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Jazzy G

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Posts posted by Jazzy G

  1. I like listening to Cornette just to hear him raging, sometimes e's on with his criticisms, but he is living in a bygone era. Anybody heard that thing where somebody proposed an angle to him about wrestlers getting stranded on Mars?

  2. Later series, when the originals had all pretty much left, it went proper shit.


    Talking of Lincoln, how fucking good was This Life? The Scottish bird was probably the stand out performer of that show, yet she went on to do fuck all compared to Lincoln and Davenport.

    This Life was quality. Daniela Nardini turned up in that series of Waterloo Road where the whole school was inexplicably moved to Scotland. That must have made the commute a bit tricky from Rochdale.


    I'm sure it had the same slowdown on original hardware.

    Really? It's so long since I played an original arcade machine. I can't remember.


    I think it's because MAME emulates the same hardware including limitations. Anything more than about 6 sprites on screen and it starts to chug a little bit. IT's better than the 4 sprites the NES version would struggle with, though. Renegade and Double Dragon 2 in the arcades had that really interesting 3 button layout with attack left, jump and attack right. I should have a look and see whether there are anyfan translations of the Kunio Kun series from which we got games like Nintendo World Cup, Super Dodge Ball, River City Rampage and Renegade.



  4. In anticipation of Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 coming out free on Games With Gold in the second half of this month I found a copy of the first one on PS2 for a quid in my local charity shop. They've got a copy of the original Battlefront on PS2 at the local market as well. I hear Battlefront 2 on PS2 is where the best action is at, though.

  5. Yeh i remember P Rock, it stayed on long after it actually ended i think and they just looped the same 10 or so videos over and over.

    If memory serves those ten videos were:-


    Distillers: The Young Crazed Peeling

    Transplants: Diamonds & Guns

    Rancid: Time Bomb

    Alkaline Trio: Private Eye

    King Prawn: Dominant View

    Drop Kick Murphys: The Spicy McHaggis Jig

    Tsunami Bomb: Take The Reigns

    Lars Frederiksen & The BAstards: To Have & Have Not

    American HiFi: The Art Of Losing

    Panic! At The Disco: I Write Sins, Not Tragedies.

  6. I watched the pilot of Enterprise the other day on Netflix with the intention of getting through them all over the course of a few weeks. I'd seen the odd episode here and there, like the one with the Cardassians and that one with the Borg from First Contact being discovered but never really given the show a proper look. I was completely taken aback by the decontamination suite where they pretty much had a coed shower sceneafter they'd come back from that planet.


    I hear the new series Discovery has been delayed a little further as well.

  7. I found out last night that the bassplayer from my old band passed away last week which shocked me, but also got me trawling through videos that used to turn up on that P Rock channel about ten years ago. Anybody else remember that?

  8. I started trying to trot through the original Shantae on Virtual Console on my other half's 3DS. It's impressive graphically to say it was originally a Gameboy Color game. Like Wario Land 3. Good platforming, good puzzling. Could do with a little more screen real estate with regards to seeing what jumps and enemies are coming up, but it's very impressive. The sounds are straight off of a Commodore 64. Interesting day/night cycle as well.

  9. I'd seen on here that he'd been introduced on Raw tonight but not how. I've finally watched and my goodness, if you'll excuse the choice of words, that is one hell of a way to make an impact on your debut. I'm intrigued to see where it goes from here. Hopefully he kills Seth and has a decent opponent at Mania.

  10. Not sure how many Star Trek fans we have here but I've been watching DS9 on Netflix. As I recalled it, that show wasn't particularly great until Sisko shaved his head and grew and goatee but actually the earlier seasons are alright. Far too many Kira-focused episodes for my liking but otherwise perfectly watchable.


    I think ds9 was probably my favorite Trek of that era.

    The general rule tends to be bald Sisko = decent episode. Chief O'Brien was fantastic on the show. A proper regular working class bloke that people could relate to. Always calling a spade a spade.

  11. I like a bit of Keeping Up Appearances. Mind you that counts for nothing because I've spent many a spare hour binge watching Last Of The Summer Wine and Open All Hours. The writing's not always great but the cast is usually stellar. Ronnie Barker and David Jason are, of course, brilliant as well. Which is a big help. It must be


    Anybody catch that thing on the History Channel with Ronnie O'Sullivan visiting pool halls and the like and trying to be a pool hustler across America?

  12. It could have at least been a Gamecube game, if PS+ can give away games like Resident Evil HD, Yakuza 5 and Transformers Devastation then Nintendo can do a tad better.

    It wouldn't be so bad if you could keep each month's game with that Nintendo paid service, but it's a rental in the hope that you'll buy it. Can you imagine if they were giving you access to use a game you already had on the virtual console. What a rip off that'd feel like. Yes there've been months when Microsoft have given away games I already own with Gold that month, but at least I know there'll be another one along in a couple of weeks.


    I can totally understand why they're still pushing motion controls because the Wii was the biggest seller of its generation. Without it we wouldn't have Kinect and PS Move. To a lesser extent I can't help but think Wii U led to the cross play stuff with the PS4/Vita and the smartglass features with the 360/XBone. I wonder what Microsoft/Sony may borrow from Nintendo this time around?

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