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Posts posted by TheBurningRed

  1. I’d add Phoebe to the shit characters list. Love the show and the main characters, except for her. Instant fast forward if she’s not with the others. Doubly worse when she’s with Michael Rapaport. 

    I did a rewatch a couple years back. I know a lot of people rate Chandler and Joey highly for the funniest characters, but Rachel is very underrated. I think she’s the best in the first few seasons. 

  2. One day, there’s going to be a book or documentary or even both on Tony Khan with Herb Abrams type of stories. And it’s going to be great. I’d love to know the bat shit stuff he says and does around the wrestlers. He’s already weird enough at the post show scrums with facial expressions and certain things he says. That time he awkwardly hugged Okada always springs to mind. There’s got to be some great stories behind the scenes already. Bet those WhatsApp groups are popping.

    For all of Vinces worst aspects as a human being and some of the stuff he has come up with, you feel like he’s someone the wrestlers respect and also fear in some ways. He was/is an actual boss. The locker room must just laugh at Khan and take the piss. 

  3. 1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

    Having said that, towards the end I found the celebrity series far more compelling than the "regular" version

    The series with Pete Burns, Michael Barrymore, George Galloway etc is one of the best celebrity reality show series ever. The fight night episode is fantastic. Series 17 and 19 were up there for the drama but nothing could touch the 2006 one. 

  4. Forgot to add, I’m shite with scissors. I was the only one in my school class who couldn’t cut in a straight line and would fuck it up somehow. I had to be given special scissors which made me want the ground to open up and swallow me whenever I got given them. Probably my introduction to anxiety as I thought everyone was staring at me and talking about me. I didn’t get much better in school. I’m alright at it now but it does go wrong the majority of the time. That all ties in with my terrible wrapping now. 

    I also couldn’t hold a pencil properly as a small child either and had to have a one of those special grip things on it. Honestly would’ve been better chopping my right hand off in school than go through the embarrassment in front of the class.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:


    I really don't get what Nick Wayne brings to anything. He's an average wrestler at best, has bugger all charisma, bugger all ability on the mic


    He’s only 18 mate. And been on tv for about three months. Give him a chance to improve on things. 

  6. Glad to see big Dutch doing well. I’ve watched quite a few Highspots shows where he’s been on and he’s hilarious and very charismatic. He was on that great FCW roster before NXT but unfortunately didn’t make it. This gimmick suits him though. I hope they both put in a great showing tonight. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Tommy! said:

    Like a digital one? I ask because I'm assuming that's what you mean and I genuinely can't fathom how that's possible unless you can't read or comprehend numbers at all.

    Edit: even if it's one with hands if she can do the 12 hour can't she divide the hour by 2? 

    Yes. She just gets confused really. For example 17:00, she just sees the 7 and assumes 7pm. I wonder if that’s to do with her dyslexia. 

  8. I’ve got a bit of an obsession with small remote islands with small populations that I want to visit. Tristan Da Cunha being the main one. But also Saint Helena, Ascension Island, Svalbard, Palmerston Island and Santa Cruz del Islote. Probably a few more but they’re the main ones.

    I also want to do the Antarctica cruise where you can go on land and even sleep in the snow overnight. These would all be very expensive bucket list things to do but they’re all things I’m very determined to do in the future. 

  9. Quite a few things here that have been mentioned. Can’t whistle, blow up a balloon, wrap presents, make a paper aeroplane, DIY or read the time on a traditional clock. My girlfriend can’t read the time on a 24 hour clock so we even each other out. My mother in law asked me if I struggle with my maths because I can’t read the time but I’m a bit of a maths whizz. It’s just something that’s never clicked for me. 

    Some things like wrapping and DIY etc could come down to poor hand eye coordination but I think I do have good hand eye coordination because of how good I am at darts (yes I’m bragging). 

    In regards to the DIY, I think I would be alright now. My dad did try to teach me but if I got something wrong the first time, he would shout at me and just be a dick. So it made me feel more pressure and I’d get it wrong. And eventually I just fucked up on purpose so he wouldn’t ask for my help. 

  10. Got all my holiday clothes from BadRhino and boohoo men. They are a life saver. I get the odd t shirt from Primark that fits well and is comfy. But I’ll use BadRhino exclusively from now on. 

  11. Thank you for all your kind words. It’s much appreciated. 

    I'm understandably still a wreck. He’s simply irreplaceable. I know things will get better and time and happy memories will take over this strong feeling of emptiness I have right now. I’ve just never experienced a loss or feeling like this. The vets gave me a leaflet with numbers and sites for pet grieving which I’m going to use when I’m able to talk about him without getting so worked up. 

  12. Sorry to bring some sadness to the thread but I need to get some words out. I had to put my cat down today. He was called Stella (sold to us as a girl, named by my nieces, and didn’t realise he was a boy until much later and it was too late then to change his name). To say I’m devastated is an understatement. It came out of nowhere but he had a really bad bladder blockage and started pissing blood. He also had some really bad kidney damage. 

    They say dogs are a man’s best friend. But my cat was the greatest friend of all. We had such a great connection and bonded instantly. He chose me to be his human. He’s irreplaceable. He was soppy and loving. He would stand on his back legs and literally hug me. Two paws on my shoulder or chest and rest his head on me. I’d also have to pick him up. I probably babied him too much but I didn’t care. He would follow me every where round the house, sleep next to me, or on my lap or chest, he would chat to me. We really loved each other. 

    A few years ago, I was at my lowest point in life and planned suicide. I couldn’t cope anymore and wrote notes for people. Then I looked at him and realised I couldn’t. Because no one could look after him like I could. And he would miss me. He saved me. And I’m so thankful because I got a few more years with him.

    I stayed with him right until the end. I’ve lost all my grandparents, one of my best mates… but seeing the light go out of his eyes and losing him is the worst pain I’ve ever had. I don’t know how life is going to be without him now. But I’m glad he won’t suffer anymore or be in pain. I’ve got some photos of my wonderful boy


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