something that his son said. The camera showed his son during crowd reactions and he said to his Mum "But I never said that"


    He tweeted Russo yesterday saying he was glad Russo enjoyed his son Deweys wrestling writings and how he wishes WWE would take a chance on a Foley in creative. Urgh

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