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Posts posted by TheBurningRed

  1. I have a severe addiction to Pepsi Max. Diet Coke when there’s no other option. Regular Coke, or fat Coke as some people call it is vile. 

    I tried Tango watermelon and strawberry recently. That wasn’t very nice.

    This thread has reminded me that I’ve not had a Tizer in years. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

    To be  fair though, bit off to say that sort of thing this week with rhe Bray Wyatt and Terry Funk deaths.

    Would’ve made that comment even if they hadn’t of died. You are the resident Grim Reaper after all. 

  3. That’s straight from the Lance Storm of eulogies. 

    There was a new Hogan video going round where he claims the make a wish kid at Summerslam 1992 who was the inspiration for his song Hulkster in Heaven actually died at the event. And that Hulk himself could “smell death” and knew it was him. That’s when he went to Simon Cowell to make the record. 

    Did Hogan take many chair shots to the head or does he just have an addiction to lying?

  4. I know The Fiend character eventually fell off, but the whole build up was really great stuff. The Firefly Funhouse segments were really well done with how they slowly got darker each time. The debut against Finn was great as well. 

    Rewatched the Funhouse “match” against Cena at Wrestlemania Covid recent. It was unique and one of the better things they done during that time. An easy 15 minute watch with some great moments as Bray put Cena through nightmares. As well as Bray singing the opening line to Nikki Bellas theme to Cena post their break up. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Lorne Malvo said:

    Off-topic (again!) but I'd go for The Godfather. Cracking game. 1940s GTA. 

    Great game. My memory card got corrupted a couple of missions before the end so I had to start again. I left it a year because I was so distraught. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Supremo said:

    I’d have two major concerns, the first being the name. Assuming he wouldn’t be allowed to use, “Edge,” I can’t think of a single wrestler who would feel weirder using anything other than his WWE name. Arguably even more than Big Show, he feels pure WWE, through and through. I’m sure I’d get used to it eventually, but him coming in as Adam Copeland sounds so bizarre. I can’t think of a clever workaround, either. Redge? Sledge? The Ledge…end?

    Edge Cage. They are brothers after all. 

  7. My girlfriend watches the new seasons. She had one on when I was round there once and I’m pretty sure it was just remake of an older episode. I’d try and find it but then I’d have to watch some of that shite again.

    I get why they changed voice actors, but the new Dr Hibbert is jarring. The laugh isn’t the same. 

  8. Me and my girlfriend have been watching the Australian Traitors the past week. We knew about the Paul hit job. But we got excited any time we ever seen him. Actually surprised he got about two talking heads in the show. We like to imagine him just staring at the camera smiling the whole time and just putting them all off. 

  9. She had a pretty good moonsault. That’s as much praise as she deserves. And yeah, the match with Corbin vs Seth and Becky wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. But that feud was fucking dire. You’d think Lacey and Corbin was the real life couple when watching it. 

  10. Yeah Banquet is great. They put on some of the best gigs and get some huge names in store for intimate gigs and meet and greets. The nightclub is a good setting for shows. Me and my girlfriend go quite often and would’ve gone to see The Hives last night if we didn’t have plans beforehand. Glad to hear they put on a great show. 

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