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Jazzy G

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Posts posted by Jazzy G


    What the fuck are Sony playing at selling shite like this on their store?

    Did you see that Black Tiger crap that turned up on there as well? Thank God for Jim Fucking Sterling, Son.




    The free online is until October 2018, which is when the paid service comes in. Are those Virtual Console games to keep, or just for the month? There was a bit of dispute over that, but it may have been in the translation. It still doesn't quite work out to the potential savings of XBox Live or Playstation Plus. I'm totally buying a Switch eventually, though. Probably after Christmas when Street Fighter's out.

  2. I think it's hilarious that he's said or at least been quoted as saying something along the line of he's going to stick to office hours during his presidency. If Putin hears that you know he's going to be sticking calls in at 4.55pm and keeping him talking just to wind him. I'm just waiting until he pisses China off. There's a sleeping giant he needs to be careful of prodding.

  3. Zzap was brilliant. The Mighty Brain on the letters page. Roger Frames buys budget games. I used to like reading Commodore Format as well. There were some cracking games on their covertapes. When I had an Amiga I'd read CU Amiga. PSW was a good mag as well. GamesTM is a good magazine nowadays, as is Retro Gamer. They sometimes use the Oliver Frey artwork from Crash for their covers, depending on what the big cover story is that month.

  4. Finally getting into Killer Instinct on XBox One. I love me some fighting games, but am not great at them. Well, I can hold my own amongst my peers, but whenever I venture online I soon get found out and hammered by people that take the games a lot more seriously than I do.

  5. yeah, I thought it had been a while since he pulled that out and it suits him. Can easily be his heel shtick if they ever actually turn him. I loved that post-Mania promo from him, and I was of the mindset that "Reigns has got to turn at the post-Mania Raw at the latest". I'm still of that mindset this year tbh, but the more he pokes the fire with the booers the better it works for him and his character benefits.


    The problem is once they do turn him "those fans" will start popping for him. He's come on leaps and bounds in the ring now. 

  6. Is the Rumble still 4 hours? Plus a 2 hour pre show? That's a bit much, surely? There were some nice moments this week. Show & Strowman facing off was good. Strowman is quite the big deal at the moment. Rollins in his face role is acting more heelish than he was as a heel. Reigns still trying to get that "The guy" thing over is still grating and quite cringeworthy almost a year on. The match with Jericho was good, aside from that attempted samoan drop. Nia Jax hit what must be the worst Banzai Drop I ever did see. Yokozuna must be spinning in his grave at that. That promo was decent, though. I still can't quite believe I watched Noam Dar and JAck Gallagher on an episode of Raw. That Mustafa Ali is entertaining to watch. 


    Goldberg stumbling through his promo with blood creeping down his forehead was a bit awkward to watch, but the segment itself was incredible. Hopefully we get a similar go-home Smackdown as well. This week's Raw was the best in a while. Hopefully they can keep this up for a while.

  7. They are huge savings, and I think the bits of tat from around the warehouse are regardless of how many you order. I'd want the nameplate off of Dixie's desk.


    I was more amused by the way he tries to imply you're saving further by ordering extra. If it was 5 DVDs & 2 shirts for $20, 12 DVDs and 5 shirts for $40 etc it'd be even more incentive for people to spend extra. You wouldn't want to be that poor bugger who orders and gets some duplicates, though.


    It's definitely symbolic of how eager they are to try and cast off the old TNA name etc.

  8. Don West's Brown bag sale pitch is interesting. Not because of the items you get inside, but the way he tries to make buying more seem like better value as if you're getting more than just the logical multiple value of whatever's in each bag.


    "You want two bags? We'll give you twice as many items as you'd get in one bag, but check this out: If you order three bags, we'll give you THREE TIMES as many items items as you'd get if you just buy one bag."


    Who's sat at home thinking they're making a saving?


