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Accident Prone

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Posts posted by Accident Prone

  1. Everyone has their lines. Where some people will find Ospreay to be the exit point, others will point at the likes of Scurll, Chase, Honma, ZSJ and Shingo as their own. There's no such thing as ethical consumption of professional wrestling, so you just have to do what you can. It's a shit business, and it's made no better with EVIL getting a bye into the next round.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    Some of the deep dives on these gaming disasters are funny and informative, and I can't blame fans for having a go at raking in the YouTube views, but I deplore that whole trend as a whole.

    There's more to guys like Jim, and I might be wrong about Joe, but every time the fucker pops up on my recommended he just looks like another one of the bazillion whiners whose every video thumbnail is them standing in front of their massive video game collections trying to look as upset as possible. 


    I don't know, gaming YouTube. I don't think it's been covered quite enough. What did go wrong with Cyberpunk?

    I absolutely get where you're coming from, and those two are pretty much the only guys I watch when it comes to gaming critique videos. I don't really watch anyone else because Joe and Jim have the distinction of tenure and actually looking like they care about the gaming industry and the direction it's going, rather than just posting angry videos for clicks. Hell, both of them make up the most of their cash from Patreon and other similar services, so click-baity videos and bandwagon-anger aren't really their bread and butter. When something is bad and/or harmful, I believe it when they say it. Anyone else doing the ANGRY GAMER-!~! shtick I pretty much ignore or skip.

    It's why Red Letter Media are pretty much the only movie/TV critique videos I watch. They've been around since practically the beginning and, through the thick sarcasm and patter, they do seem like they genuinely care about the medium. I can't say the same thing about Nostalgia Critic though, as he's always come across as phony and try-hard.

  3. The best part of Anthem was the great take-downs by your Jim Sterlings and Angry Joes. The shit storm just made for tremendous content, Same goes for Fallout 76 actually; the only positive that seemingly came out of that disaster were the lengthy critique videos.

  4. I haven't heard of Pat Contri/Pat the NES Punk in years, so I did the obligatory Google name search with the term "controversy" and I was relieved to see that he hasn't been outed as an abuser, peado, conspiracy nutter or right-wing enthusiast like a couple of other YouTube gamers that I used to be into back in the day.


    1 hour ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    I am really enjoying these sort of games though IE: Hitman/Uncharted. 
    Has anyone got any decent recommendations on what to look at playing next.


    If you've not played them yet, the new Tomb Raider games will be well up your alley. Out of the three, the first is the best, and despite suffering from diminishing returns, I still really enjoyed the second one.

  5. I've been addicted to Slay The Spire for the past couple weeks. Minutes turn to hours, hours have melted into days. I'm building decks in my sleep and I'm assigning numerical value to simple tasks such as cooking dinner and taking a shit.

  6. 1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

    So plain toast is better than beans on toast? 


    Buttered toast is better than beans on buttered toast. Do people actually eat beans on dry toast?


    1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Yep. But then I have dry toast as I hate anything on my toast. 

    Cbs Love GIF by LoveIslandUSA

  7. 4 minutes ago, TheBurningRed said:

    That was a fun festival. Although my girlfriend at the time gave me the awful choice of picking All Time Low or You Me At Six to watch with her as they were on opposite stages at the same time. My choice of drinking beer with my mates wasn’t an option apparently. 

    TBF, putting All Time Low and You Me At Six on opposite stages is a massive mess-up by the organisers. I always thought Sonisphere had the alternating stage times gimmick?

  8. 2 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    For all their claims of being alternative and social outcasts, metal is so conservative. Uber white, heterosexual, and misogynistic. Such a toxic subculture 

    I'm having flashbacks to Download 2009, sitting on the grass whilst Five Finger Death Punch were stinking up the joint. The lead singer, an absolute arsehole by all accounts and clearly pissed off at the lukewarm reception to his drab band, shouted down the mic before the last song, "Everyone who doesn't mosh to this is a fucking f****t". Yep, very welcoming.

    Coincidentally, that was the same festival where a drugged-up Manson put on the worst set of all time. He was so off his tits that he spent five minutes asking the crowd if he should remove his jacket or keep it on before grumbling away through an uninspired collection of songs.

