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Accident Prone

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Posts posted by Accident Prone

  1. 5 minutes ago, King Coconut said:

    Eeerm, gravy?

    Gravy goes all over the dish, so it's difficult to rank in terms of importance and doesn't do much to disguise how crap mash is.

  2. Bottom: 444-4444

    Bottom Live: 21354

    Blackadder: 3421

    THPS: THUG(1+2)324WLP8PG5

    Roast dinner: Meat, Gravy, Yorkshires, Roasties, Broccoli. Cauliflower, Peas, Rest Of The Veg, mash.

  3. 1 hour ago, Wretch said:

    Got halfway down that first list and decided not to bother with the rest when I'd seen you'd put Bounty ahead of Mars and Snickers.

    Are you new to chocolate or something?

    Judging by his comments, FelatioLips prefers biscuits over chocolate, which makes the whole ranking and tourney biased IMOH. He's even got the green triangle at 9, and refers to the Malteaser as overrated! As bent and as fair as a North Korean election.

  4. On 10/21/2020 at 11:11 PM, SuperBacon said:

    Julien Baker is back with a new song, typically lovely, and a full band album in the new year. Prefer it now whilst my SAD kicks in, but I'll forgive her.

    One of the best artists of the last 5 years, this performance is one of the best vocal performances ever for me. Goosebumps every time.

    She's just fantastic, isn't she? I had the Sprained Ankle album on a constant loop during a real bad phase in 2016-2017 and it really helped a lot. Her constant inner-struggle of being this Christian member of the LGBTQ+ community, who grew up in less-than-tolerant Tennessee, and who has her past demons with drug and alcohol abuse is mind-blowing for someone so young. The way she handles those themes and experiences in her songs in spellbinding. It's passionate and raw but never feels like she's just lashing out with anger. Everything is justified.


    EDIT: Ha, I didn't realise this post was six days old. Apologies!

  5. 13 hours ago, scratchdj said:

    This could be a belter of a mini. I'd actually buy it too;

    Space Channel 5

    Crazy Taxi

    Chu Chu Rocket

    Power Stone

    Sonic Adventure

    Sonic Adventure 2

    Virtua Fighter 3

    Fighting Vipers 2

    Pen Pen Trilcelon

    Jet Set Radio


    Marvel vs Capcom

    That'll do me. I hope they don't skip over a Saturn Mini though.

  6. 5 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

    Being an IT bod I used to have a chuckle at Dilbert, especially manager going "I have no idea how long this will take so I'll allocate you one day in the project plan."  Then I saw Scott Adams' Twitter retweeted and took a squiz at his Twitter.  Yeah, I'll take the calendar off my Christmas list.

    Yeah this one killed my near-20 year fandom of Dilbert. Someone on Twitter alerted me to Scott's political beliefs a couple of years ago, so I checked his website and social media. Woof. I've no longer been able to read the comic strips since. What a dweeb.

    Same thing happened with Terrible Tim, the guy who wrote the ear worm "Brother Man Bill" way back in YouTube's infancy. Tim is now big into the anti-vac crowd and believes COVID is a hoax. At least that has finally de-wormed that song from my head after 14 years.

  7. 16 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

    A common reaction but the ending (or lack of one) is pretty much the whole point of the story. I disliked it too on my first viewing but on further viewings I absolutely love it and a big final showdown would have been shite. I adore this film (and book and anything written by Cormac McCarthy).

    I'll give it a few weeks and I'll have another go then. This is definitely something I would've analysed thoroughly and bored everyone to death with back in my film snob early 20's.

  8. No Country For Old Men

    I was really enjoying this. Had the subtitles on and everything to let every little word sink in properly. Then the last 15 minutes comes into play and takes a piss all over it. I actually let out a confused "What the fuck?!" when the credits started rolling as I was so disappointed.

    Brilliant performances. Awful ending.

    7/10. Sorry lads.

  9. 12 hours ago, gmoney said:

    I don't know, what the fuck is is? Can we put a moratorium on abbreviations if you haven't said what it stands for in the first sentence, to help out thickos like me? This isn't the Transformers thread. 

    I mean, THPS is a very common online abbreviation for Tony Hawk games, but if this were real life I'd definitely be referring to it as "Skatey skate ska-punk".

    7 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 is fantastic. 

    I'd recommend treating yourself to THPS. 

    Cheers! Saturday night is sorted then. Phat air.

