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Accident Prone

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Posts posted by Accident Prone

  1. For the first time since I can remember, I feel stumped by a tech issue and I stubbornly, selfishly refuse to believe that the answer is "buy something more expensive" so I'm just after some assistance if possible.

    Basically, I've got a 4TB portable hard drive (so it's powered by the system it is plugged into) and it's full of video files that I'd like to watch on TV,

    My TV is well over ten years old, so the USB ports on the back don't do much save for power my Chromecast. I plug the hard drive in and no source appears on the list. So that's option one gone.

    I've got a PS4 plugged into that TV and for that to work I'll have to convert my hard drive to exFAT (a lot of the video files are well over 4gb so FAT32 is out of the question). My laptop hard drive is only 400gb, and the portable drive is nearly full so that's shagged any chance of just transferring the files over whilst I format the drive.

    I've Googled and searched this topic high and low, and all the answers assume you have a modern TV or have already formatted the portable drive to exFAT. Is my only option to just buy a new TV or is there some sort of work around or sneaky third-party device that I can use? I could just plug my laptop into the HDMI slot of the TV but that kinda defeats the purpose of having a portable hard drive.

    Thanks in advance for any help and assistance. Cheers!

  2. 8 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    What's your source for this? And don't start crying about bullying, you've made the accusation so back it up.

    The only real flack I saw was that she posted screenshots of Riddle's wife's phone number, so she cropped it out and re-posted the texts.

    All for naught apparently, as Tilde reposted the original. You might want to delete that, @TildeGuy~!, or at least block out the number.

  3. 2 hours ago, Love-Wilcox said:

    Whilst I hope every that every abuser gets what's coming to them I don't think it's helpful to lump in blokes who once had a consensual relationship with a 16 year old with the others who appear to literally be raping people. Or is it just me? I'm going through Twitter trying to get myself caught up on everything but for every sickening story I read I'm seeing two or three that come off like minor sexual misadventures.

    If you don't have a problem with a man in his 30's trying it on with one of his 16 year old trainees, then you need to re-evaluate your own morals here. 'Legal' or not, it's disgusting behaviour and a massive breach of trust. Would you be thinking the same way if it were your daughter or son being advanced upon by their trainer who's double their age?

  4. 8 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

    Give me a 300lbs idiot doing safe but sloppy looking tombstones and oozing charisma over 180lbs geeks doing superkicks and arguing over Twitter every day of the week. 

    We still talking about Mongo here?

  5. Linda standing up out of her wheelchair at 'Mania 17 and hoofing Vince in the bollocks. That match is the best example of McMahon-branded Soap Opera Sports Entertainment ever. Nothing from that same niche even comes close.

  6. 36 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    The only gaming Twitch stream I've ever watched was Nate Crowley playing Red Dead 2, and it seemed like accidentally shooting people, or sending his horse running down a cliff, was a regular occurrence. 

    Yep, pretty much my same experience with the game. It won't sully the games's excellent story and cinematic scope though.

  7. 31 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

    At the very least, you'd hope the trainers down there are listening and try to reign in those weekend warrior habits.

    Yeah, like stomping your feet when throwing punches.. WWE Superstars NEVER do that...

  8. On 6/8/2020 at 9:59 AM, BomberPat said:

    Started on Red Dead 2 yesterday, being years behind everyone else as I am. It's bloody slow starting, and I can't see myself being able to remember all the controls.

    You will, and I can't stress this enough, accidentally fire your gun and make enemies with everyone/fail and void quests/be killed because the controls are so needlessly complex. Save often!

  9. 46 minutes ago, Wrasslin said:

    Love Scott but hate that move.

    Its in that category of being more dangerous yet looking less impactful than a regular power slam. Plus crowd didn’t give a shite. 

    Back when I was training, I did the ring music for a K-Star show. I was watching the matches via a live feed backstage, and in one of the matches they did a standing Spanish Fly. It got no reaction from the audience of young kids and families, who didn't know what to make of it, and all I hear from behind me is one of the trainers shouting "I TOLD THEM IT WOULDN'T GET A REACTION!! I FUCKING TOLD THEM!!!", practically doing a victory lap around the locker room area.

  10. If anyone needs a bit of cheering up on this drab Saturday morning, here's Butchi's sublime RusselMadness review;

    My own nomination has to be The Longest Yard (Steve Austin, Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Great Khali, Bob Sapp). It's crass and it's crap and quite problematic with 2020 eyes, but there's also a running joke about Goldberg having a massive dick. So you know, swings and roundabouts.. 

  11. 8 hours ago, IronSheik said:

    Yeah I know, but I associate this type of dive with low rent spot fest mark indy guys. Not saying the specific federation in the example clip is shitty. 

    Do you associate that because Jim Cornette told you to?

  12. 4 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    I assure you I'm not the only one who thinks Super Dragon is a useless turd.

    The origin of Dev's hatred for SD has been unearthed;





  13. Never thought I'd see Super Dragon slander in this thread. Outrageous behaviour. Blasphemy.

    On-topic, any move where a wrestler is crotched on the ropes looks painful. There's no way to protect your gonads when you're falling onto the turnbuckle. Must be one of those unavoidably painful things that can't be helped in wrestling, like chops or Johnny Gargano staring at his hands.

  14. 46 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

    It's not your age. It's how everyone is when they first start. Just practice, practice, practice. It'll become much easier with time.

    Thanks. We'll see how it goes. I was too arrogant to think that I could just pick up a few chords in a day or two.

  15. I'm 32 and decided to pick up my wife's old guitar yesterday. It's an Gibson Epiphone Junior Model that she hasn't played since she was a teenager, and it's been collecting dust for the better part of 15 years. So instead of throwing it out or giving it away, this 32 year old who has never picked up an instrument before in his life thought it would be easy to learn a few chords and thus play almost any song ever written.

    Boy was I wrong. I looked at a couple of YouTube starter guitar lessons but I just cannot get my hands in the correct chord position without my fingers muting other strings or finding the spot correctly. I'll strum the strings individually to find the error and fix it, but that causes another string nearby to be altered. Repeat process. It's driving me mad, and I'm wondering if my late start means my hands have developed to a point where it's impossible to contort to those chord positions correctly.

    I'll give it another week. I've committed to an hour a day minimum where I'll try the chords and practice the opening riff from 'Dammit', so we'll see if there any improvements or if I smash the guitar with frustration.

  16. I'm game for a Saturn or Dreamcast Mini, as both haven't really been 100% cracked as emulators yet (as far as I know). If the market gets their hands on either one I give it a week at the most before you're able to chuck in an external device full of ROM. .

  17. 17 hours ago, Meej81 said:

    When the rules are not adhered to or conveniently forgotten when a storyline demands it 

    On the opposite side of things, when the rules are strictly enforced when a storyline demands it (Moustache Mountain vs Undisputed Era, for example).

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