  9. 12 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

    And Eurodisney fucking robbed me blind on a school trip in 1999.

    Same. My trip was probably part of the same scheme. A travel day spent cramped on a coach and sitting around on a ferry, only for most of the Euro Disney attractions to be shut and not a parade in sight. Spent more time travelling to the place than actually being there, and most of the in-park time was spent in lines for the few rides that were open. I just ended up doing Space Mountain twice, this shitty haunted house and ate an over-priced burger before heading back to the coach. I think I took more photos on the ferry than the park itself.

  10. I collect compilation vinyl records. You know the sort that would appear in newspaper and TV adverts sporting "40 MASSIVE HITS!!!". They often have themes or genres, and the best ones are always the soft-rock records. You've got to be wary of the ones that only have re-recordings of songs though, with the 'TOP OF THE POPS' series being the biggest villains of this bullshittery.

    I've got a whole case of them, and back when the world was normal and we could have people round the house, I would place a portable record player on the coffee table along with a huge stack of comp records for people to go nuts and play whatever they want. Because they're cheaply made and/or scratched to fuck, each song has a lovely warmth and crackle to it. You may have heard Foreigner or REO Speedwagon on crystal clear CDs, but wait until you experience it on a 40 year old haggard plastic disk and played through a £60 record player shaped like a suitcase. 

  11. Ah, that pin mechanic sounds promising. I know Netflix and other services mix in all their content without any worries, I just never thought I'd see stuff like the X-Files, Family Guy, Die Hard and Borat directly associated with Disney. I guess that's the habitual thinking of someone who has always associated Disney exclusively with children's/family entertainment.

  12. Has Disney had any examples of editing or censoring these shows so far? Seems kinda pointless to subscribe if they're going to removing anything they deem to be too explicit or inappropriate for their logo.

  13. WWE's creative team is in for a shock when their brand of 'comedy' is put on the same streaming service as 30 Rock, Parks & Rec and Frasier. The gulf in class will be even more visible.

    Then again, the same service also houses Two And A Half Men so standards are already low.

  14. 4 hours ago, Perry said:

    In a similar vein, most people used to shit on The Big Bang Theory because it ripped the piss out of nerds. In most cases you only had to click on the haters profiles on twitter and you'd see that they were gamers and geeks who were clearly offended. Most probably hadn't even watched an episode. At the end of the day the show ran for 12 seasons, they were obviously doing something right.

    People to this day still shit on Big Bang Theory; not because it "ripped the piss out of nerds", but because it was lowest-common denominator and lazily-written shite. The only thing they did right was produce half-an-hours worth of dinner time TV every week for 12 seasons in order to sell commercials.

    Anyway, back to 'Taker. Shite opinions, weird/sad relationship with his boss, partly responsible for a toxic backstage environment but does have a good resume of matches to his name. Swings and roundabouts.

  15. I'm coming up to the end of HollowKnight. I've put 60 hours into it so far, but every time I think I've seen it all I suddenly discover a brand new area. It's such a brilliant game, with actual care and attention gone into it. I've avoided a lot of boss battles though because they tend to be rock solid, but I'm at a point now where I have to confront my demons and defeat them all before I can make any more progress. Off the top of my head there's ten bastards that I discovered and just quickly back-pedalled after five minutes of countless deaths. Wonderful game, all in all.

  16. WWE Battleground made it onto Jim Sterling's Worst Game Of The Year list, and he's someone who's opinion ranks pretty highly, so you've made a fine choice there.

    I'm currently playing through Hollow Knight and I'm absolutely loving it. The game is surprisingly big; every time I think I'm coming to the end I find a new, unexplored area of the map. It's incredibly addictive. And the Grubs are the most adorable NPCs in gaming history.

  17. Can anyone recommend a decent Ebay alternative for selling graphic novels and TBPs? I'm looking at selling a large bulk of my collection soon, but I've always been stung by Ebay fees, Paypal fees and under-estimating the postage costs. Looking at doing job lots a so I'm bound to be fucked over somewhere down the line, but eBay has buyer/seller protection so it does have that going for it.

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