  10. So who has the hands-on opinions for THPS? I'm still feeling weary about the franchise, stemming from the THPS5 debacle so i don't want to throw my cash down just yet, but I trust most (okay, some) of the voices on this board. I'm really wanting it to be great but I also realise that it's modern gaming and has every chance to be sabotaged and shite.

  11. I've taken up running again to loose a little (re: a lot) of this COVID weight, and I tend to run in this big park across the road. Huge wide open fields with a path going through the middle. 

    So I'll be running along on the path and whenever I see someone coming towards me, I always move sideways off the path and at least a meter onto the grass, because I'm sweating and breathing heavily and there's bodily fluids flying everywhere. Obviously, the typical social distancing 6 feet isn't enough to protect against fat fucks galloping away so the extra social distance is warranted.

    However, nine times out of ten, the person coming the other way will still move right towards the side of the path that I'm closest too, making my whole diversion pointless and getting them likely covered in my salty gland juices and gob droplets. Pisses me off to no end.

  12. Having a bit of a clear out;

    Bundle of 3 disc WWE sets: Chris Jericho, The Rock, Best Of Smackdown 1999-2009, Ladder Matches collection, Elimination Chamber collection - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/143715945550

    Limited edition (only 2000 copies of each made) WWE DVD sets: Edge - Decade Of Decadence and Hell In A Cell matches collection - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/143715948762

    Bundle of WWE Blu-Rays: True Story Of WrestleMania, Ladder Matches vol 2, Money In The Bank matches collection - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/143715973632

    Bundle of ECW ROH TNA WWE DVDs - Best of Guilty As Charged, Best of November To Remember, ROH Jimmy Jacobs 2-disc set, ROH 14th Anniversary show, TNA Best of Jeff Hardy, WWE Austin vs McMahon, WWE No Way Out 2008 - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/143715977592

    IVP Videos Best Of Kenta Kobashi In 1991 - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/143715965561

    There's also loads of other auctions including N64 Games, Download Festival t-shirts, Deep Elm/Saddle Creek/Jade Tree/Crank! Records CD joblots, bundles of 90's Rock/Pop/Hip-Hop/Dance cassette tapes, emo/metal/post-hardcore CD bundles.

  13. 5 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    They set that precedent long ago. No criminal charges, no problem. And if the criminal charges don't stick, you'll be back.

    Jack Gallagher was fucked off pretty sharpish after his allegations, so I assume he just owned up to it. Maybe that's kept every other wrestler's mouth shut? Honesty obviously isn't the best policy as you'll just be sacked if you admit to anything. Woeful stuff.

  14. I'm currently playing Horizon: Zero Dawn and it is a lovely, lovely game. I'm doing everything but the main quest at the moment, currently at level 15 with tons of crafting upgrades and I've only just taken over the first giant giraffe thing. It's a typical open-world game, but looks gorgeous and there's not much fucking around with resource management (as of yet). It's also the first game I've played since upgrading my 12 year old TV so everything looks extra eye-catching.

    I'm playing little bits of Fall Guys too but, I have to admit, it's not as addictive or as fun as I thought it would be considering the hype for the last 18 months. I was hoping for some sort of party mode where you and your mates take on other teams, but it's just real threadbare right now. Hopefully it fleshes out a little.

  15. Weird how the people who throw around phrases like 'cliques' and 'bullying' are also usually the posters with real unpopular opinions. Losing in a debate to an opinionated majority isn't bullying or an example of a clique. It feels like some posters here think forums work as a one-way system (or that's how they want them to work), where you can say something and not get pulled up on it.

  16. I got dragged along to a Biffy gig at the NIA a few years back; it was filled to the brim with the Dark Fruits crowd and a stark comparison to their energetic, guitar-smashing set at Download in 2008. Not for me, at least not anymore.

  17. On 7/23/2020 at 3:13 PM, Accident Prone said:

    Thanks @johnnyboy, I'll look into this over the weekend. Fingers crossed!

    I'm going to tag him again which will annoy him but @johnnyboy's advice was excellent; Plex works a treat! I'll probably sign-up for the premium plan too so I can download videos to my phone. Thanks again! 

  18. 2 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

    Can't you just cast the video from the laptop to the Chromecast, either from a Chrome tab or from using something like Plex?

    Yeah that thought did cross my mind but my laptop is basically chained up in the upstairs home office for WFH, so I thought having this small portable hard drive would be easier to plug and play into the TV/games console.

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