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Accident Prone

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Posts posted by Accident Prone

  1. Hey! I'm gonna be a Dad next month so I'm selling most of my graphic novel collection in bundles to make space & make some cash (I hear raising a kid is an expensive hobby).

    Listed below are the bundles (Severed and Green Lantern are the only items being sold separately), and here's the link to my eBay store! - https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/neronomy/m.html

    Any questions just shoot me a DM.

    - Red Rain, Crimson Mist & Bloodstorm
    - Doom That Came to Gotham (New), Gotham After Midnight (New), Strange Apparitions , Justice League of America: Tower Of Babel
    -  Last Knight On Earth (Hardback), Batman: Night Of The Owls (Hardback), Batman/The Flash: The Button (Deluxe Hardback Edition)
    - Strange Deaths Of Batman, Dark Legends & Collected Legends Of The Dark Knight
    - War Crimes, Gotham By Gaslight & Detective Comics #1000
    - Gothic  & Batman And Robin Volume 1 & Volume 2
    - Eternal Volumes 1 & 2, and Prey
    - Rebirth TPBs, Volumes 1 - 9, plus 'Preludes To The Wedding'. 
    - Rebirth Detective Comics TPBs, Volumes 1 - 9.

    - Walking Dead hardback compendium graphic novels Volumes 1, 2, 3 & 5
    - Saga TPBS Volumes 1, 2 & 3
    - Severed (Hardback)
    - Southern Bastards Volume 1 ('Here Was A Man' ) & Volume 2 ('Gridiron')

     - Definitive Spiderman Redux, Definitive Venom and Definitive Thanos
    - Definitive Avengers Rebooted, Definitive X-Men Redux and Definitive Avengers Reloaded
    - Daredevil: Underboss (Marvel Knights series) and Infinity Gauntlet (collects 'Infinity Gauntlet' #1 - #6, 1991)

    - Scalped (Deluxe collected editions) Volumes 1, 2 & 3

    Green Lantern
    -  Blackest Night (hardback collected edition)

    - Superman:Earth One & Superman/Batman Generations.

    - Creation, Escalation, Retribution & Revelation

    Image, Vertigo & DC mixed bundle
    - Happy!, Chew Vol 1 (Tasters Choice), Sandman Vol 1 (Nocturnes & Preludes) & Death Of Superman


  2. Booting up Wolfenstein: The New Order for the first time and this being blasted through my speakers on the menu screen was an awe-inspiring experience. I just sat there for ages as this song just tore my face off. Shame the rest of the game couldn't live up to this mighty opening.


  3. On 8/22/2021 at 1:54 PM, Merzbow said:

    Anyone had much luck cleaning out a PS4? Mines been getting noisier and started lagging and crashing, a database rebuild seems to have helped for now but I'm going to blow the dust out and re-plug in the HDD etc.

    I followed a YT vid and stripped the PS4 down, unclogged and removed a whole mess of dust and fluff, and the fucking thing was still back to being super-rocket powered loud within three days. It's massively frustrating, I've only had it since 2015 and it started to go downhill a couple years ago. I guess this serves me right for having an Xbox 360 for over a decade that never red-ringed once.

  4. Anyone had a go with Axiom Verge 2 yet? I loved the first one, but the reviews are giving me pause to wait out for an update or a price drop. A lot of 7/10's going around.

    Until then, I started Blasphemous earlier this month. It's fun and the aesthetics are great, but I can never get along with the Dark Souls combat. I'm way too impatient for that whole block-parry-counter attack-block-parry-dodge-parry-counter attack bollocks, I just want to hack'n'slash my way through. I've died way too many times by either falling to my death after being twatted or trying to barge my through some meathead swinging a church spire.

  5. What are the rules on bands covering copyrighted music live on TV? With no 'Judas' being allowed for Jericho's entrance next week, it would be cool if Sevendust played his old WWF theme live. They recorded a version of 'Break The Walls Down' for the (grossly titled) 'WWF Forcible Entry' album, the lyrics include "Baby you know you're Judas and I'm your priest" and they start touring in early September. Hell, the lead singer for the original version was the frontman for E-Town Concrete, and I'm sure he'll be up for it too.

    Either way, I hope AEW aren't banking on the fans singing 'Judas' themselves all the way to the chorus, as most fans only know the lyrics to the main hook. Should be a laugh whatever happens.

  6. 1 hour ago, tiger_rick said:

    Think I've only even had a bit of buffering once on Fite in 2 years. Sounds like you've been pretty unlucky @Accident Prone I use Android app and Chromecast.

    Sound. I've heard that the Chromecast is the most stable so I'll try that out. The Samsung TV app is extra shit because you can't fast-forward properly or even resume from where you left off, and to stream directly to the TV is a BETA option on the app, which might explain the issues. Fingers crossed for the Chromecast though, because it felt really chill to just get up, make a coffee and sit on the sofa with no faffing inbetween.

