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Jazzy G

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Posts posted by Jazzy G

  1. No problem with them facing the hard camera to make the pin, that's fine and makes sense as it's a TV show. Nia Jax needs to make it look a bit more natural though, rather than hitting her finisher, getting up and having a little jog around the ring to get into position. She could just lie with her back on top of the opponent, leaning on them almost. She'd be facing the camera and it'd make her look even more "physically dominant" that she doesn't even need to pin her opponents properly to beat them.

    I feel worse for all those poor fans facing the hard camera that get a view of her arse while it happens.


    It did look a bit contrived, but Joe didn't do that when he pinned Reigns in the main. He just hit the Uranage and covered him. If she's that arsed about having to face the hard camera so we can see her 4th wall breaking "Look at me, I'm on the telly" grin whenever she's making a pin attempt learn to hit that samoan drop in such a fashion that you're more naturally in that position to make the cover afterwards. A little airplane spin or something of that ilk to help get into position would surely emphasise her power as well?.She was called up way too early, but there's only really Asuka back in NXT that she'd possibly benefit from sharing a ring with?

  2. I don't know that today's audience would have the patience for a 60 minute iron man match. Don't get me wrong, if a match ended up going an hour and was good enough to keep their attention that long, such as the Cena Shawn match from Raw that time then it's all good, but for an audience to know in advance they'll have to watch a match for an hour may leave them inclined to sit on their hands for a large portion of the match, The 60 minute iron man between HHH and the Rock was great, but the one between Bret & Shawn would go over like a fart in a lift nowadays because I don't think a modern WWE audience has the attention span for something of that style. I could be wrong. I'll bet there are guys on the roster that have got some fantastic 60 minute matches in them, but would they be able to sell it to the fans?

  3. Is this a new thing that Graves has started dropping the title of metal albums into his commentary during Strowman's matches and appearances. He mentioned him being "Far Beyond Driven" during that 4 on one, and he talked about his "Appetite For Destruction" when he attacked Reigns at the end. I'm happy Joe won. That Uranage/STO he finished with looked pleasing as well. I'm guessing he's off muscle busters after the Kidd incident?

  4. What's the deal with that Owens Vs Lesnar match from MSG the week after Fastlane? Jericho gets involved and Owens keeps the belt but Goldberg gets a DQ win there, Lesnar wins the belt at MSG in spite of Jericho's involvement then they're tussling over the title at Mania?

  5. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is where it's at. That game was massive. I dug out my ROMhack of Knuckles in the first Sonic last night. Marble Zone becomes piss easy because you can climb up that first big wall that usually forces you underground, run across the top then glide to the end.

  6. On the topic of theme park food, there's this snackfood that I've only ever found in two places: the (now closed) cinema in my old town, and a stall at Alton Towers. Both many, many years ago.


    They were called "grits," but weren't the things that Americans eat for breakfast (based on my experience of watching Crocodile Dundee).


    They were more like a puffier version of Quavers (only less curly, and unflavoured), and were cooked on-site, served in card/paper scoops from the kind of large glass case you'd normally see filled with popcorn.


    Now, does anyone have the faintest idea what I'm talking about, and whether these things are better known by a different name? I can't understand why they appear to be so rare, as they're perfect for both occasions described.

    I know what you're on about. I have vague memories of buying something similar from Bonny Street Market in Blackpool about 25 years ago, but you'd have to stick them in the deep fat fryer at home. They also used to sell pretty sizeable bags of them round in the shop round the corner from where I lived about 4-5 years ago. It's called Food Basket on Hyde Road in Gorton if any Mancunians are reading.

  7. Did you ever read the comics put out by Udon? I'm another total casual at the games but there's some really interesting lore there, especially with Cammy/Killer Bee and The Dolls which didn't seem to be explored in the games as much.

    The Dolls are really interesting characters and tie into the story really well. Juni & Juli were in Alpha 3. Decapre was in Ultra Street Fighter IV and there's mumbling that Satsuki, Marz or both of them are going to be in season 2 of Street Fighter V.


    Street Fighter's that International Karate clone isn't it? Not bad. 

    They're both copies of Data East's Karate Champ. They tried suing Capcom over the first Street Fighter but the judge ruled you can't copyright the "idea" behind a game and threw it out of court.

  8. Whenever the fair was in town a load of us from school would head down and play winner stays on in the arcade. Originally it was just World Warrior, but then they inevitably got that dodgy hacked Rainbow edition I shit out all my Christmas and birthday money on the then £60 Super Street Fighter II for Megadrive in Dixons when I turned 16. My Mum tried to talk me out of it thinking I'd never play it. How wrong she was. I usually pick Ryu as he's normally the most balanced character and great for learning the game, but Sagat is a beast in Super. Blanka's pretty good as well. I have a massive .TXT file on my PC that has the whole plot to all the games for every character. It's quite an interesting read. I'm pretty terrible at the games though, and uber casual.

  9. Hogan always looked better in white to me. I also remember as a youth prefering stunning steve in his cycling shorts to trunks. Strange things what you look at as a young fan.

    Heel Hogan in the black trunks and silver boots for me. 

  10. I thought he had to have demonstrably proved that he has no ties to any of his businesses and the claim that his sons are running everything for him isn't enough to satisfy them?


    Likewise with the shares he has (had) in that company that's building the pipeline he signed the executive order about being completed.

  11. It would mean Pence became President.


    Elton Welsby used to present the crown green bowls on Sky Sports years ago. It'd be him and a camera crew in a beer garden somewhere filming them.


    My Mum has a pub and the weekend of the big tournament finals is usually one of her best weekends of the year.

  12. Well hang on now, don't tell me you never looked at Amy Rose and thought, "If life were just a little less cruel..."

    It's all about Rouge the Bat.



    I saw the words "Bowling Green Massacre" and imagined a group of pensioners being at some championship in the wrong place at the wrong time with Elton Welsby documenting this whole thing in the style of the Hindenburg disaster, little realising it was the name of a town in them there "Yoonited States of 'Murica".

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