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Jazzy G

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Posts posted by Jazzy G

  1. sounds about right yeah. Christ he's such a pillock

    When he and Cole were on Smackdown it wasn't too bad. Now it just seems like he's there to rip the piss out of Mauro and everybody else. Occasionally he'll try to say something about what's going on in the ring, then he's right back to taking the piss out of people. He doesn't even talk to us about sports news anymore like he used to do. His shouting "I can't wait to see Cena Vs Orton again at Wrestlemania" during the triple threat this week was infuriating. If it wasn't for it being a triple threat that would have been such an obvious case of spoiling the finish.


    Heenan and Ventura were great colour guys because even though they cheered for the heels they were never afraid to put the faces over as well. Graves is a bit of a throwback to that and JBL tries to be as well, then goes and tends to Lawler after he gets attacked by Ziggler.

    JBL tended to Ziggler to put over the gravitas of the act, 'not even JBL can defend this' so didn't mind that, Graves did the same thing really well with the Festival of friendship segment this week.

    The week after Lawler though JBL looked like he was about to leap to the defence of fucking Kalisto, which is dreck


    Is that the one where JBL was ready to come to Kalisto's aid, then after the ad break when Daniel Bryan stuck Ziggler in the handicap match he was apoplectic about the way Ziggler was being treated?

  3. Heenan and Ventura were great colour guys because even though they cheered for the heels they were never afraid to put the faces over as well. Graves is a bit of a throwback to that and JBL tries to be as well, then goes and tends to Lawler after he gets attacked by Ziggler.

  4. As enjoyable as watching two wrestling machines putting on a clinic and trading holds can be, there's a lot to be said about a match between two guys who may be a bit more skilled in their storytelling and have the kind of build up to their match and be just as captivating with ten minutes of "punchkick" if the drama's there I'll suspend my disbelief anyway. 

  5. Both Viva Pinatas are on there. They're the gentlest, most hand holding games you could ever imagine, but then they hit a great difficulty curve and a surprising amount of depth. My Other Half thinks it's so boring, then disappears off to play Animal Crossing for hours on end. Not that there's anything wrong with Animal Crossing, it's a fabulous piece of escapism, I just find the double standard interesting.

  6. The difficulty of the sexy female wrestler gimmick I'd guess would be resisting the urge to make it some kind of "Beautiful People" knockoff/homage. Pair her with Nia so when she's snagging off all the uglies she can hide behind her? Or make it abundantly clear she can handle herself in the ring as well? Like a female counterpart of "Dashing" Cody? Or have a less attractive woman so deluded she thinks she's it, and has the skills to shut up anybody that tries to tell her otherwise. That'd be a positive role model and score points with the anti bullying charities.


    Except Vince would book the detractors as faces and the whole message would be lost.

  7. Shovel Knight is a great game to check out for either system.


    They released a good few bits of free DLC for that as well, didn't they?

    Steamworld Dig is pretty fun, it's on both Wii U and 3DS and Lone Survivor is one hell of a 2D horror game, might not be for everyone but I'd give it a look.

    Got Steamworld Dig on my 3DS. It's a cracking little romp. Got a very retro feel.


    New Gold Games are out today on XBox Live. Project Cars is on its way down as we speak. Looking forward to having a crack at Force Unleashed as well.

  8. I played it on my old phone, but for budgetary reasons I've "upgraded" to a worse phone and so don't event think Pokemon Go will run on it. I have a mate who's stockpiling pokemon for me until they bring out trades in the hope that I reinstall it. I'm contemplating trying spark my old phone back into life for it, but I'd have to use a mouse adapter and geospoof using wifi as the screen is kaput. I think I'll stick to the Pokemon games I got for Christmas on 3DS, and hopping back into Blue & Y to try and complete those dexes instead.

  9. I had a poster back in uni with a big list of "porn parody" movie titles such as the aforementioned Schindler's Fist and Shaving Ryan's Privates. There were some rather amusing ones in the late 90s/early 2000s. I seem to remember one called In Diana Jones as well?


    There's a list here


    Edit: I'm just reading through and one of them is called Everybody Does Raymond which just made me laugh out loud. I'm so glad I'm home alone at the moment.

  10. Pro Wrestling Sheet has learned there were big plans for the Emmalina character … but after multiple rehearsals, producers realized she couldn’t pull off what they were looking to accomplish.


    Sources tell us Emmalina was intended to be a throwback to characters like Sable and The Kat — however, delays were caused after officials felt like she wasn’t committing enough to the role and ultimately they decided to just let Emma be evil again.

    We’re told producers are still big fans of the character’s concept though — which is why they held hope it would work out — so it’s always possible that they’ll hold onto it for another female in the future.

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