    On a more on-topic point, man did Dante Martin look fucking great!  One of my favourite tropes in wrestling is when an unknown or lower-card wrestler gets his chance with the top dogs and blows everyone away. He barely got a reaction coming in but they were chanting his name by the final bell. Incredible professional wrestling!

  7. 23 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Nope. Only issue I have ever had was streaming from my mac to an old Apple TV 3rd Gen. 4th upwards doesn't seem to have an issue. And I have used Fite for almost a year now.

    Hmmmm. I don't have any issues with other Samsung TV apps. I'm gonna try the Chromecast on Saturday morning, and if that's fruitless then I'll write it off and go back to my frugal ways.

    Again, it's a big shame as I really enjoyed that opening 6-man tag. I was fired up and let down.

  8. I usually watch Dynamite the next morning through "other" means, but I saw Rampage was added to the AEW PLUS gimmick on FITE TV, and £5 a month for those two shows seems like a good deal.

    Thank fuck I got a free trial first, because after the opening (excellent) 6-man tag, the app kept crashing every 90 seconds. Sometimes it would freeze and go back to the start, other times it would freeze and I would have to restart the stream myself. This is both through the app on Samsung TV and casting through the Android app. Really disappointing and frustrating. Anyone else have any issues with AEW on FITE?

  9. 32 minutes ago, seph said:

    Probably why they subverted the trope with Black smashing him with the crutch.

    No don't you understand, despite Black destroying Cody within minutes and pinning him with one leg after hitting his finish (Black even took the time to walk around and soak in the moment before placing his foot on Cody's chest for the pinfall), AND attacking Cody with a crutch mid-retirement (with Cody simultaneously selling the shit out of the beating he just received, both physically and emotionally) and Black actually taking his boot as a trophy...DESPITE all of that, Black's heat, momentum and star power is reduced to nothing because Cody talked on the mic for a few minutes. I am very smart.

  10. As someone who's knowledge of WCW in the 90's is patchy at best, what happened to Ole Anderson and Barry Windham? I'm watching a lot of early 90's WCW at the moment (jumping back and forth between time periods) and they seem so integral to the Four Horsemen, but then they just seem to disappear. 

  11. One thing to note about Gage, is that he has worked some people into believing that he is this unsafe, unhinged, uncooperative brawler who no one wants to do business with despite working major programs and angles with Jon Moxley, Zack Ryder and Chris fucking Jericho in the space of four months, and netting himself a prime time AEW main event on TNfuckingT. I don't want to go all "DEATHMATCH WRESTLING'S GREATEST SECRETS...EXPOSED!" here, but those high-tech AEW cameras shone a nice light on the slight-of-hand that properly good deathmatch wrestlers utilise. A masterclass in modern crowd manipulation.

  12. 16 hours ago, Accident Prone said:

    On the Gage/Jericho front, for anyone who isn't familiar with Gage (and even those of you who are), please don't get your hopes too high tonight. Nick Gage works best in smaller, intimate environments where he can take the lead and has no restrictions to work around. You're not going to have that same energy from his entrance and pro-longed ring announcement on an episode of Dynamite, and his flaws will be on show. I think at best, the match will fall a little flat, and at worse it'll stink up the joint. He's not going to win over anybody who isn't already a fan (like myself) but it's still going to be really cool to see and I really fucking hope that both he and Jericho prove me wrong on all those points.



    Mission accomplished! The match surpassed my every expectation and, despite the wobbly start, had the crowd going wild. An absolute triumph.

  13. I'm hoping the TK announcement is some sort of big annual tournament. Something like a BOLA or TPI, or even their own version of a round-robin G1. They're gonna have a lot of programming to fill with Rampage and quarterly specials so they'll need to fill that time with something. It'll be a great way for the younger talent to get their reps in, as well as being a good vehicle to get some mid/upper-carders to the next level.

    On the Gage/Jericho front, for anyone who isn't familiar with Gage (and even those of you who are), please don't get your hopes too high tonight. Nick Gage works best in smaller, intimate environments where he can take the lead and has no restrictions to work around. You're not going to have that same energy from his entrance and pro-longed ring announcement on an episode of Dynamite, and his flaws will be on show. I think at best, the match will fall a little flat, and at worse it'll stink up the joint. He's not going to win over anybody who isn't already a fan (like myself) but it's still going to be really cool to see and I really fucking hope that both he and Jericho prove me wrong on all those points.



  14. The self-titled Slipknot album is still in my Top 10  Albums of all time, and most of that is based around Joey's fucking incredible drumming. There's a wall of controlled-chaos created by the ninesome, but Joey not only cut through the mix but he also held it all together. Saw them twice live at Download, with the 2009 gig being absolutely exceptional. I lost my mind when they leapt into the SIC-EYELESS combo with Joey steering course at the helm. An unbelievable loss for music. RIP.

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