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Posts posted by TheBurningRed

  1. 38 minutes ago, Abe_Knuckleball_Schwartz said:

    Ah bugger, I am in Staines the week later, I was hoping his next appearance would have coincided with when I was there.

    He did perform in Windsor a couple of months back so thereā€™s a good chance heā€™ll back again after September.Ā 


    4 minutes ago, Dr. Alan Grant said:

    I was just wondering if anyone stuck with it and itā€™s even worth doing so.

    I didnā€™t. Only made it two episodes in. And it was due to Steve Schirripa and his constant talking over/interrupting Imperioli and drifting off subject. And apparently he never stopped doing that and got worse.

  2. 2 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Wait, what!!!!????? How on earth did I not know about that?

    Ah, go shit in ya hat.Ā 

    Edit: what did you ask him mate?

    3rd of September if you fancy going when heā€™s next in town. Only Ā£20.

    I asked him what he thought of the Uncle Junior portrayal in Many Saints. He liked it and how it showed how ridiculous and psychotic Junior always was. He said he really enjoyed the movie as well.Ā 

  3. f736cbd6-6201-4a98-b323-b07f70524eff.thumb.jpeg.0491009c9875471158c23ca0835c2ad6.jpeg

    Dominic Chianese randomly performed at a church in Egham this evening. He spoke about his life and career. Sang songs. Didnā€™t really say much about The Sopranos as he spent a lot of time talking about his early career and marriages (he was a right shagger from he stories he told). I did get to ask him a question after we took the photo which was cool. Really fun evening and he was very sweet. Heā€™s back there in September if anyone is local or wants to travel. And heā€™s moving over here permanently in three weeks. He looks great for 92 as well.Ā 

  4. To be fair, when we found out months ago they were out on the same day, my girlfriend said sheā€™d only go to Oppenheimer if we went to Barbie after. We often do double bills as well. But it is enough to put you off if youā€™re on twitter and itā€™s all you see.Ā 

  5. 33 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    What boring discourse there has been around them.

    It was amusing in the build up. But has gone on far too long.Ā 

    Me and my girlfriend are doing the double bill on Tuesday. Oppenheimer first in the morning and the lightness of Barbie in the afternoon.Ā 

  6. Heā€™s extremely thin skinned and vanity searches on twitter and gets into arguments with people who dare to criticise him or not like him. Thatā€™s why people started to sour on him. Because heā€™s annoying like that.Ā 

  7. 47 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Any comedy on ITV but especially any comedy on ITV that is being advertised with the tagline ā€œComedy is Back in the Building!ā€

    The Alan Carr one sticks out for me with that tagline. Looks absolute shit.Ā 

  8. 14 minutes ago, King Mal the Glorious said:

    but beds and "glamping pods" etc just feels 'wrong' for a festival

    I get where youā€™re coming from. But I think thatā€™s the only way Iā€™d actually enjoy a festival now. I couldnā€™t think of anything worse than sleeping in a tent these days. My girlfriend has been on at me the past couple of years about going Download or Glastonbury and itā€™s a no from me unless we fork out for glamping.Ā 

  9. 5 hours ago, Suplex Sinner said:

    A large part of it is down to their podcast I think. They've gone from internet darlings to people actively talking about how much they dislike them. Unfortunately with so many platforms through which you can communicate with fans very few wrestlers stop to think about whether or not theyĀ should communicate with fans.Ā There's no gimmick to protect so their real personalities shine very brightly. They appear to be entitled, whiny marks (similar to their pal CM Punk) and that perception is hard to shake. The other part of it is once your personality comes out, your political preferences and opinions can easily be deduced and in that respect they are Jericho levels of plonker.

    I wouldnā€™t tar Cash with that brush. The podcast was Dax. And heā€™s a weird guy on Twitter with vanity searching and arguing with people on there. People have soured on him. Cash seems to be guilty by association. Ā 

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