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Accident Prone

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Posts posted by Accident Prone

  1. I've mentioned a few times on here about my loud-as-fuck PS4. I took it apart a fortnight ago and removed a metric shit ton of fluff and dust, put it all back together, switched on Spiderman and it was quiet as a mouse. Result!

    Fast-forward to now, and after only a few hours of AAA gaming, it's back to it's usual NASA rocket sound levels of fan noise. Even when I play something like Slay The Spire or Hollow Knight, it's kicking out so much noise. I'm pretty fucked off as I've got Spiderman and Doom as digital downloads and I've barely been able to touch them, and I'm at my wits end now.

    I could just trade it in and upgrade to a PS4 Pro, but that seems irresponsible and probably a bit stupid considering the arrival of the next-gen consoles. I just fancied a bit of a moan really, because the easy (and only) solution is to spend money but I can't justify it. I'll have to eat the cost of those digital games and maybe I'll get to play Spiderman again when I get a PS6 or PS7 or whatever console that Sony manages me to swing me around. Modern gaming is getting to be pretty shite.

  2. 9 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

    Never considered a Mox heel run but fuck me imagine the heat if he ever turns on Eddie in New York. 

    I hope that doesn't happen. The idea of fucking over the hometown boy in favour of "HEAT" is a trope of WWE booking that has failed more often than not over the past fifteen years. AEW seems to have their head screwed on when it comes to safe, reliable, crowd pleasing wins and that's what makes them a cut above.

  3. Brandon, Raab and Rake all distanced themselves after Viva La Bam/Bram's wedding finished, and there hasn't been much cross-over with those guys since then save for sporadic podcast/radio appearances and whoever cameo'd in Jackass 3. Those three pretty much want to lead quiet lives now and I can't see Bam's current mental state being appealing at all, even if it paid well. I can definitely see those three making cameos in Jackass 4 though.

    Still hoping that it's all just one big last prank on the public, but that's because I want all the lads to be happy (yes, even Bam).

  4. I'm grasping at the thinnest slither of hope that this Bam Margera mess is just one big last prank that will fittingly end up with Ehren McGhehey getting pubic hair glued to his face again. Please.

  5. Low point:

    The 2020 Money In The Bank was a fucking disaster, and made me embarrassed to even waste my bandwidth on the dodgy site I was using to watch it. I've wrote about it extensively on my (soon to be gone) website, and I've whinged about it on Twitter a fair bit, but it's honestly the worst piece of media that WWE has ever constructed and released. I question the tastes of anyone who even remotely enjoyed it, and it'll forever be a stain on WWE's creative legacy.

    High point:

    The 2020 Stadium Stampede was a fucking triumph, and made me delightfully happy that I didn't chuck wrestling in the bin after MITB. I can't put into words how much I enjoyed this firing shot by AEW at WWE's unmitigated cinematic shitpiece earlier in the month, although I tried to express it on Twitter a fair bit, but it's honestly the best piece of non-traditional in-ring wrestling of the pandemic era (possibly of all time). I align with the tastes of anyone who even remotely enjoyed it, and it'll forever be a sign of AEW's creative integrity.

  6. Got home from a funeral tonight, a bit worse for wear and sqwibbly from six pints of lager, and ordered a Maccies on JustEat only for the bastards to cancel the order after forty minutes of waiting. No reason given, just a "fuck you, sir".



  7. 50 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    *dont say it dont say it dont say it dont say----* 


    According to IsThisBandEmo.com, Death Cab and FFAF are emo. Sorry, fella.

  8. As someone with a stammer/stutter, I shorten everything for the sake of easy (less embarrassing) conversation. It's far more easier for myself to say "TBS" than "Taking Back Sunday", though it still might come out as "T-T-T-T-T-T-T-BS". But as people have already stated, it's all about the context and situation.

  9. I completed Horizon Zero Dawn this week after buying the game a couple years back and losing interest a third of the way through. I picked it up again when the pandemic Winter began last year. Really beautiful game albeit with a slightly boring/ convoluted story. The writers could've easily binned a massive chunk of the warring tribes stuff and just stuck with the mystery behind the machines and Aloy's mother as the major storylines, but I guess they wanted to impress the world-building nerds and people who love reading gigantic text walls of lore.

    The world feels empty but that works to it's merit considering the plot, and it feels fresh compared to other, more-overwhelming open-world games. It's the perfect podcast game too, especially when hunting for animal skins/machine parts, the hunting challenges, the various errands and all the collectibles. It's just a shame that my PS4 has all but given up the ghost, so the last 50 hours or so were spent with the extremely loud WWWHHHHHHIIIIIIRRRRRRRRR of a struggling console trying to circulate it's hot air. By that point I had lost interest in most of the story though, so it wasn't a big loss.

    Oh, for anyone yet to get so far in the game, here's a warning; I 100%'ed the game and didn't get a trophy. I collected all the datapoints and books and weapons and outfits, and got fuck all for my efforts. Not getting a trophy for a large part of the collectibles is understandable. However, not getting a trophy for 100%'ing the game is deplorable. I was kicking myself for not checking the trophy list first before heading out to collect everything, because otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. I LIVE for those satisfying achievement sounds. At least I got a Platinum, so there's that.

    OH AND ANOTHER THING; the level cap is 50, and I maxed that out right before I hit the last quarter of the game with tons left to do. Apparently the DLC increases the cap so be sure to grab that if you plan on playing that ( a shithouse move, in my opinion). As for myself, my PS4 is on death's door so I'm planning to force my way through Spiderman and Doom (unless the noise of the fan is too much and I give up entirely)  before sending the bloody thing to CEX.


