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Jazzy G

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Posts posted by Jazzy G

  1. I think Bayley's title win would have meant more if she'd ended Charlotte's PPV unbeaten run at the same time. Dana's interference could have led to Charlotte retaining last night, then keep them apart until Mania. Turn Sasha, make Bayley have to go through her, Dana, Nia, a returning Emma(lina?) and maybe have her and Charlotte on opposite sides of tag matches etc until another singles match at Mania with some kind of ringside enforcer (Rousey?) to keep anybody from interfering.

  2. Has anyone read the Squirrel Girl comic? I only have the 1st issue so far but it's a hoot and charming as all hell. But there's one thing, there seems have been a reboot right in the middle of the series and it's left me a tad confused as it went back to number 1.

    They dropped the series for the big crossover/reboot and then started it again afterwards. Same thing happened with Howard The Duck. They're both great reads, although Howard has been dropped again shortly after the Animal House crossover with Squirrel Girl. I'd also Recommend Gwenpool if you're into those slightly left field sideways glance style comics that aren't afraid to play hard and fast with conventions.

  3. I remember 'Pirates' being the first (and, to date, only) porn film I have sat through start to finish without once pressing fast forward. 

    a load of the guys I used to work with years ago and I used to talk about Pirates loads in work. It's a brilliantly schlocky b-movie that just happens to have hardcore sex scenes sprinkled liberally throughout. The sequel's just as good.


    I hear Woodrocket is supposed to have some good stuff on there with a narrative bent. It's free to sign up as well. I've not properly had chance to peruse on there yet.

  4. Trying a fresh character/class etc can breathe so much life into a familiar old game. I usually have a couple of RPG playthroughs on the go depending on the classes/playstyles available. Likewise if there's a morality mechanic as well. It opens up whole different parts of the game.

  5. It was a change to see Steph not dressed like a 14 year old trying to sneak into a club.


    I was horrified that Reigns might have ended up going over Gallows & Anderson.


    New Day was what it was. I was stoked to see Dar Vs Gallagher on Raw, and can't wait to see Jack Vs Neville at Fastlane.


    Joe looks like a proper badass getting out of his limo in his suit.


    What the hell is that thing with Emmalina/Emma or whatever?


    Bayley's promo should have said "Charlotte seems to bottle it on TV so I'm likely going to walk it tonight."


    Mizark had a nice little match with Strowman. Good back and forth match between a pair of hosses. Roman selling his hip as he came to the ring was a nice touch. I like these little nuances about him, Could it be they put Reigns on a losing streak to try and make it look more like a surprise when he (allegedly) goes over Taker at Mania?


    Are we still supposed to cheer for Enzo goading people then hiding behind Cass? I hope Cesaro and Sheamus kick the everliving shit out of them and get back after the tag belts.


    Joe's interview was pleasing. I'm already girding my loins ahead of Joe Vs Lesnar somewhere down the line. Feels like they're going to send him in Zayn's direction sometime soon.


    Handsome Rusev appears to have been reduced to enhancement talent at the moment. Has he upset somebody? I didn't expect Joe so soon, but loved it. JOE! That's going to be a cracker of a match at Fastlane or Mania or whenever.


    I like Akira Tozawa, but it feels like he's had to slow down for the "WWE Style" That German suplex is wicked. Arachnaman's looking for that kickpad.


    Jericho was absolute gold in his shiny tiny hat and spangly jacket. Owens was great half-arsing it. Fantastic segment. That painting was priceless. Nice to see Gillberg. The turn was coming, but I thought it would have been after Fastlane. I was expecting Goldberg popping out of that huge red box. I guess it had to be done to try and make Kev not look like a total loser heading into Fastlane.


    How are Enzo and Cass babyfaces when I'm sure I'm not the only one wanting to watch them get their arses handed to them whenever I see them? I also can't get rid of this nagging feeling they're going to end up as tag champs sometime around Mania. Do we get Cass Vs Sheamus next week?


    Show Vs Strowman could be a good big lads match next week.


    More teasing the Sasha heel turn in the back. The thing with the rolling wristlocks was cool. Charlotte sold that slap brilliantly That kneedrop was fabulous. I love that she's started using bits of her daddy's moveset into her repertoire. She only just made it over with that moonsault. That could have gone disastrously wrong. The women's championship hot potato continues. I was getting into that match until that overbooked finish. Charlotte to become a 5 time women's champion at Fastlane? They couldn't have gone to a countout or DQ to keep the feud going? It surely means a lot less for Bayley to win at Mania now?


    That wasn't a bad Raw. Kept the road to Fastlane and Wrestlemania on course.

  6. Week of rematches when Raw do their PPV? Three champions since September for the women's title on Smackdown is surely better than all the "Sasha wins on TV, Charlotte wins on PPV" nonsense. Naomi's was out of nowhere and it kind of makes sense given that she'd pinned Alexa twice, but she'd not been doing very much before she arrived back on the scene.


    Matches against the likes of Alexa, Mickie and Nattie will hopefully help her both get more over and improve further ahead of either a program with Becky, Nikki or Carmellsworth.

  7. Becky Vs Mickie was an entertaining match. That flesh toned attire on Becky was a bit unexpected out of the corner of my eye. Nice finish as well. To the match that is. The reactions of Mickie James were great, and the shot right after the pin of Mickie's expression of disbelief with Beckie celebrating in the background was a great one.


    Ziggler as a heel in his American Flag tights and getting a massive pop for Pillmanising Crews' ankle was bollocks. Then again I think some of the blame has to be on those fans being knobs.


    Tag Team Turmoil was pretty good. Rhyno got a nice pop again. The Usos Alpha feud appears to be back on now.


