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Jazzy G

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Posts posted by Jazzy G

  1. Do we get Ellsworth Vs Styles this week on Smackdown, or does it go down the week of what Raw should have called Starrcade? Whenever it happens I see one of two things happening: Either Styles absolutely destroys Ellsworth to prove that without Ambrose's help he's nothing or Ambrose gets involved and costs Ellsworth the belt, dare I say setting up a triple threat for the Royal Rumble?


    Edit: We get it this week on Smackdown. Daniel Bryan is great bollocking Ellsworth on Talking Smack. Was a bit weird watching Alexa Bliss break character and then snap back into it, though. Why have I never watched Talking Smack before? It's great fun.


    I missed the tag match but read about it, what was with them putting the title belts around Harper? Is it a New Day/Freebird tag setup, or were they just too tired to hold them...?

    Not quite sure. Bray did it as a sort of "That was a nice moment but I don't need this trophy" gesture. Orton's was possibly a sign of thanks after Harper took a bullet (well a gore) for him outside the ring.


    Always thought is Bray had a singles title, he'd just have his disciples defend it for him half the time anyway. They might go with that here. An Orton/Harper team could be ace. Pity there aren't many decent opponents.


    There's the inevitable rematch, American Alpha, Dare I suggest the Brothers Hype? A series against the Usos would be interesting.

  3. I genuinely believe if you turned him heel, after a while he would get the face reactions WWE are looking for.

    That's the problem, the dicks in the crowd would start cheering for him because he'd be the badass he's supposed to be. He came across that way on Monday because he wasn't making knob/balls jokes like he did during his feud with Sheamus. Yes, there was a massive boo when he said he was "The guy", but even I can't stand that. I find it quite upsetting that he sounds like he comes to the ring to absolute silence, but you can tell he's trying to justify his spot there now. I couldn't help but feel like he was on cruise control a little once he'd realised where his career trajectory was taking him, but wonder whether somebody's had words with him, or he's seen some of the "heat" he's been getting from the "smarks".


    EDIT: FUM Something like that would be akin to when the producer trotted out during that Impact taping and bollocked the crowd for doing the exact same thing. People are entitled to cheer or boo for whoever they want to, but I get the feeling after that particular Raw after Mania things got a bit out of hand and now some of the crowds are hoping to make a name for themselves, but that night's crowd went with everything on the show. Still, at least he is getting a reaction as opposed to coming out to complete apathy.

  4. Corbin is growing on me, maybe it's because he reminds me a little bit of Barry Windham for some reason. Plus he's actually trying to be a heel, rather than a cool dude who opposes faces, It looks like a decent card, though, I'm hoping they don't do one of those hokey finishes where Becky falls through a table and loses the title by accident and still anticipating Ellsworth costs Ambrose the title so he can have his shot at AJ based off the fact that he's beaten him 3 times, then gets absolutely destroyed because Ambrose leaves him to it,

  5. Reigns as the great equaliser coming out last would have been the shit. People would have loved that. I really hope they're not teasing the Shield reunion just to try and get Reigns over more. He was good this week on Raw. I think people are starting to warm to him again.

  6. After a massively contrived period where almost every show featured a ref bump I'd imagine they're going through a phase of none of them so if a ref bump does happen it has more impact. I remember seeing the Trav Vs Masters last man standing match a few years ago and it ended with a single chairshot to the head which stunned everybody in the room, probably because they couldn't remember the last time a match had involved one.

  7. I can't think of the guys to do a Smackdown Elimination chamber without having to stick Miz and Ziggler in there as well? Styles, Cena (if he's around) and Ambrose are likely locked in, for want of a better term. Do you use Corbin? Swagger? Kalisto? Undertaker? Kane? I guess you could stick Orton & Bray in there, depending on what's going on with their storyline, but it surely leaves the rest of the show a little light. You'd think they'd give it to Raw on the basis of the roster being a bit bigger. On the other hand it's a touch unfair that Raw would get Hell In A Cell AND Elimination Chamber, but then Smackdown get TLC tomorrow night. Give Raw Money In The Bank? Drop that PPV completely and return the MITB match to 'Mania as a cross brand thing? Doing that then negates your "Survivor Series is the only place you'll see Raw & Smackdown superstars competing" caveat then though, as if the Rumble doesn't do that enough. 

    I guess you could stick Orton & BRay in there, depending on what's going on with their storyline.


    They could always turn it into one of those highlight/recap shows presented by whatever iteration of Todd Grisham clone they're up to now.

    There will never be another Todd Grisham!


    There will never be another Grisham, but they have his DNA on file somewhere, and they keep churning them out to ever diminishing results.

  9. The thing in the bar with Sheamus & Cesaro was fun and all, but I can't help thinking they've shot their bolt creatively now and the lads will just get lost in the shuffle. Part of the attraction about them was their constant one upmanship of each other and the like. I'm sure they'll be a great team anyway, but that dynamic made them all the more entertaining in my eyes. They now either go on to become the longest reigning tag team champions, or tread water until they end up feuding again.

  10. Nice to see Noam Dar get a line during the cruiserweight segment in the back. I dread to think how baggy Raw would get in the event that the Cruiserweights went to Smackdown as they'd end up with more time to fill again, Also amusing to see how far Sin Hunico has fallen, coming out to his "that sounds a bit Mexican" entrance music and without his tramapoline and fancy lighting effects. I wonder how they'll handle Strowman and Nia Jax at Survivor Series. If Charlotte gets eliminated how would they play it into her "Undefeated on PPV" run? Nia Jax is still absolutely horrible, though.


    That Goldberg Lesnar segment was great. Watching them both pacing like caged animals behind those <s>indie guys</s> security guards really gets over how much they want a piece of each other. Heyman sold it brilliantly, the way he always does. Goldberg showed some incredible fire in that promo as Lesnar just stares a hole in him. Brilliant stuff. Hopefully they just have that war we all expected at Mania 20 this time rather than trying to put on a clinic.


    The whole getting people to team with their rivals thing was an interesting dynamic, but felt a bit played out. Hopefully it's not like that on Smackdown tomorrow. Why is Steph dressing like she's off out clubbing with a fake ID after the show? 


    It was an interesting closing segment. Hilarious hearing the boos for the Raw guys on Raw against the Smackdown guys. Somebody really needs to have a word with themselves about how some of these guys are being used. I can't decide whether they were cheering for the Smackdown guys because it's genuinely the better show, or just to try and wind Steph up.

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