    Reminds me of Troy McLure and Nick Riviera on "I can't believe they invented it." Love all the mentions of Styles, Angle & Roode as well. "Want some cheap merch for all those great WWE guys? Come think you're going to get it here, then be disappointed when you get shirts with Cheeks and Alastair Ralphs on them."

  9. Anyone ever get this: you say a word you've spoken or heard or read many times before, but for some reason it doesn't sound/look right all of a sudden?


    While reading Darb's post, I couldn't help thinking "milfs" sounds wrong, like the plural should be "milves". Milvish? Milvenkind? Weird.

    I guess the technically correct way to present it would be MsILF because it's be Mums that'd be the pluralised word. "Mums I'd like to fuck" as opposed to "Mum I'd like to fucks"?

  10. Anybody been watching James May: The Reassembler on BBC4? It's the televisual equivalent to watching paint dry in terms of its actual content/style. Unless you're into watching old technology/machinery being assembled piece by piece. James May tells some wonderfully amusing anecdotes and makes some rather amusing comments which make it entirely bearable and entertaining if you're into James May's sense of humour. He's very knowledgeable as well. You'll either think it's as dull as dishwater, or surprisingly pleasant viewing. The episodes turn up on Youtube eventually as well.

  11. Apologies but stupid question time


    I've put a Megadrive emulator on my phone - is there such a thing as a sonic & knuckles for the original sonic that I can ROM from somewhere? I downloaded a couple with the title but when they load they come up with the 'no way' screen.  Does such a thing exist?  I've got the Sonic 2 one :-)

    There is a ROMhack I have which is Knuckles in Sonic 1. It's very interesting, but with some of the levels all you have to do is climb the highest thing you run into and glide off the other end of it. That can be downloaded here.


    Are they any good side scrolling fighting games on the Xbox One?


    From what I can see most of the decent side scrolling brawlers on the XBone are the compilations etc from the 360 (Final Fight, Streets Of Rage, Golden Axe) available through Backwards Compatibility. There's an updated version of Castle Crashers which is a fun brawler with an RPG style XP/levelling system for some depth and multiple branching paths. There was also a Power Rangers game released the other day, but I couldn't tell you whether it's any cop.

  12. The problem with the 2004 Rumble is that they'd been telegraphing the result since about Survivor Series when Heyman told Benoit in a backstage segment that he'd "never manage to grab the brass ring." If I remember I was watching it with some mates and my first reaction was "That's Benoit winning the belt at Mania then." I just finished watching Wrestle Kingdom 11 and it was cracking. I'm contemplating hopping on the Network to watch some "vintage" Angle. as well.

  13. I can't imagine they'd be pleased. They'd probably be less happy he does New Japan on AXS in the States or those occasional MMA/Boxing events he sometimes turns up to, but he's not actually employed by them is he? I'd assume it's a case of "You wanna do an interview for a DVD?" and JR flies up to Connecticut or if they're passing through Oklahoma they stop by and film a bit with him.

  14. Matthews would be just fine as a backstage interviewer. He didn't used to be too bad when he called Velocity back in the day, but suddenly seems to have a massive chip on his shoulder. Tony Schiavone is long done with the wrestling, he gave up in about 1999 which is a shame because he kept calling it for 2 years after that, plus it'd be seen as a sizeable step backwards. Is there not some other WWE cast-off they can find? What's Scott Stanford doing nowadays? 

  15. So are we supposed to now believe, after all those months of his needing Jericho to help him retain the title he won with help from Triple H anyway, that Owens is a badass and legit champion after the attack on Reigns? Especially when I've got a feeling Reigns will end up getting his heat back next week while Jericho ends up inadvertently locked in that shark cage. I usually try and plug my way through Raw, but found myself fast forwarding through. Is Rusev teaming with Jinder to occupy Enzo & Big Cass until some heels end up in possession of the tag titles? Why aren't the New Day relentlessly trying to regain their tag team championships and just content to bang on about how they used to be the champs? How long until Sheamus & Cesaro end up feuding again? Raw just feels like it's there now, while I look forward to Smackdown.

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