    Is there a committee dedicated to trying to see how little Nikki Bella can wear while still getting a PG rating? The video package for that match was great. I really enjoyed the build to that match. Somebody mentioned on here that there's not much technical wrestling on the roster anymore, but it seems to be the domain of the women's division at the moment thanks to the likes of Nattie and Mickie. The match got over how much heat there was between the two of them. My guess is it's being held off until the week of the Raw PPV when they have the blowoff for this feud.


    Carmellsworth in the skybox were quality.


    The Orton/Bray/Harper story is an intriguing one. I still wonder whether it's about divide and conquer. I had in my head a scenario of it being Harper/Rowan Vs Orton/Bray at Mania with Orton's turn coming when it's become obvious that Bray has nobody to turn to, but the Rumble win has either expedited that or thrown another twist into everything. Harper is a great talent and could do well on a singles run given his very unorthodox style and quirky charisma. Orton as that cold, cocky, sadistic heel is such a good character and it felt like he was doing everything he could to get Harper over as the face, even though people's instinct is usually to cheer for Randy. Those "10" chants seemed to calm down briefly during the match as well. Mauro appears to be playing a character rather than calling the matches nowadays which is a shame. That was a class finish though. The RKO is such a devastating move still. One of very few.


    The seeds have been sown for Nikki & Maryse to come to blows at some point.


    Naomi Vs Alexa came out of nowhere. I understand why the match would be made given Naomi's pins in those tag matches in the intervening weeks & at the Rumble. Naomi's improved massively since her feud with the other Funkadactyl. That was an awfully sloppy pin at the end. The title change was unexpected and a bit anticlimactic if you ask me. Surely the usual way that storyline runs is that she gets the wins in the tag matches but can't do it in the singles match? Is this just so she can be booked to job in her home town at Mania? Have they got a load of Unsold UV Jeff Hardy shirts in the warehouse they can repurpose and shift on WWEshop.com? Tokenism for Black History Month?


    The new Chamber looks a lot more square which I'd imagine is a logistic choice as there's more room to do stuff inside it. That main event atmosphere was electric again. Cena and Styles starting made sense Who would have thought Ambrose would be the first to go for a big high spot? Some of those towers of doom were impressive. Corbin looked like a monster in there again. Miz sold it brilliantly hiding in his pod like that then striking like the opportunist he is. Ambrose's finish should be the schoolboy rollup, not the Dirty Deeds. Will that be Corbin Vs Ambrose at Mania or on the Fastlane Smackdown? Miz was great for that little spell that he was in. That pop for Cena's elimination was huge. The shot of those kids in their Cena shirt and hats on the verge of weeping was funny though. Always good to see the Shining Wizard get a run out. That Flying squirrel attempt into the Sister Abigail was a great finish. Bray Vs Orton will certainly have an interesting dynamic going forward.


    Decent show. Sets us on the road to Wrestlemania nicely, and hopefully it will be the road to wrestlemania now, as opposed to the road to that episode of Smackdown that happens to be the same week as Fastlane followed by four weeks throwing the Smackdown Mania matches together.

  8. I've been cracking on through the Mass Effect games and trying to lead Accrington Stanley to glory on FIFA 2016. I may have a look at some of the other Sports games. Hopefully Madden isn't anywhere near as incomprehensible nowadays as it was on Megadrive. I'm pondering a look at those Garden Warfare games as well, as I hear good things about them, or at least about the second one.

  9. My XBox Live Gold has probably paid for itself already, even moreso with Project Cars out next week. EA Access is pretty good value as well. Sometimes if you have a hunt around on Amazon you can get the same services for a discount. I know my EA Access was only £17.50 as opposed to £20. I have just looked and Sony decided they didn't want to add it to PSN though, which is a shame.

  10. I'm a big fan of Charlotte. There've been a couple of moments where she's looked out of her depth during a promo, and the title hot potato stuff has annoyed me, but in the ring she's brilliant, and she can be such a good heel. I think it's more the stuff she's got to work with in terms of her promos than any shortcomings of her own, though.

  11. I thought he was alright when he was doing commentary alongside Josh Barnett for New Japan on AXS. I guess it's just a case of what he's got to work with in terms of his script and Vince shouting in his ear. It doesn't bode well that he can't be trusted to do the little "to camera" segments so they have to sit Tom "don't call me Wilson" Phillips sat there to do the general hosting duties. It looked a bit silly when they had seven all trying to squeeze behind the desk during that Styles Vs Ambrose match the other week.

  12. Would it be that they'd stop dealing, or just stick it on a different channel if it wasn't cost effective to keep it on Sky Sports. I guess it'd depend on whether they could demonstrate that it was actually shifting Sky Sports subscriptions. How are the PPV buys going and how much of that do Sky get? I'd imagine that'd be the clincher of whether they'd want to keep dealing with the WWE. Maybe BT would swoop in if the rights came up for negotiation.

  13. If Goldberg goes more than a few minutes it might expose him, unless he's been seriously working on his ringcraft. I'd imagine he rolls over Owen at Fastlane, then the week after at that house show Lesnar is filmed destroying Owens in similar short order or never spoken of again and the turn on Jericho happens during the actual Mania build.

  14. On the subject of Joe's finish this week - might just be that they didn't want Reigns choked out (100% sure they didn't want him tapping out) and given that it was supposed to be a quick pin off a distraction, the Muscle Buster (which is a lengthy set-up at the best of times) didn't cut the mustard?

    He doesn't have to tap, they could do the thing where the ref waves for the bell then we've got that whole "I didn't tap out, so you didn't beat me" angle to build off the back of it. It's good to see Reigns doesn't seem too bothered about dropping his shoulders for people though.

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