  10. 17 hours ago, wordsfromlee said:

    Double post but I don't care. This needs talking about.

    What the fuck is this? I get that bands sound evolve but this isn't even the same band. Someones been listening to Morrissey too much.


    This might sound like a stupid question, but this is the very same Deafheaven who released this back in 2010?! That's quite the sound change!


  11. I've always believed that 'Toss The Salad' was just another euphemism for wanking. Found out today that I was very, very wrong;

    NSFW (pasted from Urban Dictionary)



    A slang-term indicating the use of one's tongue and lips to lick, suck, and penetrate one's anus for the purposes of sexual stimulation: The term originated in prisons during the late 1970's or early 1980's and was derived from the fact that salad dressing was often used to help suppress the taste. Other condiments such as grape-jelly, maple-syrup, and ketchup have also been used for this purpose as well.

    The expression became famous due to the statements of a prison inmate in an HBO special titled: "Prisoners of the War on Drugs";
    "First of all, right, if hes a new comer, right, I want him to suck my ass with jelly, what they call "tossing the salad" -- thats the slang word: "tossing salad" -- it means sucking my ass, right, with jelly or without jelly. Some people use syrup, I prefer for the guy to use jelly, right. I will reach my climate, right, I will automatically get hard right. I will, you know, come automatically if hes sucking my ass for about ten minutes or longer. Its a sensation/feeling and it makes you feel real good. Most all gays do that, you know what Im saying? Like guys to suck their ass. Its just like a pussy, right, but the only different is its not a pussy, right. It's clean, the person is decent, and the person knows that thats a asshole but in they mind they're lookin' at it like a pussy because hes in prison. So, toss my salad, and let him eat me, you know, and we straight. Thats it."- Michael "Snowball" Jones, Inmate #000838155A, East Jersey State Prison.



  12. Christ, I hope Bam doesn't end up doing something incredibly stupid. We kinda knew that he was going to be the one who'd struggle the most after Jackass 3, but this is bordering on real scary "garage side door open" territory.


    45 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Die away on that hill sunshine. A proper Chippy doesnt sell kebabs. kebab houses do sell fish and chips often. The two are separate business ventures.

    B2E for me cheers.

    You could class every chippy in the West Midlands the same way then as every one of them has at least one thick leg of kebab slowly rotating in the background. We got into this same argument a while back.


    31 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Who the fuck is serving a kebab in naan at all, regardless of the shop?

    My bad that, I did mean pitta bread but I am FIRED UP.

  14. 1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    We have threads for practically every foodstuff going except kebabs for some reason, so this is what happens.


    1 hour ago, King Coconut said:

    Is this the fucking kebab tea thread? 


    Kebab and Chips IS a chippy tea, except for when it comes in a naan bread then in which case it isn't. Ask any other city slicker and they'll tell you the same. I will die on this hill.

  15. I said it on Twitter but it bears repeating; no Kebab+Chips option is an outrage, and having to choose between either a sauce OR salt+vinegar is bullshit of the highest order. I refuse to play.

  16. 22 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    It looks like the new version of Virtua Fighter 5 has been gimped if you're an offline player, they've stripped away the Quest mode. Interestingly it's called e-Sports Edition or something very similar in Japan, very much an online only affair.

    Oh what the fuck. I was getting really excited to jump into VF on PS Plus this week; it was the very first fighting series that I fell in love with as a kid but I'm still a button-bashing loser when it comes to fighting non-AI opponents. Utter bollocks to it all.

  17. Drake Younger's arc from small time indie rookie, to deathmatch king, to drug-addicted hasbeen, to getting cleaned up and becoming one of the hottest babyfaces on the indie scene and rising to the top, to getting signed by WWE and becoming a head referee at their performance centre, to reff'ing the biggest match at the 2018 WrestleMania with Ronda Rousey, Kurt Angle and the McMahon-Helmsley duo...man, what a fucking redemption story. Everyone loved that guy. I find PMA people to be incredibly exhausting and fake, but he always came across as genuine, loved life and loved everyone around him. That AOW podcast he did around the time of his big PWG rise, and his appearances on Kevin Steen's YouTube show, really cemented him as one of the loveliest men in the business.

    Everyone was incredibly happy to see him get signed. It's a fucking travesty what happened after all that. Sucked into an extreme right-wing rhetoric, even to the point of getting his kids, friends and workmates involved, and now he's lost his job because of it. Throwing tantrums at work because your boss talked about inclusivity and other religions? For fucks sake, man. I'm sure he's going to spin his release into martyrdom and he'll blame it on Twitter, the left-wing and 'cancel culture', and people who really should know better will be proving his point by constantly harassing him on social media. It's sad.

  18. Slightly off-topic; The Simpsons died for me with the horrendous, cringe-inducing Elon Musk episode. Just the worse pandering, ego-inflating bullshit. Rick And Morty suffered a similar fate when they had Elon guest on their show too. I'll sound like a proper old fart here, but I preferred it when billionaires were openly mocked and made fun of, not worshipped and glorified by the masses. It gives me the creeps whenever I see a pro-billionaire social media post from a regular schmuck.

    Back on topic; Getting up early on a Sunday morning before the rest of the house and nursing a king size coffee in a king size mug whilst lounging on the sofa. Absolute bliss. Absolute perfection.

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