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Jazzy G

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Posts posted by Jazzy G

  1. What would make Reigns Vs Owens interesting would have been announcing Jericho as ref a few weeks ago when he and Kev were on the same page, then watching the scenario unfold with Owens trying to keep him sweet in order to try and retain the advantage during the match. Is Jericho going to side with Owens, is he going to call it straight down the middle? Will he favour Reigns out of spite? Will Rollins get involved to try and counteract what he perceives as a screwjob for Reigns? There'd be potential for some interesting moments during the match.

  2. I can deal with grey hair but the creation of a hair island. Its like watching a small iceberg pull away from a larger iceberg and knowing global warming caused that but in my case my global warming is age. Bless you for your kind thoughts Keith brought a tear to my eye.


    Is it a full blown Shearer's Island, or are we still at the Zidane Peninsula stage?



    Maybe Bertie was giving Alan a lovely traditional Norfolk welcome.


    Hey, we're a peaceful bunch.


    Anyhow, anyone working under the name "Alan Xtreme" post-2001 deserves a kicking.




    It sounds like a Hardys knockoff who should be wrestling against a fat lad in a tiedye t-shirt calling himself Dudley 3D or something equally phoned in and derivative on a card from a leisure centre sports hall headlined by the UK Undertaker.




    He should wrestle with a fishbowl on his head.


    Rob Liefield looks like he had a hell of a time drawing that fella.

  4. A personality like Aries could be a big help to the cruiserweights division. An "indie darling" will surely help get eyes on them? And I know we don't like the term "indie darling" but surely Aries is a guy for whom that term was invented. He's pretty high profile and can wrestle a variety of styles. I say have the cruiserweights complain about them being segregated and stick some of them in matches with "non" cruiserweights as well to take away from the novelty.


    That all seems reasonable to me, quite honestly. There's sound logic behind each item.


    Absolutely, I don't see a problem with this whatsoever. Some indy promotions should have something along these lines in place. They should also add something in here about only one superkick per show. Interesting to see D-Von is a producer, I didn't know that.


    I'd take one superkick per match for a start...


    Maybe Bubba's sitting out his no compete by the phone waiting for Bully Ray's summons back to TNA. I reckon he could still have a decent singles run. Stick the US title on him and let him get Reigns over.

  6. Sasha's going to need somebody passable to feud with once she's finally out of the title picture, so it's obviously easier to try and make Emma look like something of a big deal than to force us to watch Nia Jax (she's the Rock's cousin, you know) stumbling around, trying to decide whether she should sell or not week in week out.

  7. Is the Fox thing so they can try and create another feud for the women's division to stick Bayley on the show for when this Sasha/Charlotte thing is put to bed so she can transition into a crack at the gold for Bayley? Although if this iron person match is supposed to be the final time this happens what happens if Charlotte wins? Does Sasha call in her rematch clause yet again?

  8. It's not necessarily about turning face, it's getting over the wrestler's passion. Crying with delight at a title win gets over what a big deal the title win is. Flair may have had a tear in his eye, but he wasn't talking about celebrating the title win with his mother. The only person who could have gotten away with that as Shelton Benjamin during that whole "Mama Benjamin" run.

  9. By all means celebrate your title win, cry with delight, just leave out the bit about your mum being ringside. Kurt Angle always cried when he won a title, it gets over how much he wanted it, but if super-heel Kurt Angle then goes and celebrates with his wife/girlfriend/mum and tells us about it, he's no longer that badass he's trying to establish himself as. Maybe goofy heel Angle would have pulled it off, but Alexa Bliss doesn't come across as that kind of character. If you're doing that kind of show either kayfabe the whole thing or have the whole thing out of character.

  10. I can't help but feel like they've screwed the pooch with Cesaro and Sheamus now. Seeing them all pally and team-matey just doesn't entertain me the same as when they were acting like dicks, but still kicking loads of ass. That segment with Charlotte & Naitch at the end was pretty awesome, though. The iron (wo)man match could be good, but how long are they going to drag the feud out? We've had Hell In A Cell, which didn't end the feud, then we had falls count anywhere, and now the iron man match? How many more gimmick matches do we burn through while the other women in the division are treading water? At least on Smackdown a couple of the other women in the division are feuding while Becky and Alexa tussle over the title.

  11. Gotta say, James Ellsworth is more confident and competent on the mic that a lot of people on the main roster.



    He was brought in as a joke and has gotten over like rover. He sold that ladder push brilliantly. It'd be quite amusing to see him with Goldberg and/or Lesnar at some point during the Rumble. You can tell he's having a whale of a time and making the most of this opportunity that's come his way.

  12. Well I really enjoyed that. Kinda sums up Smackdown solid with ever being special.


    Main was better than expected even with the dodgy ending.


    Watching last night and for a split second I thought Ellsworth was going to climb the ladder.


    Only real complaint is that the camera work is shit.


    Replays of fan reactions. Fuck off with that shit.

    Are they working these? Seems like they're planted people to react


    Ellsworth climbing the ladder himself and stealing the title would have been interesting going forward. I'm surprised we've not had a MITB cash-in during a ladder match yet. Trot out, fresh as a daisy, push them both off before cashing in then climbing up to grab the belt. The heat for that could be ridiculous.

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